属类:社会文化-人物-LITTLE WOMEN
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-平等的力量 女性该如何平衡家庭和工作?
1 | 摆在他面前的是终身的苦役和折磨。 | He was facing a life of toil and drudgery and vexation | |
2 | 承受着编写词典这一无害苦役的重压 | To be ridden by the harmless drudgery of dictionary-making. | |
3 | 从此它受命运的摆布,把别人打扫干净,而自己却变得又脏又臭 | Condemn’d to do her Drudgery , and by a Capricious kind of Fate, destin’ d to make other Things Clean, and be Nasty it self | |
4 | 从机器问世之日起,凡是有识之士无不清楚,人类就不再需要从事辛劳的体力劳动了,因而在很大程度上也不再需要人与人之间保持不平等了。 | From the moment when the machine first made its appearance it was clear to all thinking people that the need for human drudgery , and therefore to a great extent for human inequality, had disappeared | |
5 | 单调乏味的工作;苦工 | Fatiguing or tedious work; drudgery . | |
6 | 但我的这个希望很快就破灭了。他每次出海时,总把我留在岸上照看他那座小花园,并在家里做各种奴隶干的苦活。 | But his hope of mine was soon taken away; for when he went to sea, he left me on shore to look after his little garden, and do the common drudgery of slaves about his house | |
7 | 对于获取书本知识这一苦事,下愚之人智力够不上,上智之人则不屑为。--哈兹利特 | The best capacities are as much above this drudgery (that of acquiring book-learning)as the dullest are beneath it.--Hazlitt | |
8 | 或者我会不会再过以前的那种生活----尽是些痛苦而又单调的治疗、种种清规戒律和使人枯槁的疲劳? | Or would I be sent back to my former life with all its drudgery , discipline, and sucking fatigue? | |
9 | 机器人这个词来源于捷克单词“roBota”,它的意思是苦差事,单调乏味的工作。 | Robot comes from the Czech word robota, which means drudgery . | |
10 | 她每日过着繁忙而乏味的生活。 | She was living a hole-and-corner existence of daily drudgery . | |
11 | 苦工,苦差事单调乏味的工作;苦工 | Fatiguing or tedious work;drudgery . | |
12 | 累人的或单调的例行工作;繁重乏味的工作 | Tiring or monotonous routine work;drudgery | |
13 | 美国的梅格是大姐,十六岁的年纪已经表现出是位善理家务的能手,尽管她并不喜欢单调的家务事。 | Pretty Meg, the oldest, was sixteen, and already showed domestic tastes and talents, though she detested the drudgery of household work | |
14 | 人们想摆脱日常生活中单调乏味的工作。 | People want to get away from the drudgery of their everyday lives. | |
15 | 斯梅德利先生不再干那单调乏味的办公室工作了,他因得到了盼望已久的宽松而陶然于自由自在的感觉之中。 | Mr Smedley,with the drudgery of the office a thing of the past,exulted in the sense of freedom that came from his longed-for release. | |
16 | 所以孩子也就糊里糊涂,不明不白地不知道为什么要学好华语,也学得好辛苦。 | So the students are learning the language with a muddled idea of its objectives, wondering why they have to learn the language at all. It becomes a drudgery for them. | |
17 | 他的一生都在做毫无意义的烦人的苦差事。 | He spent his life in pointlessly tiresome drudgery . | |
18 | 微型电子计算机迅速地承担起大量繁重的脑力劳动,从而以人们现在才开始领会的各种方式扩大了人脑的功能。 | The microcomputer is rapidly assuming huge burdens of drudgery from the human brain and thereby expanding the mind’s capacities in ways that man has only begun to grasp. | |
19 | 我的儿子正心怀恐惧地面临着十五年的上学苦役。我可以告诉他,在混沌黑暗之中,也许在某处会有神异出现,照得岁月一片光明--倘若他很幸运的话。 | I can tell my son who looks forward with horror to fifteen years of drudgery that somewhere in the dusty dark a magic may happen that will light up the years, if he is very lucky | |
20 | 我恐怕会觉得教初学者音乐是个单调沉闷的工作。 | I am afraid that I shall find it drudgery to teach music to beginner. | |
21 | 我们应该仔细地想一想一首乐曲、一幅水彩功或一篇美妙的文章究竟意味着什么(这一点却被他们轻轻带过或略而不论),这需要很多年专心致志地在键盘上、在画架小或者在写字台主辛勤操作,这样才能有所成就。 | Consider what is involved in this matter (so lightly touched upon and dismissed)of music or water-colour painting or fine writing, what years of serious application, of drudgery at the keyboard, the easel, or the writing-desk. | |
22 | 无休止的操心、厌倦感、繁重工作. | Unremitting care,boredom,drudgery | |
23 | 现在这个制度对他们意味着痛苦的劳役,半饥半饱,衣不蔽体的生活,短命和夭折。 | For them, the present system means joyless drudgery , semistarvation, rags and premature death | |
24 | 写定义和标明翻译用引言的枯燥工作(麦考利)。 | the drudgery of penning definitions and marking quotations for transcription(Macaulay. | |
25 | 许多节省劳力的设备于妇女摆脱掉乏味的厨房杂役。 | Labor-saving devices have emancipated women from kitchen drudgery . | |
26 | 以前似乎小得容不下儿女及其小伙伴们玩耍的房子,如今显得宽敞了,打扫和清洁房屋是件苦差事。 | Spacious homes that once seemed too small for the children and their friends to play in now mean more drudgery , to dust and maintain. | |
27 | 这种下贱的差使,根本用不着劳“黑暗之王”的大驾。 | The Prince of Darkness does not condescend to such cheap drudgery | |
28 | ||1:而她童年时代的朋友乔恩·约翰却并不是这样想的,他为她提供了一个自己的写作空间。||2:主人公的这位朋友是一位想制作戏剧服装的同性恋者,但却反而要忍受在拖网渔船上艰苦的工作以及他人的恐同,他是几个墨守成规的人物之一。||3:另一位墨守成规的人是伊西,她是一位家庭主妇,丈夫不在家时,她在地下室的公寓里与孤独和家务劳动作斗争。||4:赫克拉决心要变得与众不同,她不顾一切地放弃了服务员的工作以及工作中认识的那些打情骂俏的食客们,她加倍努力完成她的手稿并出版。||5:她的男朋友是一个不太有天赋的作家,他赞扬并且激励着她:“你是闪耀的冰川,我只是一个小鼹鼠。”||6:然而,她发现作为一个女人,一些途径已经关闭,她和乔恩·约翰决定止损,前往更远的地方寻求自由和艺术成功。 | ||1:One who doesn’t is her childhood friend Jon John, who gives her a room of her own in which to write.||2:A gay man who wants to make theatre costumes but instead endures hard graft and homophobia on fishing trawlers, he is one of several characters stuck in a rut.||3:Another is Isey, a housewife who battles loneliness and domestic drudgery in her basement flat while her husband is away.||4:Determined to be different, and desperate to leave behind the leering and groping diners she serves in her waitressing job, Hekla redoubles her efforts to finish her manuscript and get published.||5:Praise from her boyfriend, a less gifted writer, spurs her on: “You’re the glacier that sparkles, I’m just a molehill.”||6:However, as a woman, she finds some avenues closed, and she and Jon John decide to cut their losses and search for freedom and artistic success farther afield. | |
29 | 从无偿的劳累家务中逃离,投入到有偿工作中,对数百万女性来说似乎遥不可及。 | An escape from unpaid drudgery into paid work seems a distant prospect for millions of women. | |
30 | 妇女仍然为家事所累。 | Women were still burdened with domestic drudgery . |