属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Gallagher之魂 源于神话的艺术
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-音乐与购物 谨防贝多芬
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-父亲节上谈父亲
1 | 我被他的脚步声从梦想中唤醒。 | I was roused from dreamy thoughts by his footfall. | |
2 | 我们要么漫步在轮船的甲板上,心头充满了神奇的感觉,要么伫立凝望着无尽的海洋,沉浸在梦幻般的冥想之中。 | We walk the deck with a sense of wonder or stand gazing in dreamy reverie at the eternal ocean | |
3 | 我们在一个如梦的安息日下午,去城里兜了一圈。 | We circumambulated the city on a dreamy Sabbath afternoon | |
4 | 我喜欢轻柔悦耳的音乐。 | I like dreamy music. | |
5 | 雾景给人以梦幻般的感觉。 | The misty scene had a dreamy quality about it. | |
6 | 小夜曲,梦幻曲忧虑、梦幻风格的器乐曲,尤指为钢琴演奏而作的曲 | An instrumental composition of a pensive,dreamy mood,especially one for the piano. | |
7 | 效果是梦幻般的、非现实世界存在的(乔亚·迪利贝托) | The effect was dreamy ,otherworldy(Gioia Diliberto) | |
8 | 因为他如此爱好空想和不声不响,以致一位老师有一次骂他愚蠢。 | Because he was so dreamy and quiet a teacher once accused him of being stupid | |
9 | 这时,爱丽丝开始瞌睡了,她困得迷迷糊糊时还在说:“猫吃蝙蝠吗? | And here Alice began to get rather sleepy, and went on saying to herself, in a dreamy sort of way, `Do cats eat bats? | |
10 | ||1: Gallagher常在其作品中融入一些历史人物,包括“Peg Leg” Bates,一位独腿踢踏舞者;1932年至1972年,以阿拉巴马州的黑人为对象进行了臭名昭著的塔斯基吉梅毒实验,名为Eunice Rivers的护士卷入其中。 ||2: 通过海教协会的赞助,Gallagher 20岁时得以在海外学习海洋学,集舰,研究绘制翼足目动物—微小的翼足蜗牛。 ||3:这一经历更是和她感兴趣的水城Drexciya,一群被推下甲板的怀有身孕的非洲奴隶居住在大西洋中央的传说,水乳交融。||4: 由此诞生了一组名为“Watery Ecstatic”的非凡佳作。 ||5:细致入微的刻画,错综复杂的拼剪,梦幻的水彩色,共同造就了海洋生物的奇幻世界。||6:精细性与流动性、科学性与诗意同时抓住人们的想象力,思绪浸食自然之美的同时又被人类历史的复杂多样困扰着。 | ||1: Ms Gallagher often folds historical characters into her work, including “Peg Leg” Bates, a one-legged tap dancer, and Eunice Rivers, a nurse who was implicated in the notorious Tuskegee syphilis experiment carried out on black Alabamans between 1932 and 1972. ||2: At the age of 20, sponsored by the Sea Education Association, Ms Gallagher spent some time aboard an oceanographic research vessel collecting, studying and drawing pteropods—microscopic wing-footed snails. ||3: This experience has combined with her interest in the myth of Drexciya, an underwater country peopled with the unborn babies of pregnant African slave women thrown overboard mid-Atlantic. ||4: It has generated an extraordinary body of work collectively entitled “Watery Ecstatic”. ||5: Detailed drawing, intricate paper cutting, and dreamy watery colour, together create a universe of strange sea creatures. ||6: They suggest an imagination gripped equally by precision and fluidity, by science and poetry, and a mind that feeds on the beauty of nature while being haunted at the same time by the many layers of human history. | |
11 | ||1:EBay希望消费者在网购时能够避免这些不健康的影响。||2:混合了鸟鸣、梦幻般的音乐以及火车转轮声的音频—被认为是令人愉悦的,但不过于诱人的音乐—使得顾客购保持理智的同时又购买更多的商品。||3:零售商们想必会通过把播放着肖邦音乐的音箱声音调大来彼此竞争。||4:Patrick Fagan,伦敦大学分部—金史密斯学院的讲师,该研究报告的作者称:“古典音乐似乎就是正确的选择”,如果你唯一的兴趣就是狭隘的想要从你的客户身上榨取尽可能多的钱。 | ||1:EBay wants consumers to avoid such unhealthy influences when shopping online.||2:It has blended birdsong, dreamy music and the sound of a rolling train—thought to be pleasant but not overly seductive—to help them buy more sensibly.||3:Retailers could presumably counter by cranking up the Chopin.||4:“Classical music does seem to be the way to go” if your only interest is the narrow one of squeezing as much money as possible from your clientele, says the study’s author, Patrick Fagan, a lecturer at Goldsmiths, part of the University of London. | |
12 | 比如说你想要给孩子讲一个他们发生在他们出生前的故事。你可以说故事发生时,你还只是父亲眼睛里的一道闪光。这种表达非常幽默和梦幻。闪光这个词在这里表达了你父亲对母亲的关注。【51VOA注解】:a twinkle in eye指“心里面突然出现的某种念头”,父亲心里闪现你出生的初步念头时,必定是在你出生以前。因此此语意为:很久以前。 | Let’s say you want to tell a child a story about something that happened long before they were born. You could say it happened when they "were just a twinkle in their father’s eyes." This expression has a humorous and dreamy feel. Here, the word "twinkle" suggests the interest your father had in your mother. | |
13 | 左派步兵,如痴如梦 | Dreamy footsoldiers of the Left | |
14 | “鸠山由纪夫喜好空想、走平民路线、完全不称职,菅直人则毫无建树,”格林说。 | "Hatoyama was dreamy and populist and completely inefficient, and Kan went nowhere, " Mr Green said. | |
15 | “你好”他说。她对他报以神情恍惚又心不在焉的目光。 | give a . . . stare ’Hello, ’ he said. She gave him a dreamy , abstracted stare in answer. | |
16 | 奥巴马所在政党的许多人士,也曾对他抱有诺贝尔委员会上周所表示出来的那种如痴如梦般的崇敬。 | Much of his own party once felt the same dreamy adoration for Mr Obama that the Nobel prize committee expressed last week. | |
17 | 长尾迷惑地看着她,因为他不明白她的意思。她对他微笑,继续以梦幻般温柔的声音说。 | Nagao looked at her wonderingly, because he could not understand her. She smiled at him and went on speaking in her gentle dreamy voice. | |
18 | 处女座男人以他们的聪明才智和勤奋努力而著称;相反,双鱼座女人是天真的、富有想象力的和爱幻想的。 | Virgo men are known for their intelligence, wit and hardworkingnature; while the Pisces woman is unworldly, imaginative and dreamy . | |
19 | 加之赋予其梦幻的极光和星空的背景,体现希望之美。 | Adding a dreamy aurora and starry night to the background enhance the beauty of hope. | |
20 | 她的头部稍微倾斜,她的目光梦幻般的,略显好奇。 | Her head is slightly inclined, her gaze dreamy , inquisitive. | |
21 | 她绵延和梦幻的歌唱风格为这首歌带来一个特别的维度。 | She performs the song with a longing and dreamy expression that gives the song a very special dimension. | |
22 | 尽管这个图景有很多幻想、与现实有些脱节的地方,在其核心位置,是中日友好合作共同促进区域融合的目标。 | For all that it was dreamy and disjointed, it had at its heart a rapprochement between Japan and China leading towards regional integration. | |
23 | 就在那里有一个梦幻般的世界 | There’s a dreamy world up there, | |
24 | 就职业而言,他是个考古学家,和一个多梦的诗人。 | He was an archaeologist by trade, a dreamy poet. | |
25 | 科学家表示伴着问题入眠有助解决问题,因他们发现小睡时发梦能提升创意能力。 | Sleeping on a problem really can help solve it, say scientists who found a dreamy nap boosts creative powers. | |
26 | 另一位则是个苗条的金发女孩,她的眼神飘渺而幽远。 | The other was an ethereal blonde, her gaze dreamy and distant. | |
27 | 另一些人坚守着他们梦呓般的叫价,祈祷着有那么一位顾客会对他们的装修一见倾心。 | Others are hanging onto their dreamy asking prices, praying that there is a buyer out there who will fall in love with their creation. | |
28 | 曼苏尔对他妻子梦幻般的沉思深感挫折。 | Mansour is baffled by his wife’s dreamy contemplations. | |
29 | 每当陆克文因陷入憧憬而耽搁了放牛活的时候,暴跳如雷的父亲总会这样问瘦弱的陆克文:“是打算养肉牛还是养奶牛?” | his father would ask the frail boy, exasperated by his son’s dreamy neglect of bovine care. "Is it going to be beef or dairy? " | |
30 | 梦幻般美好的期待总是会被现实打败。 | Reality always trumps dreamy expectations. |