属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-日本提出加班时间限制打击过劳死
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-营救马萨伊被早婚女孩
1 | 这是女孩子的宿舍。 | This is the girl’s dormitory . | |
2 | 职业院校学生宿舍6S管理的思考与实践 | The Consideration and Practice about Dormitory 6S Administration in Vocational College | |
3 | 住校的男生在宿舍里睡觉。 | Boys who live at school sleep in a dormitory . | |
4 | 自从汪太太说要为她跟赵辛楣介绍,她对孙小姐更起了戒心,因为孙小姐常说到教授宿舍看辛楣去的。 | Ever since Mrs. Wang had said she wanted to introduce her to Chao Hsin-mei, she had become even more wary of Miss Sun, because Miss Sun was always saying she was going to the faculty, dormitory to see Hsin-mei | |
5 | 昨晚父亲用车把我送回宿舍。 | Father dropped me back at the dormitory last night | |
6 | “她不住在家里,而是住在公司的宿舍。所有她没有人可以交谈,也没有办法摆脱这种压在她身上的‘你必须工作,你必须工作,你必须工作’的环境。” | "She was living not at home, but in a corporate dormitory . So there was never anybody to talk to. Never any way of her breaking out of the environment where ‘you must work, you must work, you must work,’ was being pressed upon her." | |
7 | ||1:曼哈顿北部一处优雅的房产名为黄金橡,对于简而言,在这工作似乎美好得不真实。||2:她每天裹着开司米,进行轻度运动,吃有机超级食品。||3:她的卧室比皇后区的宿舍豪华得多,她和刚出生的女儿与数十名菲律宾同胞同住在这里;薪水比她以前的工作高得多。||4:问题是她不得不离开自己的孩子,放弃自由,为世界上最有权势的女人之一代孕。 | ||1:For Jane, a job at Golden Oaks, an elegant property north of Manhattan, seems almost too good to be true.||2:She spends her days swaddled in cashmere, engaged in light exercise and nourished by organic superfoods.||3:Her bedroom is far more luxurious than the dormitory in Queens where she and her newborn daughter bunked with dozens of fellow Filipinas; the pay is much better than her previous jobs.||4:The hitch is that she had to leave her child, relinquish her freedom and carry a baby to term for one of the most powerful women in the world. | |
8 | 从1986年起,她已经营救了七百多个女孩。她的救援中心目前有15个女孩,她正在建造一栋最多容纳80个女孩的宿舍。 | She has rescued more than seven hundred girls since nineteen eighty-six. She now has fifteen girls at her center, and she is building a dormitory to house up to eighty girls. | |
9 | 当学生进入学校、教室或宿舍时,会发一个短视频来确认GPS录像的时间和日期。 | When a student enters their school, classroom or dormitory , a short video will be sent to confirm a GPS recording of the time and date. | |
10 | 宫里的年轻宫女们,在小恩小惠和明争暗斗之间左右为难,可能正是电子厂里年轻工人的写照。 | Young maids in a palace dormitory , torn between small acts of kindness and infighting, could be teenage workers at an electronics plant. | |
11 | (路透)-一栋豪华的公寓高楼,一栋工人宿舍楼,一个低收入住宅区和一片空地之间的共同点是什么? | (Reuters) - What do a luxury Chinese apartment tower, a workers’ dormitory , a low-income housing block and an empty field have in common? | |
12 | 10个工人共用一间装有双层床的20平方米大的宿舍。 | Up to 10 workers share each 20 square metres dormitory room, which is fitted with bunk beds. | |
13 | 19岁的富士康员工马向前的尸体早晨4点30分在他居住的宿舍楼前被发现。 | The body of a 19-year-old worker named Ma Xiangqian was found in front of his high-rise dormitory at 4: 30 a. m. | |
14 | 3号宿舍虽有四层楼,可只有一个盥洗室! | In Dormitory #3 there are four floors and just one bathroom! | |
15 | 3月17日,她从自己在龙华厂区的宿舍楼的四层跳下。 | On March 17, she jumped from the fourth story of her dormitory in the Longhua complex. | |
16 | 白领公寓·居住乐园--现代单身员工宿舍之可居性创造 | White Collar Apartment, Residential Paradise--Creation of the Inhabitability of Contemporary Single Staff Dormitory | |
17 | 本人要求贵公司提供一套单元房,如有困难,我要求一开始能在公司集体宿舍里有一个床位。 | I should require that your company provide me with an apartment. If impossible, I can accept a bed in the company’s dormitory to begin with. | |
18 | 创文明、洁净、快乐宿舍,做健康、积极、向上学生。 | Creates civilized, pure, the joyful dormitory , is healthily, positive, the upward student. | |
19 | 此外,如果不是住在提供免费食宿的工厂宿舍,在外面住租金非常昂贵。 | It has also become very expensive to live outside factories that provide them with free dormitory accommodation and meals. | |
20 | 从空间交往的角度谈高校学生宿舍设计 | Discuss on university dormitory design from viewpoint of space communication | |
21 | 从某高校大学生宿舍调查谈宿舍设计新趋势 | Discussion on new tendency of dormitory design from a university students dormitory | |
22 | 从他们宿舍中传来了摇滚乐的吼叫声。 | The Rock music blared from their dormitory . | |
23 | 大部分人会骑自行车回宿舍;有些会走路,或是扶着自行车一边走、一边聊天。 | Most of them rode their bikes back to the dormitory ; others walked, or walked their bikes, chatting with each other. | |
24 | 大家都必须遵守严格的宿舍校规。 | The dormitory had strict rules that must be obeyed. | |
25 | 大学生寝室室友之间的人际关系问题是人际关系中比较特殊的一类关系,意义重大。 | The interpersonal problem in dormitory is one of the most special relationships between students and it’s important. | |
26 | 大约有十九人被证实在宿舍楼那场火灾中死亡。 | About 19 people were confirmed dead in the dormitory fire . | |
27 | 第十五条在设有车间或者仓库的建筑物内,不得设置员工集体宿舍。 | Rooms within the same building of workshop or warehouse shall not be used as dormitory . | |
28 | 对冬季空调房间室内气流的数值模拟研究 | Numerical simulation and research about an air conditioned dormitory | |
29 | 对于大学生来说,和另一个学生同住宿舍是很常见的事,而且在有些学校是明文规定的。 | It is common for university students to share their dormitory rooms with another student, and at some universities this is required. | |
30 | 发挥宿舍阵地作用做好高校学生思想政治工作 | Promoting College Students’Idealogical Polity Job by Exerting the Role of Dormitory |