属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 腾讯收购环球音乐股份 汇丰银行CEO辞职 万
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 英国3月制造业PMI攀升 富国银行CEO突然
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟:美"伤心爷爷"遭家人放鸽子 数百
1 | 傍晚水塘里的公鸭叫个不停。 | In the evening the drake cry continually from the pools. | |
2 | 德雷克:英国海军英雄和航海家,是第一个环球航行的英国人(1577-1858年),曾任舰队副司令,击败西班牙无敌舰队(1588年). | Drake :English naval hero and explorer who was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the world (1577-1580)and was vice admiral of the fleet that destroyed the Spanish armada (1588). | |
3 | 德雷克海峡:好望角与南极洲之间的一个海峡,连接南大西洋与太平洋. | Drake Passage:a strait between Cape Horn and antarctica. It connects the southern atlantic and Pacific oceans. | |
4 | 德雷克念完了大学,没有学到多少东西。 | drake passed through college without learning much | |
5 | 德雷克念完了大学,没有学到什么东西。 | Drake passed through college without learning much. | |
6 | 德雷克扬帆环游世界. | Drake sailed round the world. | |
7 | 公鸭、公鸡精子对在液氮中低温冷冻保存耐受力的比较研究 | A Comparative Study on Durability in Liquid Nitrogen Cryopreservation between Drake and Cock Spermatozoa | |
8 | 加拿大卡尔加里市Okotoks小镇太阳能小区建设 | Solar Community Construction in Drake Landing Solar Community, Okotoks, Calgary, Canada | |
9 | 今天对挑战者号机组人员我们可以这样说:像德雷克一样,他们的奉献是毫无保留的。 | Well, today we can say of the challenger crew: Their dedication was, like Drake ’s, complete | |
10 | 靠希望为生的人将会饿死。--德雷克 | He who lives by hope will die by hunger.-- Joseph Rodman Drake | |
11 | 那是一辆高碌式的双座四轮马车,马和挽具原是属于德拉克的,全巴黎人都知道,昨天有出一万八千法廊他还不肯卖呢。 | It was a coup of Koller’s building, and with horses and harness for which drake had, to the knowledge of all the lions of Paris, refused on the previous day seven hundred guineas | |
12 | 普利茅斯英格兰西南一自治市,位于普利茅斯湾沿岸,该湾为英吉利海峡的一个小海湾。英国的一个主要港口,曾是迎战西班牙无敌舰队的英国舰队的出发点(1588年),也是德雷克、罗利和其他两位早期探险家出发地。人口250, | A borough of southwest England on Plymouth Sound,an inlet of the English Channel.A major port,it was the embarkation point for the fleet that fought the Spanish Armada(1588)and for Drake ,Raleigh,and several other early explorers.Population,250,300. | |
13 | 莎士比亚、米尔顿、德雷克、雷利以及所有的人。 | Shakespeare and Milton, drake , Raleigh, and all | |
14 | 淘汰老鸭和青年公鸭屠宰性能及若干肉质性状比较研究 | Comparative Studies on Carcass Traits and Some Meat Traits between Eliminated Duck and Youth Drake | |
15 | 我早就看明白了,在德雷克和亚隆,平常日子租一辆马车只要二十五法郎,可到了星期天和节日就要三十或三十五法郎,外加五法郎的小费,加起来就是四十了,那就了结啦。” | At drake ’s or Aaron’s one pays twenty-five lire for common days, and thirty or thirty-five lire a day more for Sundays and feast days; add five lire a day more for extras, that will make forty, and there’s an end of it." | |
16 | 由于德雷克迟到了,他抱怨起糟糕的交通。 | When he arrived late, Mr. Drake blamed the bad traffic. | |
17 | 在周六晚举行的颁奖典礼上,主持人居然忘记了颁发最佳导演奖,他不得不在给最佳影片《维拉·德雷克》颁发金狮奖前补发这个奖项。 | At the awards ceremony on Saturday night, the presenter forgot to award the prize for best director and had to go back to it just before bestowing the Golden Lion on "Vera Drake ." | |
18 | 战役中,英国的德雷克功不可没,无敌舰队的失败使英国和荷兰免遭西班牙的吞并。 | The defeat of the Armada, in which Francis Drake played a principal role, saved England and the Netherlands from possible absorption into the Spanish empire. | |
19 | ||1:当弗朗西斯·德雷克在1577至1580年环游地球时,他随身携带了星盘、指南针和十字测天仪。||2:费迪南德·麦哲伦是世界上第一个著名的环球航海家,1519年,他开始环游地球时,至少带了一个星盘和指南针。||3:1982年,马文·克雷默从新泽西的五月角起航,开始了一次长达3万英里、需要在海上将近一年时间的航行,他遇上了一场狂风暴雨,而让他高兴的是,他根本没有带任何仪器。 | ||1:When Francis Drake rounded the globe in 1577 to 80, he took an astrolabe, compass and cross-staff with him.||2:As Ferdinand Magellan, the first known circumnavigator, started out in 1519, he had at least an astrolabe and compass.||3:But when Marvin Creamer set sail from Cape May, New Jersey in 1982, into thick overcast and a howling gale, on a voyage of 30,000 miles requiring nearly a year at sea, he carried, to his delight, no instruments at all. | |
20 | ||1:法国媒体公司维旺迪(Vivendi)表示,正在考虑向中国科技集团腾讯出售环球音乐集团至少10%的股份,可能会在晚些时候将比例提高至20%。||2:如果交易完成,腾讯可能会将其在流媒体领域的优势与环球唱片的众多艺人结合起来,其中包括阿巴乐队(Abba)、披头士(Beatles)、德雷克(Drake)、埃尔顿·约翰(Elton John)和泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)。 | ||1:Vivendi, a French media company, said it was considering selling a stake of at least 10% of its Universal Music business to Tencent, a Chinese technology conglomerate, possibly raising that to 20% at a later date.||2:If completed, a deal might allow Tencent to combine its expertise in streaming with Universal’s vast catalogue of artists, which include Abba, the Beatles, Drake , Elton John and Taylor Swift. | |
21 | ||1:经过靠近合恩角的德雷克海峡时,那把“坚不可摧”的钢舵折断了,尽管克雷默是一个足够优秀的机械师,可以再装配一个。||2:他们曾不止一次地在岩石嶙峋、没有灯光的海岸上遭遇不幸。||3:经过塔斯马尼亚时,天气非常恶劣,肩膀脱臼的他不得不拉下湿帆。||4:厨房里的火几乎把船和他正在烤的面包烧成灰烬。||5:挫折不断,但这是意料之中的事。 | ||1:Going through Drake Passage near the Horn broke the “indestructible” steel tiller, though he was a good enough mechanic to rig up another.||2:More than once they nearly came to grief on rocky, unlit coasts.||3:Passing Tasmania, in the worst weather of the trip, he had to haul down wet sails with a dislocated shoulder.||4:A galley fire almost incinerated the boat, as well as the loaf he was baking.||5:Frustrations, but par for the course. | |
22 | ||1:据国际唱片业联合会的数据显示,去年全球唱片销量增长了近10%。||2:尽管在过去五年中,数字下载收入的下降速度甚至比黑胶唱片等实体音乐形式的收入下降速度还要快,但流媒体音乐的收入却出现了飙升。||3:目前,全球近半的销量来自流媒体业务,扭转了自2001年以来的行业下滑的趋势。自2001年以来,流媒体在2014年遭遇低谷。||4:然而,与本世纪头十年相比,音乐销量的表现仍然很糟糕。||5:去年全球排名前三的艺人分别是德雷克(Drake)、防弹少年团(韩国男子组合)和艾德·希兰(Ed Sheeran)。受电影《波希米亚狂想曲》的影响,皇后乐队在最畅销艺人榜单排名第六。 | ||1:Global recorded-music sales grew by nearly 10% last year, according to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry.||2:Although revenues from digital downloads have fallen even faster than those from physical forms of music, such as vinyl albums, over the past five years, streamed music has surged.||3:Nearly half of global sales now come from streaming, reversing an industry decline since 2001 that hit a trough in 2014.||4:Music sales are still performing worse, however, than in the early noughties.||5:The top three global music acts last year were Drake , bts (a South Korean boy band) and Ed Sheeran. Queen were the sixth-bestselling act, boosted by the film “Bohemian Rhapsody”. | |
23 | 像德雷克和卡内等名人一样,“伤心爷爷”一夜之间成为网络红人。 | From Kanye and Drake references, to other meme references, the internet had a field day with PaPaw. | |
24 | 不过在后来的一个研究中,帕提科学家发现一个膨胀起来的阴茎可以轻易穿透一根硅胶做的输卵管模型。 | But during one of her experiments, Patty noticed that an inflating drake ’s penis could burst through a silicone model of an oviduct. | |
25 | 参加者有托马斯.温特(ThomasWintour),杰克.赖特(JackWright)和托马斯.珀西,都是凯次比的朋友。 | Catesby was joined by his friends Thomas Wintour, Jack Wright and Thomas Percy at the Duck and Drake , in the Strand. | |
26 | 大叶臭椒不同部位的挥发油成分及其抑菌活性分析 | Essential Oils from Zanthoxylum rhetsoides Drake and their Antibacterial Activity | |
27 | 但是,1859年那个具有划时代意义的早晨,Drake上校想出了用钻井的方法在宾夕法尼亚的Titusville开采石油的点子。 | But one inspired morning in 1859, Colonel Drake decided to try drilling for oil in Titusville, Pennsylvania. | |
28 | 但在一刹那间,德瑞克,其生活亲王伊凡有存活,当时它。 | But in a twinkling, the drake , whose life Prince Ivan had spared, was at it. | |
29 | 德雷克表示:“我们的理念是,我们能够做到完全独立和没有偏见,因为不管资产配置如何,我们收取的费用是一样的。” | "The idea is we can be completely independent and unbiased be-cause we make the same fees whatever the asset allocation, " says Mr Drake . | |
30 | 德雷克博士说,遗憾的是,那个焦点远远超出了太阳系的边界,太远了,利用目前的技术根本无法到达那里。 | Unfortunately, the focal point is far beyond the edge of the Solar System and too far to reach using current technology, said Dr Drake . |