1 | 魔术家用变戏法从帽子里变出一只鸽子. | The conjurer used magic to produce a dove from his hat. | |
2 | 内阁中的鸽派 | The dove view within the cabinet | |
3 | 你们安卧在羊圈的时候,好像鸽子的翅膀镀白银,翎毛镀黄金一般。 | Will you take your rest among the flocks? like the wings of a dove covered with silver, and its feathers with yellow gold. | |
4 | 你依然爱我--你愿?敞开些你的心,;好让你那羽翼湿透的鸽子扑进来! | And fold within, the wet wings of thy dove . | |
5 | 平地风波. | a flutter in the dove -cot | |
6 | 弱肉强食。 | He who makes himself a dove is eaten by the hawk. | |
7 | 他们必如雀鸟从埃及急速而来,又如鸽子从亚述地来到,我必使他们住自己的房屋。这是耶和华说的。 | Shaking with fear like a bird, they will come out of Egypt, like a dove out of the land of assyria: and I will give them rest in their houses, says the Lord. | |
8 | 他说,你为我取一只三年的母牛,一只三年的母山羊,一只三年的公绵羊,一只斑鸠,一只雏鸽。 | and he said, Take a young cow of three years old, and a she-goat of three years old, and a sheep of three years old, and a dove and a young pigeon. | |
9 | 他又等了七天,放出鸽子去,鸽子就不再回来了。 | and after seven days more, he sent the dove out again, but she did not come back to him. | |
10 | 他又等了七天,再把鸽子从方舟放出去。 | and after waiting another seven days, he sent the dove out again; | |
11 | 他又放出一只鸽子去,要看看水从地上退了没有。 | and he sent out a dove , to see if the waters had gone from the face of the earth; | |
12 | 微雨霭芳原,春鸠鸣何处? | ..Mists have wet the fragrant meadows; A spring dove calls from some hidden place. | |
13 | 温和得象鸽子 | harmless as a dove | |
14 | 我冲向司机座,开动引擎。 | I dove for the driver’s seat and turned the ignition | |
15 | 我冲向司机座,开动引擎。野营车在那次旅途中已经顺利启动至少50次了。现在它再次启动,响了几声,却熄火了。 | I dove for the driver’s seat and turned the ignition. The camper had started perfectly at least 50 times that trip. Now it tried to turn over, sputtered a few times, and died. | |
16 | 我的鸽子,我的完全人,只有这一个是她母亲独生的。是生养她者所宝爱的。众女子见了,就称她有福。王后妃嫔见了,也赞美她。 | My dove , my very beautiful one, is but one; she is the only one of her mother, she is the dearest one of her who gave her birth. The daughters saw her, and gave her a blessing; yes, the queens and the servant-wives, and they gave her praises. | |
17 | 我的鸽子阿,你在磐石穴中,在陡岩的隐密处。求你容我得见你的面貌,得听你的声音。因为你的声音柔和,你的面貌秀美。 | O my dove , you are in the holes of the mountain sides, in the cracks of the high hills; let me see your face, let your voice come to my ears; for sweet is your voice, and your face is fair. | |
18 | 我的佳偶,你甚美丽,你甚美丽,你的眼好像鸽子眼。 | See, you are fair, my love, you are fair; you have the eyes of a dove . | |
19 | 我的佳偶,你甚美丽,你甚美丽。你的眼在帕子内好像鸽子眼。你的头发如同山羊群卧在基列山旁。 | See, you are fair, my love, you are fair; you have the eyes of a dove ; your hair is as a flock of goats, which take their rest on the side of Gilead. | |
20 | 我身睡卧,我心却醒。这是我良人的声音。他敲门,说,我的妹子,我的佳偶,我的鸽子,我的完全人,求你给我开门,因我的头满了露水,我的头发被夜露滴湿。 | I am sleeping, but my heart is awake; it is the sound of my loved one at the door, saying, Be open to me, my sister, my love, my dove , my very beautiful one; my head is wet with dew, and my hair with the drops of the night. | |
21 | 我说,但愿我有翅膀像鸽子,我就飞去得享安息。 | and I said, If only I had wings like a dove ! for then I would go in flight from here and be at rest. | |
22 | 我像燕子呢喃。像白鹤鸣叫。又像鸽子哀鸣。我因仰观,眼睛困倦。耶和华阿,我受欺压。求你为我作保。 | I make cries like a bird; I give out sounds of grief like a dove : my eyes are looking up with desire; O Lord, I am crushed, take up my cause. | |
23 | 向失去准头的球扑去 | Dove for the loose ball. | |
24 | 性情非常温和 | (as)mild as milk [as a lamb, as a dove , as May] | |
25 | 一天,诺亚放飞了一只白鸽,后来白鸽衔着一个橄榄枝飞回来了,人们看到橄榄枝后,就知道洪水已退去了。 | One day, he released a white dove from the ark and the bird returned carrying an olive branch to show that the great flood had ended. | |
26 | 以法莲好像鸽子愚蠢无知。他们求告埃及,投奔亚述。 | and Ephraim is like a foolish dove , without wisdom; they send out their cry to Egypt, they go to assyria. | |
27 | 以强凌弱,胜之不武。 | It is no honour for an eagle to vanquish a dove . | |
28 | 引起风波,使温顺和平的人们骚动起来. | flutter the dove -cot s | |
29 | 有〞鸽子〞牌的吗? | "Do you have any "" dove "" one? " | |
30 | 在戴夫用灭火器喷向车窗时,内森又冲进那炽热的车内。抓住卡着希瑟一只脚的滚烫的金属,他用尽了全身的力气拖--终于把希瑟被卡住的那只脚拽出来了。 | As Dave aimed the extinguisher into the window, Nathan dove into the inferno, clawing at the hot metal trapping Heather’s foot. He tugged with all his might--until the foot slipped free! |