属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-邻避主义与选举 柏油碎石路反对者投票
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-在圣保罗骑行 热带的哥本哈根
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-服装零售 专注追随快时尚的他们
1 | 我站在门前台阶上,冻得浑身发抖。 | I stand on the doorstep shivering with cold. | |
2 | 西蒙还没去开门就知道路易莎不在家。再说,她要是在的话,他们家的大猫白格卜斯,就不会缩在门前的台阶上了。 | Even before he tried the door,Simon knew that Louisa wasn’t home.Besides, if she’d beenthere, Bagpuss,the family’s enormous tabby, wouldn’t have been hunched on the doorstep . | |
3 | 新闻记者整天在他门口纠缠着不走。 | Newspapermen camped at his doorstep all day. | |
4 | 耶和华的荣耀从殿的门槛那里出去,停在基路伯以上。 | Then the glory of the Lord went out from the doorstep of the house, and came to rest over the winged ones. | |
5 | 耶和华的荣耀从基路伯那里上升,停在门槛以上。殿内满了云彩,院宇也被耶和华荣耀的光辉充满。 | and the glory of the Lord went up from the winged ones and came to rest over the doorstep of the house; and the house was full of the cloud and the open square was full of the shining of the Lord’s glory. | |
6 | 一些新闻记者日夜在他门口纠缠不走。 | News reporters camped upon his doorstep day and night. | |
7 | 以色列神的荣耀本在基路伯上,现今从那里升到殿的门槛。神将那身穿细麻衣,腰间带着墨盒子的人召来。 | and the glory of the God of Israel had gone up from the winged ones on which it was resting, to the doorstep of the house. and crying out to the man clothed in linen who had the writer’s inkpot at his side, | |
8 | 因此,大衮的祭司和一切进亚实突,大衮庙的人都不踏大衮庙的门槛,直到今日。 | So to this day no priest of Dagon, or any who come into Dagon’s house, will put his foot on the doorstep of the house of Dagon in ashdod. | |
9 | 又次日清早起来,见大衮仆倒在耶和华的约柜前,脸伏于地,并且大衮的头和两手都在门槛上折断,只剩下大衮的残体。 | and when they got up early on the morning after, Dagon had come down to the earth on his face before the ark of the Lord; and his head and his hands were broken off on the doorstep ; only the base was in its place. | |
10 | 又有卫房,每房长一竿,宽一竿,相隔五肘。门槛,就是挨着向殿的廊门槛,宽一竿。 | and the watchmen’s rooms were one rod long and one rod wide; and the space between the rooms was five cubits; the doorstep of the doorway, by the covered way of the doorway inside, was one rod. | |
11 | 于是我们向门走去,嗨,真想不到!他就在门口的台阶上。 | So I went to the door,and,lo and behold,there he was on the doorstep . | |
12 | 在门前的台阶上有一条她落掉的手帕。 | On the doorstep lay her handkerchief, which she had dropped | |
13 | ||1:Osbron先生正在准备秋季演说,而之前的预计也让他感到不太舒服。||2:虽然这次演说中会公布支出和税收变化以及3月份削减的额度,但他想让别人明白他不会把这次演说当成一次“财政事件”,归根到底,这是一次政治化决策。||3:财政部长会编织出一系列的小型和低成本措施,比如说帮助一些信用良好的小型企业制定一个连贯的增值计划。||4:的确可能有些老生常谈了,不过这就是摆在英国面前的现实问题。 | ||1: This leaves Mr Osborne in an uncomfortable position as he prepares his autumn statement. ||2: He has made it clear that he does not regard it as a “fiscal event” where spending and tax changes are announced; that will be saved for the budget in March. But it is a political set-piece all the same. ||3: So the chancellor will try to knit together a variety of small, fairly cheap policy strands, such as measures to help small businesses with credit, into a coherent growth strategy. ||4: Given the unfolding catastrophe on Britain’s doorstep , it is likely to look threadbare. | |
14 | ||1:哎!《新快报》可能也清楚,在共产党执政了64年后的今天,媒体从根本上是被国家管控的,中国的事情,远不是那么简单。||2:地方报纸首先要向地方领导汇报工作,而地方领导有时会命令他们去报导别的省份而非自家的腐败事件。||3:中央有时也号召新闻业监督腐败,但当他们真的曝光腐败的时候,中央又会变脸。 | ||1:Alas, as the paper might have known after 64 years of Communist Party rule, things are not so simple in China, where all media are ultimately controlled by the state.||2:Local papers answer first to local leaders, who sometimes let them report venal goings-on in other provinces, if not on their own doorstep .||3:Central authorities also sometimes call on the press to act as a watchdog against corruption, but then react harshly when that call is answered. | |
15 | ||1:然而这样做,卡梅伦激怒了很多保守派选民。||2:HS2虽在白金汉宫里赢得了一众议员的支持,但特别有争议性。||3:一保守党人承认,该铁路确实是家门口的“麻烦”,他正在试图重新当选,因为他能发出的反对之声是有限的。||4:新晋的托利党敌人、2013年在沿线捞得了6个议会席位的英国独立党正借此事获取私利。||5:它声称是“唯一”反对HS2带来的“建筑破坏”的政党(尽管绿党同样也反对HS2)。 | ||1:Yet in doing so, Mr Cameron has infuriated many natural Conservative voters.||2:HS2, which runs through a series of safe blue seats in Buckinghamshire, is particularly divisive.||3:The railway is a “headache” on the doorstep , admits one Conservative MP seeking re-election, as he is often limited in how vocally he can oppose it.||4:To add to Tory woes, the UK Independence Party, which scooped up six council seats in 2013 along the route, is making hay on the issue.||5:It claims to be the “only” party against the “construction disruption” HS2 will bring (although the Green Party also opposes it). | |
16 | ||1:圣保罗人里十个有九个称他们希望拓展他们城市的自行车道网络。||2:实际上,有些人的意愿并不是那么热切。||3:短期来看,由于自行车道对之前的公路系统有影响,交通拥堵的状况可能会加剧。||4:文森特·赛风在Higienópolis经营一家面包店,该地区树木众多。近期来工作的他发现自行车道都修到他的门口。||5:运送50千克一麻袋的面粉不得不从很远的街道另一边拖过来。||6:赛风抱怨道,50米宽的车道被涂上沥青灰,以让面包师安心。倘若不是那些骑行者,谁会在没有警告的机动车道危险穿行。||7:市政厅的发言人Leonardo Barchini声称这样的混乱是不可避免的。||8:他希望这让人着恼的事能尽快得到解决,比如在特定的时间段允许货运车暂时停靠在自行车道。 | ||1:Nine in ten paulistanos say they want the cycle network extended.||2:In practice, some are less keen.||3:In the short run congestion may worsen as bike lanes impinge on precious road space.||4:Vicente Safon, who runs a bakery in Higienópolis, a leafy district, came to work recently to find one being traced on his doorstep .||5:Deliveries of flour in 50kg (110lb) sacks had to be lugged from a distant side street.||6:Mr Safon complained; a 50-metre stretch was painted over in asphalt grey—to the relief of the baker, if not the bikers, who now find themselves in a car lane with no warning.||7:Such kerfuffles are inevitable, says Leonardo Barchini, a city-hall spokesman.||8:He hopes the kinks can be ironed out, for instance by allowing delivery vehicles to stop on bike lanes at certain times. | |
17 | ||琼安·瑞科·李卡特来自巴塞罗那的另一家商学院IESE,声称这样的改变无异于对Mango进行基因重组,可谓困难重重。即使一切都能按照计划进行,要想取得Zara目前的销售量也需要差不多十年功夫。不过,有这么两位竞争对手紧紧相随,足以叫Inditex时刻保持警醒。|| | Such change is akin to altering Mango’s DNA says Joan Enric Ricart of IESE, another business school in Barcelona—a formidable challenge. Even if all goes to plan, it will take almost a decade to get to where Zara’s sales are now.|| Nevertheless, having two such ambitious rivals on its doorstep will surely keep Inditex on its toes.|| | |
18 | “现在,一家《财富》(Fortune)500强企业来到了家门口。” | "Now a Fortune 500 company has come right to my doorstep . " | |
19 | 《罗密欧》在将新的音乐请进你的iPad时会考虑你所“喜爱”的那些音乐视频作出选择。 | Romeo takes those "Loves" into account as it delivers new music videos to your doorstep . | |
20 | 5月的最后一周会有很多款待客人的乐趣——从5月26日开始,火星将与木星在水瓶宫中窃窃私语,这将带来一些可爱的消息到你家门口。 | The last week of May holds many treats, for on May 26, Mars will speak to Jupiter in Aquarius, bringing some lovely news to your doorstep . | |
21 | 班卓被装在一个纸口袋里,放在我家台阶上,它就这样来到了我这里,它显然是一窝德国牧羊狗中最矮小的。 | Banjo came to me by way of a paper bag deposited on my doorstep , apparently the unwanted runt of a litter of German shepherd puppies. | |
22 | 常春藤校园里的秋季,万圣节的南瓜灯端坐在门前的台阶上。 | Autumn in the Ivy League. A Halloween jack-o’-lantern on the doorstep . | |
23 | 但在短期内,正如我们目前在利比亚所看到的,欧洲有可能面对自家门口旷日持久的冲突和混乱局面。 | In the short term, as we are seeing in Libya, the risks are of prolonged conflict and chaos on Europe’s doorstep . | |
24 | 当她走出门时我的心都快跳出来了。 | When she came out on the doorstep my heart leaped. | |
25 | 到了家门口,她放下箱子,把钥匙插进门锁,这时,一个念头冒了出来。 | She sets her briefcase down on the doorstep , and, as she turns her key in the lock, an idea takes hold. | |
26 | 第一印象是个有趣的事情,如果家门口出现新面孔。还是记得这一点,比较明智。 | First impressions are a funny thing and it’s always wise to take a moment to consider this when something new turns up on your doorstep . | |
27 | 毒贩子总能在自家门口物色到客户,买方经过数次光顾后,就会打消对贩毒者的疑虑。 | Dealers can always find customers on their doorstep , and buyers can reassure themselves about suppliers through repeated custom. | |
28 | 而华盛顿方面,则因察觉到欧盟在面对自家门口的威胁时所表现出的惊慌而沮丧。 | Washington, for its part, continues to be dismayed by perceived EU flakiness over threatening problems on its own doorstep . | |
29 | 而且,到目前为止,他顺利的处理了“占领费城”的抗议者,毫不夸张的说,他们就在市政厅的门阶上搭帐篷。 | And, so far, he is smoothly handling the Occupy Philadelphia protesters, who are literally camped on City Hall’s doorstep . | |
30 | 法案的这层门阶基本上处理了金融的各个方面,不只是决议。 | This doorstep of a bill deals with pretty much every aspect of finance, not just resolution. |