属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 清理海洋垃圾 (2)
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:暴风雪 Blizzard
1 | 在1947年严寒的冬天,农民们不得不挖开大雪堆把他们的家畜救出来。 | In the severe winter of 1947, farmers had to dig their livestock out of huge snow drifts | |
2 | 在地下不同的水平,开拓有许多水平巷道以通向矿脉并随矿脉延伸。这种巷道叫作平巷 | At different levels beneath the ground horizontal tunnels are excavated in order to reach and follow the vein. These tunnels are called drifts | |
3 | ||1:Dom漫步在一个老式的鸦片窝点拉希德, 在那里有人为你准备好烟卷,寂静袭来。||2:拉希德是各色人物进出和讲述众多故事的场所。||3:Dom遇到鲁米,鲁米实施家庭暴力,曾经经商却一败涂地;DOM引荐了一个愤怒的老艺术家泽维尔;并和男妓 Dimple成了朋友,Dimple讲述一个遭流放的中国人李先生的故事。||4:还有房子的主人拉西德——徒劳的抵抗——当看着自己优雅的鸦片世界被梦幻般劣质海洛因遗忘。||5:那些吸食鸦片的人或者死亡或者冲昏了头脑,孟买也被鸦片遗忘。 | ||1:Dom drifts in and out of Rashid’s, an old-fashioned opium den where pipewallahs prepare your smoke for you and serenity prevails.||2:Rashid’s is a clearing house for characters and stories.||3:Dom meets Rumi, a wife-beater and failed businessman; he brings Xavier, an angry old artist; he befriends Dimple, a eunuch prostitute who in turn tells the story of Mr Lee, a Chinese exile.||4:Then there is Rashid himself, who watches—and fruitlessly resists—as his graceful world of opium-eaters is rendered obsolete by the nightmare of low-grade heroin.||5:Mumbai forgets opium as those who loved it either die or burn out their brains. | |
4 | 吊杆总是比塑料移动迅速,而塑料仅由海流推动。因此,该设备可以将这些漂浮的垃圾捞上来。 | always moves faster relative to the plastic, which is propelled by the current alone. It therefore scoops the litter up as it drifts . | |
5 | 深厚的积雪难以移动。清除道路和人行道上的积雪是一项艰苦的工作。在暴风雪期间,人们常常会被大雪困住(snowed in)。他们没法离开家因为积雪(snow drifts)堵住了门口。 | Deep, heavy snow is difficult to move. Clearing snow from roads and sidewalks is hard work. During a blizzard, people often get snowed in. They cannot leave their houses because snow drifts block doorways. | |
6 | 半刚性网壳喷层支架护巷特征及工程应用 | Features of the drifts supported by new net-shell and its application | |
7 | 被风吹起的红叶沿着阶段梯不停地漂移,似乎看到冬雪的前兆很快就会来到。 | Windblown autumn leaves form drifts along a stairway, a precursor of winter snows soon to arrive. | |
8 | 不稳固巷道的维护原理与支护方法的探讨 | Discussing of Maintance Principium and Timbering Methods in Unstable Drifts | |
9 | 采矿动压对采场巷道稳定性影响的研究 | Study on Impact of Mining Dynamic Pressure on Stability of Drifts | |
10 | 车集煤矿软岩硐室破坏机理及加固技术研究 | Study of Damage Mechanism and Reinforcement Technology of the Soft Rock Drifts in Juji Coal Mine | |
11 | 大风吹着空中的雪花,并把雪片从地面上吹了起来的,从而削减了能见度,并在地上堆成了大的雪堆。 | The strong winds blow falling snow and pick snow up from the ground, cutting visibility and creating big snow drifts . | |
12 | 导坑在大跨度隧道施工中的影响分析 | Analysis on Effects of Side Drifts in Construction of Large-span Tunnels | |
13 | 导巷卸压支护软岩巷道的研究 | Soft-rock drifts supported by releasing pressure with guided roadway | |
14 | 而在汉布林山谷,暴风雪正在加剧。狂风在卡车的四周堆了一圈雪。 | In Hamblin Valley, the blizzard worsened, the wind piling drifts around the pickup. | |
15 | 高应力软岩巷道高强度稳定型支护技术研究 | Research on Support Technology with High Strengthand Stability of Soft Rock Drifts and High Ground Pressure | |
16 | 海水温暖,碧蓝,渔夫在椰子树下补渔网,儿童嬉戏,音乐从山巅的教堂流淌下来。 | THE sea is warm and azure blue. Fishermen mend their nets under coconut palms, children play and music drifts from the church on the hill. | |
17 | 耗能减震结构的受力分析与层间弹塑性变形简化计算方法 | Force analysis and elastoplastic interstory drifts estimation of structures with energy dissipation devices | |
18 | 基于能量原理的钢筋混凝土框架结构层间弹塑性位移求解 | Computation of Inelastic Story Drifts of Reinforced Concrete Frames Based on Energy Concept | |
19 | 结果表明:随着进路开挖,进路会出现片帮、底鼓和顶板下沉等现象; | Simulation results indicate that the destruction form of rib spalling, floor heave and roof falling occur when the drifts are excavated. | |
20 | 可见-紫外分光光度计数字漂移问题的探讨 | It Will be Seen the -Beam Splitter of Ultraviolet the Numeral of Photometer Probe of Problem Drifts | |
21 | 例如,休斯先生对罗马共和国的叙述,并未集中落墨于城市本身,而竟然写成了罗马帝国缔造史; | Mr Hughes’s account of the Republic, for example, drifts away from the city itself to become the story of the making of the Roman empire. | |
22 | 普罗米修斯号向一颗星球飞去,接近了与地球惊人地相似的潘多拉。 | Prometheus drifts against the stars, nearing the surprisingly Earth-like Pandora. | |
23 | 然而大部分建筑物早已空空如也,只是空中飘散着纸屑,地下逐渐积了厚厚的一层。 | Yet the buildings were largely empty, their floors deep in drifts of shredded paper. | |
24 | 萨德湿地中点缀着漂浮式的渔民营地,萨德湿地是非洲最大的湿地——雨季时的面积超过了5.2万平方公里。 | A floating fishing camp drifts in the Sudd, one of Africa’s largest wetlands-more than 20, 000 square miles in the rainy season. | |
25 | 上周在电厂中,里面到处是成堆的灰尘,粘在皮肤上,呛到喉咙里。 | Inside the plant last week, there was ash everywhere, forming drifts , clinging to the skin, getting into the throat. | |
26 | 随风而来那淡淡的轻柔的香气 | The mindless, subtle fragrance drifts with wind, | |
27 | 索风营水电站地下厂房洞室群施工支洞布置 | Layout of Drifts for Construction of Underground Powerhouse Tunnel Group of Suofengying Hydropower Station | |
28 | 他常常不知不觉地花掉整整一下午。 | He often drifts through the long afternoons. | |
29 | 他的言词很少脱离当地问题,比如重建布伦特福德大街和最重要的——希思特机场。 | His talk rarely drifts from local issues, such as the regeneration of Brentford’s High Street and, most importantly, Heathrow airport. | |
30 | 他看着我,蓝色的烟影从一排排牙齿形成的门中飘出,仿佛墓地上空的迷雾。 | He looks at me and the blue shadow-smoke drifts over the gate of his teeth like fog over a graveyard. |