属类:文学表达-外国名著-Madama Butterfly
1 | (3)幼虫落地前在新鲜的水果和蔬菜内取食;(4)老熟幼虫入土中化蛹 | (3)the larvae feed on the pulp of fresh fruits and vegetables before dropping to the ground, (4)the larvae transform into pupae in the soil | |
2 | (孙子)火攻有五:一曰火人,二曰火积,三曰火辎,四曰火库,五曰火队。 | Five ways of attacking with fire. The first is to burn soldiers in their camp;the second is to burn stores; the third is to burn baggage trains; the fourth is to burn arsenals and magazines;the fifth is to hurl dropping fire amongst the enemy. | |
3 | [谚]滴水穿石;只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。 | Constant dropping will wear away a stone. | |
4 | “毫无疑问,如果把两只外国水獭放到野生本地种的领地中,本地水獭会对新来者发起猛烈攻击,”他补充道。 | There is no doubt dropping two foreign otters into a territory of wild locals would lead to the local ones beating the living daylights out of the new ones, he added | |
5 | “就是为了他,阁下,”布拉斯答道,把声音放得很低。 | "This of him, sir," rejoined Brass, dropping his voice impressively | |
6 | “收起你的忠告吧,”她说,“留给你的女儿或女仆们听吧。我不怕那位女神,如果她敢的话,就让她显示一下她的本领吧。”“她来了,”密涅瓦说完就丢下伪装,站在那里证实自己的身分。 | "Keep your counsel," said she , "for your daughters or handmaids! I am not a afraid of the goddess; let her try her skill, if she dare venture." "She comes, " said Minerva; and dropping her disguise, stood confessed | |
7 | “这就对了,”唐太斯说完,放下长凳,坐在上面,垂下头,瞪着眼,象是真疯了似的。 | "Very well," returned Dants, dropping the stool and sitting on it as if he were in reality mad | |
8 | 1945年5月8日午夜,欧洲的炮火和轰炸停止了。自从1939年9月1日以来在欧洲整个大陆上第一次出现令人感到有点异样的、但受到欢迎的平静。 | The guns in Europe ceased firing and the bombs ceased dropping at midnight on May 8-9, 1945, and a strange but welcome silence settled over the Continent for the first time since September 1, 1939 | |
9 | 阿塔兰忒一名女猎手,她答应嫁给任何在竞走中能战胜她的男人。她被希波墨涅斯超过,他在竞走时扔了三只金苹果引诱阿塔兰忒停下来去捡而取胜 | A maiden hunter who agreed to marry any man who could defeat her in a footrace.She was outrun by Hippomenes,who won by dropping along the course three golden apples,which she paused to pick up. | |
10 | 唉,他开始落后了。 | Well, he ’s dropping back. | |
11 | 罢工者被迫放弃他们的要求 | The strikers were bullied into dropping their demands | |
12 | 包括陈田鹤的《河梁话剧》,郑志声的《满江红》及马思聪的《抛锚》、《民主》、《祖国》、《春天》。 | They includedThe Heliang Drama by Chen Tianhe, The River Runs Red by Zheng Zhisheng, and Dropping the anchor, Democracy, Motherland and Spring by Ma Sicong. | |
13 | 包装运输包装件跌落试验方法 | Packaging--Transport packages--Vertical impact test method by dropping | |
14 | 并且她又记起公公陆匡时近来有一次讲起过吴老三的什么党派,而韩孟翔也漏出过一句:老赵跟老吴翻了脸。 | She remembered her father-in-law, lu Kuang-shih, mentioning Wu Sun-fu just recently in connection with some political party or other. She also remembered Han Meng-hsiang dropping a remark about Wu Sun-fu and Chao Potao falling out over something | |
15 | 超市内,我因裤袋有洞,硬币不断落地。 | In the supermarket, my coins were dropping all over the floor because of a hole in my pocket. | |
16 | 沉甸甸的稻穗预示着又一次丰收。 | Dropping ears of rice promise another good harvest. | |
17 | 传来剑的落地声,蝴蝶挣扎着向儿子爬去。这时平克顿赶上山来,连声叫唤蝴蝶的名字。待他到门口,蝴蝶已经死了。 | The knife is heard dropping . Butterfly tries to crawl toward the child as Pinkerton, ascending the hill, is heard calling her name. By the time he reaches the threshold, Butterfly is dead. | |
18 | 船的速度最早的计算方法是往船外丢上一节木头,上面绑着一捆绳子,每隔固定的间距打个绳结;当木头漂浮而暴露在外绳结数目,加上沙漏的时间,就得到船的速度,称为节(每小时海里)。 | Ship speed was first calculated by dropping overboard a log attached to a reel of line knotted at regular intervals; the number of knots exposed while the log drifted and a sandglass emptied gave the vessel’s speed in knots (nautical mph). | |
19 | 但是情报"对政府来说已经足够精确了",我们在第三栏中看到这句话,还看到飞机把炸弹投向城市。 | But the data are "close enough for government work", which we see in frame 3 includes the dropping of bombs on cities | |
20 | 滴水穿石。 | Constant dropping wears away a stone | |
21 | 敌人仍向城内发射炮弹。 | The enemy were still dropping shells into the town | |
22 | 敌人仍向城内投射炮弹。 | The enemy were still dropping shells into the town. | |
23 | 电影十分枯燥无味,沙伦一直在打瞌睡。 | The film was so boring that Sharon kept dropping off | |
24 | 电子管收音机的产量越来越少了。 | The output of vacuum tube radios is dropping off | |
25 | 恩格尔系数(食品消费比重)逐年下降。 | In Xinjiang, the engels coefficient (the food consumption ratio)is dropping year by year | |
26 | 房客的家属们哭着诉说着,向我的祖父跪了下来,于是祖父把两匹棕色的马从车上解下来还了回去。 | The tenant’s family came to see grandpa and, dropping to their knees, tearfully related their troubles. Grandpa unharnessed the two chestnut horses and returned them to the tenant | |
27 | 风正在减弱 | The wind is dropping . | |
28 | 购销价格错位 | Purchasing prices higher than selling prices;selling prices dropping away from purchasing prices | |
29 | 护士在点药水。 | The nurse is dropping medicine. | |
30 | 极谱分析通常用滴汞电极作为惰性电极。 | The inert electrode used for polarographic analysis is usually a dropping mercury electrode |