1 | 剩下的似乎只有羞辱,即使如此,乔治仍从长计议,预见他最终要统治这个国家。 | Only humiliations seemed left,but even here George took a long view,foreseeing as he did the eventual dominance of this country. | |
2 | 矢量介子主导模型及其应用 | Vector Meson Dominance Model and Its Application | |
3 | 试论后金主称帝的时间 | Discussion on the Beginning Time of HouJin Master's Dominance | |
4 | 试论运用安检优势强化船员证后监督 | Discussing about Reinforcing Surveillance for Crew by Using Safety Examines Dominance after their Obtaining Competency Certificates | |
5 | 水稻两系亚种间杂种优势分析及其亲本选配的研究 | Analysis on the Hybrid Dominance in Subspecies of the two-lines and the Selection and Match of Their Parents in Rice | |
6 | 说来也怪那位新选出的理事在委员会中居然占有绝对的支配地位。 | Strange enough, that new director has complete dominance of / over the whole committee. | |
7 | 四是以公有制为主体、多种经济成分共同发展,是中国在相当长的一个历史阶段内需要坚持的一项基本经济制度。 | IV). Maintaining the dominance of public ownership and allowing common development of entities of multiple ownership will be a basic economic system China will adhere to in a considerable historical period. | |
8 | 他并非温驯的羔羊,第二提琴手的地位跟他那力求出人头他的天性格格不久。 | He was no gentle lamb, and the part of second fiddle would never do for the high-pitched dominance of his nature | |
9 | 他们原先的优势是暗中取得的。 | They achieved their original dominance by stealth. | |
10 | 投资专案以综合食品为核心,主要的事业群均已取得优秀成绩,在即将投入的各项事业也将奋力搏进,取得市场占有率名列前茅的地位。 | The core of our investments is food inclusively. As we strive to keep our leads for the existing main businesses, we also work toward market dominance for our new investments. | |
11 | 为主宰世界而竞争的人将转向在遗传学和低温学领域展开竞争。 | Humans vying for dominance will turn to genetics and cryogenics to compete | |
12 | 围裙带:围裙上的带子,通常以复数形式与tied连用指完全的控制或支配。 | Apron string: The string of an apron. Usually used in the plural with tied to indicate complete control or dominance . | |
13 | 文献注解:大脑优势与功能不对称之发展 | Development of Cerebral Dominance and functional Asymmetry: An Annotated Bibliography | |
14 | 我们成功地在英国收缩国家疆界,并不是为了在欧洲一级重新推行国家疆界,让一个欧洲超级国家从布鲁塞尔实行新的控制。 | We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the State in Britain only to see them reimposed at a European level, with a European super-State exercising a new dominance from brussels | |
15 | 我们所追求的复兴,其结果将不是像欧洲复兴那样,导致殖民主义,导致以奴隶贩卖为其组成部分的经济制度主宰世界。 | The rebirth we are engaged in is not one that will culminate, as European renaissance did, in colonization and dominance of a world economic system, of which the slave trade was an integral part | |
16 | 我们支持所有勇于反对美国的人。 | And we support any person who stands in the face of the American dominance ," said a member of Jordan’s parliament | |
17 | 下面大街上骑在马上的骑士们和怀着崇敬之情的群众在歌颂本市的权势。 | In the street below knights on horseback and adoring crowds celebrate the city’s dominance | |
18 | 星期一,在第]2届亚洲田径锦标赛中,中国选手继续一统天下,囊括了6枚金牌,包括男子100米和女子100米金牌。 | China continued its dominance of the 12th Asia Athletics Championships on Monday,taking Six golds including the men’s and women’s 100-metre. | |
19 | 巽他陆坡下部陆源碎屑粒度分布的控制因素 | Dominance Factors of the Terrigenous Sediment Granulometric Distribution in the Lower Sunda Slope | |
20 | 也许是英语在商业和实用价值的优势,使部分华人在观念上矮化了华文的地位。 | The dominance of the English language in business and daily life has likely caused some Chinese to look down on the status of the Chinese language. | |
21 | 一些专家认为,这预示着该省产业结构开始从低水平、粗放型向高新技术主导型转变。 | Some experts believe that this foretells the transformation of industrial structure of this province from a low level, extensive type to a new high level technology dominance | |
22 | 以儿童劲动脉内sodium amytal注射(瓦达试验)决定语言及记忆功能优势大脑半球之初步经验 | Pediatric Intracarotid Sodium Amytal (ISA)Procedure in Determiination of Cerebral Dominance for Language and Memory Function-Preliminary report | |
23 | 以优势关系为基础的粗糙集在地震数据挖掘中的应用 | Application of Dominance Rough Set in Seismology | |
24 | 音乐评论家别诺依·杜脱尔特说,布列及其弟子们无人挑战的统治使法国的创造精神(不仅在音乐方面,还包括其它方方面面)受到了伤害。 | Benoit Duteurtre, a musical journalist, says the unchallenged dominance of Boulez and his disciples is typical of what has afflicted the French creative spirit, not just in music but across the board. | |
25 | 用介形类优势分异度恢复古湖盆的水深-以山东东营凹陷古近系沙河街组沙三段湖盆为例 | Water Depth of palaeo-lacustrine Basin Recovered by Dominance Diversity of Ostracoda: An Example from Sedimentary Period of the Member 3 of Shahejie Formation of Paleogene in Dongying Sag, Shandong Province | |
26 | 用弱优超的概念改造NTU对策中的核心 | Refining Core of NTU Games by Defining Weak Dominance | |
27 | 由于微软也在伺机推出自己的竞争搜索技术,雅虎此举形成了一种三足鼎立的竞争格局,将挑战Google近来在互联网搜索领域的霸主地位。 | With Microsoft ready to launch a rival technology, the move sets up a three-way struggle that will challenge Google’s recent dominance of internet searching. | |
28 | 与独生子女政策有关的数据证实了中国重男轻女思想持续的统治地位。 | Statistics on the one-child policy confirm the continuing dominance of a patriarchal mentality in China. | |
29 | 这是众多迹象之一,表明社会某部分人憎恨环保规章的盛行,他们怕这会损害他们独一无二的偶像:汽车。 | This is one of many indicators that certain segments of society resent the perceived dominance of environmental regulations, which they fear will harm their one and only object of worship: the car. | |
30 | 这种控制和依附关系实际上渗透到各个方面。 | Such dominance and dependence relationships are indeed pervasive |