属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-拆乐高 乐高如何成为全球最畅销玩具公司
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-物流公司 陷入困境
1 | 到四月五日,赤道无风带状态逐渐缓和。 | On April 5 the doldrums eased | |
2 | 尽管采取了这些措施,经济状况仍然毫无起色. | Despite these measures,the economy remains in the doldrums . | |
3 | 尽管香港经济目前还处于困难之中,但是一时的沙尘磨灭不掉明珠的光辉。 | Although Hong Kong’s economy is still in the doldrums , the occasional whirlwind cannot eclipse the brilliance of the bright pearl | |
4 | 进入90年代之后,我国交响音乐创作的状态有些寂寥。 | Entering the 1990s, Chinese symphonic creation found itself in the doldrums . | |
5 | 经过多年一蹶不振的演艺生涯,连自己是否选择了一个合适的、"高尚的"职业都不敢肯定的休·格兰特,凭借影片《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》一炮走红。 | Having spent years in the acting doldrums , unsure even as to whether he had chosen an appropriate, "dignified" career, he scored a massive smash with Four Weddings And A Funeral | |
6 | 如此快的增长与几年前销售不景气的情况形成了强烈的对比,当时经济衰退使得分析仪器的销售很少或根本没有增长。 | Such growth is in stark contrast to the doldrums of several years ago when economic recession held back sales growth to little or nothing. | |
7 | 四十年代后期的经济不景气. | the eco-nomic doldrums of the late forties | |
8 | 他郁郁不乐. | He`s in the doldrums . | |
9 | 许多企业在八月份营业清淡。 | august is a time of doldrums for many enterprises | |
10 | 自从她离开他以来,他一直很消沉. | He’s been in the doldrums ever since she left him. | |
11 | 第二,目前工资增长的明显好转可能会鼓励企业增加投资,来提升生产力以脱离不景气,减少通胀压力。 | Second, even the moderate pickup in wage growth to date might encourage firms to invest more, lifting productivity out of the doldrums and dampening inflationary pressure. | |
12 | 矿产品价格除了在2008年经济危机爆发后短暂下挫外,一直在上涨。上世纪九十年代的矿产业低潮已成了遥远的回忆。 | Commodity prices have surged, dipping only temporarily after the financial crisis of 2008. The doldrums of the 1990s are a distant memory. | |
13 | 圣诞节过后是玩具业的淡季,《乐高大电影》也许在短期内能给这家公司注入一剂强心针。 | The Lego Movie may be providing the company with a welcome boost during the toy industry’s post-Christmas doldrums . | |
14 | 协议停滞不前。 | The deal is in the doldrums . | |
15 | 由于近年贸易总体增长缓慢,运速较慢的航运和空运业很久以来都处于低迷状态。 | The slower-moving shipping and air-cargo business has long been in the doldrums as a result of slow overall growth in trade in recent years. | |
16 | “经济显露走出颓势的迹象,第三季GDP预计将录得正增长,”Spinello表示。 | The economy shows signs of coming out of its doldrums and GDP is expected to be positive in the third quarter, Spinello said. | |
17 | 2009年,当多数艺术市场惨淡低迷时,最好的十张地毯的起拍价为128500美元。 | In 2009, when much of the market was still in the doldrums , prices for the top ten auctioned carpets started at $128, 500. | |
18 | 毕竟,在多年消沉之后,农田现在突然又变得时髦起来了,这多亏了重新被刺激起来的农作物价格。 | After all, farmland, after many years in the doldrums , is suddenly fashionable again, thanks to revitalised agricultural prices. | |
19 | 不过,研究人员最近公布了十点行动计划,以此帮助年轻妈妈走出忧郁的泥淖。 | But now researchers have revealed a ten-point action plan to help young mums out of the doldrums . | |
20 | 但是,美国的风电业处于低迷期,还有一些其他大的投资没有付诸实施。 | But with the American wind industry in the doldrums , there are few other big investments pending. | |
21 | 但是专家质疑在经济不景气的时候,人们对电动汽车能有多大的兴趣。 | But experts question how much interest there will be for electric cars while the economy is in the doldrums . | |
22 | 但斯彭斯表示,这些并不足以提振停滞的全球经济。 | But Spence said that’s not enough to lift the global economy out of the doldrums . | |
23 | 根据一项对花钱决策方面的研究,下回心情不好的时候,也许你要考虑回避超市。 | Next time you’re down in the doldrums , you might want to avoid the mall. | |
24 | 股市持续低迷,许多城市的资产价值也跌去了百分之三十到四十。 | The stock market is in the doldrums and property values in many cities are off 30 to 40 percent. | |
25 | 宏观上来看,石油价格过高,全球经济却持续低迷。 | Of paramount concern is the fact that oil prices have jumped so high with the global economy in such doldrums . | |
26 | 基因并不能让你完全不受坏情绪的困扰,还有其他的外在因素会把你拖进忧郁里。 | Genes do not provide free passes from the doldrums , and other external factors will still try to mow you down. | |
27 | 即使这块市场崩盘且连年低迷,也不会对重工业需求产生实质性影响。 | They could collapse and remain in the doldrums for years without having a material impact on heavy industrial demand. | |
28 | 经历数年不景气之后,古典吉他焕发新生 | After years in the doldrums , classical guitar has a bright new voice | |
29 | 可是,如果那些药物瘾君子能够学会如何应对自己的烦躁情绪,他们烦躁情绪复发的可能性就会降低。 | If drug addicts can learn to deal with their doldrums , however, they may be less likely to relapse. | |
30 | 里根总统当年是怎么从两年的低迷期恢复到1984年大选票获得连任的呢? | How did Reagan recover from his two-year doldrums and win re-election by a landslide in 1984? |