属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 美联储预计今年不再加息 德银和德商银行合并遇
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-家庭酿造 一品脱制作精良的好酒
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 波罗申科接任乌克兰总理 比利时警方逮捕布鲁塞
1 | 一顶皮檐便帽压齐眉心,把他那被太阳晒黑、淌着大汗的脸遮去了一部分。 | A cap with a drooping leather visor partly concealed his face, burned and tanned by sun and wind, and dripping with perspiration | |
2 | 一个水稻披叶突变体的遗传分析和基因定位 | Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of a Rice Drooping Leaf Mutant | |
3 | 一季晚稻青枯死苗原因及防御对策 | Reasons and Countermeasures of Single Season Rice Drooping to Death | |
4 | 一双丹凤三角眼,两弯柳叶吊梢眉 | She had the almond-shaped eyes of a phoenix, slanting eyebrows as long and drooping as willow leaves. | |
5 | 因缺水而发蔫的花 | Flowers drooping for lack of water | |
6 | 在那边小小的山凹之中,灌木已经累累结实,红色的浆果同白色的雪地相映成趣。 | Down yonder little glen the shrubs are drooping under their burden, and the red alder berries contrast with the white ground | |
7 | 在正午的炎热中萎垂的花朵 | flowers drooping in the midday heat. | |
8 | 这些花因缺水而垂萎。 | The flowers were drooping for want of water | |
9 | 这些花因缺水而凋萎。 | The flowers were drooping for want of water. | |
10 | 这些植物有点枯萎了,需要浇水。 | These plants are drooping --they want water. | |
11 | 纸莎草一种高的地中海水生芦苇(纸莎草莎草属),有很多下垂的成伞状花序排列的舌状花 | A tall,aquatic,Mediterranean sedge(Cyperus papyrus)having numerous drooping rays grouped in umbels. | |
12 | ||1:百威英博(AB InBev)改组了董事会,任命了一位新董事长,并更换了董事。||2:这些变化意在安抚投资者:这家啤酒制造商打算重振其不断下跌的股价,并偿还其在一系列收购中累积的1030亿美元净债务。||3:这也降低了私募股权公司3G Capital的影响力,这家私募股权公司通过几宗并购帮助创建了百威英博。||4:3G Capital的战略因卡夫亨氏(Kraft Heinz)不断增加的问题受到了质疑。卡夫亨氏是3G Capital帮助促成的另一家企业巨头。 | ||1:AB InBev shook up its board, appointing a new chairman and replacing directors.||2:The changes are meant to reassure investors that the brewer intends to revitalise its drooping share price and pay down the $103bn in net debt it accumulated in a spree of acquisitions.||3:They also reduce the influence of 3G Capital, a private-equity firm that helped create AB InBev via several mergers.||4:3G’s strategy has been called into question by mounting problems at Kraft Heinz, another corporate titan it helped bring about. | |
13 | ||1:进行家庭酿造的人数并不确定,但器材供应商说该行业正在蓬勃发展。||2:一家为小零售商提供无商标桶具的公司表示销售量在过去五年内平均上涨了25%,这种势头还没有放缓的迹象。||3:影响更是显而易见。||4:2013年,商业生产的工艺啤酒销售量上涨了8%,但大品牌正在衰落。||5:在八年的连续下滑后,2013年整体的啤酒销量仅上涨了1.4%。||6:英国如今拥有1,285家啤酒厂,而在20世纪70年代仅有约200家。||7:据散装鲜啤酒协会(CAMRA),一个推广优质啤酒的组织表示,国内每个月平均有14家新小型啤酒厂开业。||8:大多数业主都在家磨练过技艺。 | ||1:The numbers involved in home brewing are unclear but equipment suppliers say that business is booming.||2:One firm that makes unbranded kits for smaller retailers says that sales have grown by 25% on average for the past five years and show no sign of slowing.||3:The impact is more obvious.||4:Sales of commercially produced craft beer grew by 8% in 2013 while big brands are drooping .||5:Overall beer sales grew by just 1.4% in 2013 after eight years of decline.||6:Britain now has 1,285 breweries compared with 200 in the 1970s.||7:According to CAMRA, an organisation that promotes good beer, 14 new microbreweries are opening in the country every month.||8:Most of their proprietors honed their skills at home. | |
14 | ||1:其结果与其说是一个分支和扩张的家谱,不如说是一个盘绕的网。||2:哈布斯堡儿童死亡率一度达到80%,是当时平均水平的四倍。||3:在那些活着的人中,许多人都有着可怕的畸形,有着臭名昭著的下垂的嘴唇和突出的哈布斯堡下巴。||4:这是欧洲历史上一个永恒的谜团,为什么贵族们很善于养家,却如此不善于家庭繁衍。 | ||1:The result was less a family tree, branching and widening, than a convoluted web.||2:At one point the mortality rate of Habsburg children reached 80%, four times the average of the time.||3:Of those who lived, many were hideously misshapen, with the infamous drooping lip and jutting Habsburg jaw.||4:It is one of the abiding puzzles of European history that its aristocrats, so good at breeding homes, should have been so bad at breeding themselves. | |
15 | ||1:乌克兰总理亚采纽克(Arseniy Yatseniuk)表示一旦议会找到继任人选,他就辞职退位。||2:总统佩特罗·波罗申科(Petro Poroshenko)任命议长格罗伊斯曼(Volodymyr Groisman)为新任总理。为赢得各分裂党派足够的支持从而组建新政府,波罗申科费尽了心思。||3:自治理腐败失利以来,亚采纽克的支持率一路下降直至个位数。波罗申科的支持率也在下降。 | ||1:Ukraine’s prime minister, Arseniy Yatseniuk, said he will resign as soon as the parliament finds a candidate to replace him.||2:President Petro Poroshenko has nominated Volodymyr Groisman, the speaker of parliament, but he has struggled to gather enough support among the splintered parties to form a new government.||3:Mr Yatseniuk’s approval ratings had fallen to single digits over his failure to attack corruption; Mr Poroshenko’s are drooping too. | |
16 | 当然,他们不知道,就在睡眼惺忪之际,自己竟处在了一场正在进行的全球战争的第一线。 | Certainly they didn’t know they were on the front lines of a global war being waged under their drooping eyes. | |
17 | 而领子前还飘着长长的灰白胡子,几乎要垂到腰间了。 | Over the latter waved the long whitish beard, drooping almost to the waist. | |
18 | 负作用的早期症状包括口干、呼吸或吞咽困难,口齿不清,眼睑下垂和肌无力。 | Early symptoms include dry mouth, difficulty breathing or swallowing, slurred speech, drooping eyelids and muscle weakness. | |
19 | 过了这个星期,驻扎在麦里屯的那个民兵团就要开拔了,附近的年轻小姐们立刻一个个垂头丧气起来。 | It was the last of the regiment’s stay in Meryton, and all the young ladies in the neighbourhood were drooping apace. | |
20 | 逆变式直流弧焊机的区间外拖控制 | Drooping characteristic control of inverter DC arc welding machine | |
21 | 蓬头乱发、胡子耷拉,他与美国另外一位伟大的悲观主义者马克-吐温极其相似。 | With his unkempt hair and drooping moustache, he looked much like that other great American pessimist, Mark Twain. | |
22 | 冉阿让低着头,下巴垂在胸口上,没有看见巴斯克,也没看见蜡烛。 | Jean Valjean, his head drooping and his chin resting on his breast, perceived neither Basque nor the candle. | |
23 | 水稻披叶性状的遗传和基因定位分析正在进行。 | Rice drooping leaf trait heredity and gene mapping analysis is being conducted by authors. | |
24 | 随即波克用强大的两臂把她抱起来,她像孩子似的将头搁在他肩上。 | And then she was in Pork’s strong arms, her head drooping like a child’s across his shoulder. | |
25 | 他有气无力且冷淡地与她握了一下手。 | limp -- drooping , lacking firmness He gave her a limp, cold handshake. | |
26 | 他这样低着头,呆想了几分钟,同时用手里的一根棍子在沙上画了许多画。 | He stood thus for several minutes, with drooping head, tracing figures in the sand, with the cane which he held in his hand. | |
27 | 坦率的说,这部分的皮肤又开始下垂了,我不得不再去做一次皮肤提升的手术。 | And frankly, the minute something in that zone starts drooping , I’m going to have it hoisted back up. | |
28 | 香榧苗木立枯病症状及防治试验 | Symptom of Drooping Disease of Torreya grandis Seedling and Its Control | |
29 | 在突变体材料MR304中,控制披垂性状的为2对隐性基因,其中1对为主效基因。 | The drooping leaf trait in MR304 was controlled by two pairs of recessive genes. in which one pair was the major genes. | |
30 | 在最近的一次演示中,这个机器人耷拉着眼睛告诉一名司机:“你困了。前方五百米的左边有一家咖啡店” | "You look tired. There’s a coffee shop 500 metres ahead on the left, " it told a driver with drooping eyelids during a recent demonstration. |