1 | 而既然只有做梦者本人才“见过”那些景象,那么就难以核实它们是否确切。 | However, it would be difficult to verify the accuracy of those images, since only the dreamer ever "sees" them. | |
2 | 她尤其要感谢她在纽约和中国的家庭,感谢他们鼓励她追求梦想,对她无条件的爱。 | She especially likes to thank her family in New York and China, for encouraging the dreamer in her, and love her no matter what. | |
3 | 梦想家只能在月光下找到自己的路,他的惩罚是第一个看见黎明。 | A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. | |
4 | 明亮的猩红色可能表明它与性欲性有关,比较柔和红色色调可能表明梦者的被压抑的精力。 | A bright scarlet red may indicate items of a sexual nature and more subdued hues may indicate a repressed energy in the dreamer . | |
5 | 你会说,我是个空想家 | You may say Im a dreamer , | |
6 | 你可能会说我是一个梦想家,不过我不是唯一的一个。我希望有天你能加入我们,同时世界将会融为一体。 | You may say Im a dreamer , but Im not the only one, I hope some day you’ll join us, And the world will live as one. | |
7 | 如果说上述目标使萨克斯听起来像是不切实际的空想家,那可就有失公允了。 | If the above makes Mr Sachs sound like an impractical dreamer , that would be rather unfair. | |
8 | 实际上,至少在清醒梦中研究者们已经发现了一些证据,当做梦者处于意识清醒状态时,对时间的认知的确会发生类似的变化。 | In fact there is some evidence that in lucid dreams, at least, the perception of time in similar to that when the dreamer is awake. | |
9 | 事实上,从某种意义上而言,他也是一个有远见有梦幻的梦想家。 | And, indeed, he was in a sense a visionary, a dreamer of dreams. | |
10 | 他经常生活在暗无天日的环境中,如同一个盲人或梦游者一样瞎摸瞎撞。 | He dwelt habitually in this shadow, feeling his way like a blind man and a dreamer . | |
11 | 他们对彼此说:“是啊是啊,他不是别人,而是我们当中的梦想家。” | And they said to each other, "Aye, aye, he was none else but the dreamer in us. " | |
12 | 他们会把你称之为幻想家,告诉你,要在生活中前进有更好、更安全的方法,可以不用冒‘不合理的风险’。 | They will call you a dreamer and say there are better, safer ways to move forward in life without taking ’unreasonable risks. | |
13 | 天使都知道太多讲求实用的人吃面包时要沾着梦想家额头渗出的汗才香。 | The angels know that too many practical men eat their bread with the sweat of the dreamer ’s brow. | |
14 | 温迪想了一会儿。她是一个很好的梦想家。 | Wendy thought for a moment. She was a good dreamer . | |
15 | 我认为我自己一直都是一位现实的理想主义者,我的生命总是充满了各种饱满的情绪。 | I consider myself to be a realistic dreamer , and my life is full of intense emotions. | |
16 | 我是个理想主义者,但幸好我不是那种对于破处有着种种美好浪漫的幻想的女孩。 | I’m a dreamer , but thankfully I wasn’t the kind of girl to have all kinds of romantic visions about losing my virginity. | |
17 | 我希望大家能看看“白日梦”系列,是我在毕业展上被收藏最多的系列。 | I hope everybody will see my "Day Dreamer " series, which was the most collected one in my graduation exhibition. | |
18 | 要是做梦者之后真的在现实中付诸行动,他们很可能就得出这样一个结论:梦境预示着未来。 | And if the dreamer then actually carries out such an action in real life, he or she might conclude that the dream predicted the future. | |
19 | 也许那个做梦的人希望你去怀疑你饿存在,所以怀疑梦本身只是在思想中循环而且得不到答案。 | Perhaps the dreamer who imagined you wishes you to doubt your being, so doubt itself is only a circular motion in thought and not an answer. | |
20 | 一个是梦想家,另一个是分析家,一个是情感丰富而另一个却很冷漠。 | While one is a dreamer , the other is an analyst. While one is emotional the other is detached! | |
21 | 意大利梦想家阿里吉耶罗-波提的意见早期作品本周的售价也创了世界纪录。 | An early work by Alighiero Boetti, an Italian dreamer , made a world-record price this week. | |
22 | 用一句话来总结他们的关系就是,他是个梦想家,而她是个实用主义者。 | One way to summarise their relationship is that he is the dreamer , and she is the pragmatist. | |
23 | 由于我清楚梦者的人际关系,因此能够对梦进行部分分析,而无需梦者的帮助。 | With some knowledge of the personal relations of the dreamer , I was able to interpret parts of it independently of her. | |
24 | 有所梦想,但不要沉溺于梦境 | Being a dreamer but not living in a dream world . | |
25 | 这个词指的是没有商业头脑、不切实际的白日梦者。 | This one is for an impractical dreamer with no business sense. Literally, air person. | |
26 | 这或许听上去像梦想家的希冀,抑或是理论上的目标,永远无法企及。 | This may sound like a dreamer ’s hope and a theoretical goal which can never be reached. | |
27 | 这也可能表明梦者的强烈责任感。 | It may also indicate a strong sense of responsibility in the dreamer . | |
28 | 这种经验超脱于肉体,做梦者感觉到自己在脱离他的身体,这被称为清醒梦。 | Such experiences ex-somatic, which the dreamer feels to be out of his physical body, are called lucid dreams. | |
29 | 真的,你可以是梦想家,也可以是实干家,惟一的前提是从你的字典中剔除这样一个词:不可能。 | Yes, you can be a dreamer and a doer too, if you will remove one word from your vocabulary; impossible. | |
30 | 正是隐匿的地下情与公开的风流韵事、梦者的火与年轻表嫂的寒冷之间的对比主导着这个梦。 | The contrasts between secret and open love, between the dreamer ’s fire and the coldness of the young wife, dominate the dream. |