属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新任联邦储备局长 鸽派主政
1 | 在一天的交易中,股票价格就急剧下跌了一百点. | Stock prices dove 100 points in a single day of trading. | |
2 | 这只鸽子一年到头居住在这里和我们为伴。 | This dove was resident with us all the year round. | |
3 | 珠颈斑鸠繁殖期占据领域鸣声特征及行为 | Behaviors and Characteristics of Occupying Territorial Song of Spotted Dove (Streptopelia chinensis)during Breeding Season | |
4 | ||1:一名男子被吊死在一棵美国梧桐树上,从他的衬衫就可以看出,但是他的头和脚都不见了。||2:一个从河里钓出来的红丝带,上面有一绺湿漉漉的毛茸茸的头发,还有一点头皮。||3:一个逃亡的奴隶在鸽子的心脏停止跳动之前嘎吱嘎吱地啃着它的胸骨。||4:当这个男人的嘴唇被拉回去咬一口时,涌上他的眼睛的野性。||5:《宠儿》中的男主角塞丝,她割断了自己的婴儿的喉咙,把他从奴隶的生命中救了出来,然后平静地继续捧着孩子的脸。 | ||1:A man hanged in a sycamore tree, known by his shirt, but with head and feet missing.||2:A red ribbon, fished from the river, with a curl of wet woolly hair attached to it and, to that, its bit of scalp.||3:A fugitive slave crunching the breast bone of a dove before its heart had stopped beating.||4:The wildness that shot up in a man’s eye when his lips were yanked back to take the bit.||5:Sethe, her heroine in "Beloved", serenely continuing to hold on her baby’s face after she had cut its throat to save it from a slave’s life. | |
5 | ||1:因为这些场景有时会与美擦肩而过-飒飒风吹的高大的梧桐树,在开花的李子树下被吃的鸽子-因为她的小说得了奖,尤其是1993年的著名的诺贝尔奖,评论家们倾向于称其为抒情的和诗意的描述。||2:没有什么使她更加生气了。||3:抒情风格意味着文学语言的介入。||4:它必须被剥离,被释放,被打开,被戏弄,以获得可写性。||5:她的文字作品的初稿是用二号铅笔写在黄色的便笺簿上,然后在文字处理器上经过了多达13次的修改。 | ||1:Because these scenes sometimes brushed against beauty—the sycamores tall and soughing, the dove eaten under flowering plum trees—and because her novels won prizes, notably the Nobel in 1993, critics tended to call them lyrical and poetic.||2:Nothing made her madder.||3:Lyricism meant that literary language was getting in the way.||4:It had to be stripped down, freed up, opened up and teased to get the writerly-ness out.||5:First drafts of her word-work, in number-two pencil on yellow legal pads, then went through as many as 13 revisions on the word-processor. | |
6 | ||1:在修复他的偶像Breguet制作于19世纪的座钟的同时,他还制作了两台同样风格的座钟,仅仅为了证明他可以战胜这位制表大师。||2:这两台座钟高贵典雅精美绝伦,宝玑表公司(Breguet)甚至坚持要将Breguet的秘密签名刻在上面。||3:丹尼尔斯同意了。||4:他自己也有一个秘密签名,是一只衔着橄榄枝的鸽子,意味着与竞争对手法国和瑞士之间的和睦相处。||5:但是如果250年来钟表制造业中最具天才的发明对于这两个国家太过神秘晦涩,那么,丹尼尔斯何不收起他的表,“啪”地一声合上表盖,放回衣袋呢。 | ||1:While restoring the timepieces made by his idol Breguet in the 19th century, he had made two clocks in the same style, just to prove he could beat the master.||2:They were so fine that the company insisted on putting the Breguet secret signatures on them.||3:Mr Daniels went along with it.||4:He had a secret cipher of his own, though, a dove with an olive branch.||5:It meant peace to his rivals, French or Swiss; but if the most ingenious invention in watchmaking for 250 years was too tricky for them, why, he would just pick it up, snap it shut and put it back in his pocket. | |
7 | 鸽派主政 | Dove ascendant | |
8 | 她不仅是首位入主联邦储备局的女性,而且是著名的鸽派人物。 | In addition to being the first woman to run the Fed, Ms Yellen is also the first acknowledged dove . | |
9 | (那时美国社会由于越战分成鹰鸽两派,音乐节的标志是一个站在吉他上的和平鸽)。 | At a time when Vietnam had divided America into hawks and doves, that was a peace dove sitting on the guitar in the festival logo. | |
10 | “当潜水员潜水时,发现大批的鲨鱼,没有鱼鳍,全都死了”。 | When the divers dove , they started finding a large number of animals without their fins. | |
11 | 1920年安特卫普奥运会上,每只鸽子的腿上都绑有一条丝带,每条丝带的颜色代表一个参赛国家。 | In Antwerp, in 1920, each dove wore on one leg a ribbon in the colors of one of the participating nations. | |
12 | BCBST在术语存在之前深入挖掘数据治理。 | BCBST dove into data governance before the term existed. | |
13 | Livni女士作为外交部长在以色列最近的加沙战争中显示出她并不是一位好说话的鸽派人物。 | Ms Livni showed as foreign minister during Israel’s recent Gaza war that she is no cooing dove . | |
14 | Mityas称,自2008年销售大降令利润大打折扣后,很多专门服饰零售商学会了保持低库存。 | Many specialty apparel retailers have learned to keep inventories lean since margins got clobbered when sales dove in 2008, Mityas said. | |
15 | Santos称不上是一位鸽派人士,但他主张要得到委内瑞拉协助对抗FARC游击队的唯一方法就是让两国关系正常化。 | Mr Santos is hardly a dove , but he argues that the only way to get Venezuela’s help against the FARC is to normalise relations. | |
16 | 埃拉扎尔·格拉诺特是一位公认的温和派人物,他曾经是以色列议会的左翼议员、驻新南非大使,他的观点也是一样。 | Elazar Granot, a certified dove who is a former left-wing Knesset member and ambassador to the new South Africa, says as much. | |
17 | 比如Congdon在blip.tv的博客,就是由Dove和一家视频聊天社区Paltalk所赞助的。 | Congdon’s blip. tv blog, for example, is sponsored by Dove and Paltalk, a video chat community. | |
18 | 春光很黯淡,大块的灰色碎片从白茫茫的天空飘下,落在地面浅灰色的尘土堆上。 | The spring light was fuzzed out, and fat gray flakes drifted down from the whitened sky, landing in dove -colored piles on the ground. | |
19 | 但激进的克雷庞先生也非温和派人士,他忠告说:还没有证据表明,把零核作为手段,会比把它作为目标更好。 | But Mr Krepon, a radical but no dove , counsels caution: zero may yet prove a better guide for the journey than a destination. | |
20 | 当他听到了一声小鸟般清脆的声音,便开始往(烟囱)上爬。 | And he started to shove, when he heard a small sound like the coo of a dove . | |
21 | 第一季中有3,300秒的镜头关于多芬品牌。 | The first season featured 3, 300 seconds of the Dove brand. | |
22 | 父亲有工作,当他全身心投入的时候我们会感到激动。 | My father had a job, and when he dove into the domestic realm, it thrilled us. | |
23 | 鸽子般安坐在巨大的深渊前沉思 | Dove -like satst brooding on the vast Abyss | |
24 | 鸽子非常感激蚂蚁。她和蚂蚁成了好朋友 | The dove felt very grateful. She made good friends with the ant. | |
25 | 鸽子和橄榄枝是爱与和平的象征 | The dove and the olive symbolize peace and love. | |
26 | 过了不久,蚂蚁看见猎人正在拿枪瞄准鸽子,就狠狠地朝他脚上咬了一口,没让他打中。 | The ant seized the bough, and swam back to the shore. A few days later, the ant saw a hunter aiming a gun at the dove . | |
27 | 呼和浩特市鸟类种的新记录——珠颈斑鸠 | A New Bird Record in Hohhot: Spotted Dove Streptopelia chinensis | |
28 | 火斑鸠孵卵期和育雏期伴巢行为 | Attendance Behavior of Red Turtle Dove in Incubation and Brooding Period | |
29 | 或者更精确的说,她将呆板没有生气的灰色,就像那些灰鸽子和无烟煤,装换成了灰色缤纷的调色板。 | Or, to be more accurate, she turned the dullness of gray, from dove to anthracite, into a shaded palette. | |
30 | 获得和平奖将迫使他展示自己强硬的鹰派形象,而不是释放内心的和平鸽。 | Rather than release his inner dove , the Nobel Peace Prize may force him to brandish his public hawk. |