属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-铭记于心 西班牙内战
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-《经济学人》:先生,您的电子报纸 Your digital paper
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-腐败之都 Capital of Corruption
1 | 这是一个非常朦胧的、且非常黑暗而阴沉的夜晚,天气冷彻肌肤,了无生趣。 | It was a very dubious -looking, nay a very dark and dismal night, bitingly cold and cheerless | |
2 | 这是一个没多大把握的冒险事业。 | It was a dubious enough venture | |
3 | 这项政策的效果短期内难以确定. | The results of this policy will remain dubious for some time. | |
4 | 这种随意的途径并不象人们所预期的那样无把握。 | This random approach is not as dubious as one might expect | |
5 | 之后,我意外发现了一些上不了台面的教学技巧,我不再批评那些总不成功的学生,而是相反把本学期对学生的评估成绩提高。 | Then I stumbled upon some dubious teaching techniques, reversed the criticisms of these chronically unhappy students and improved my student evaluations for the semester | |
6 | 《The Spanish Holocaust》是一本令人信服的残酷编年史。如果这本书可疑的书名使得广泛地读者群沮丧的话那真是个遗憾。 | “The Spanish Holocaust” is a compelling chronicle of a grim time in history. It would be a pity if the book’s dubious title discouraged a wider readership. | |
7 | ||1:FLIPBOARD 和它的竞争对手都向其使用者提供个性化数字杂志服务,允许读者从众多电子刊物中进行选择,这些刊物包括杂志,报纸,FACEBOOK和TWITTER上的博客文章。||2:在网上,有些类似于“大杂烩”式的网站,向读者提供免费下载服务,但他们没有自己的原创内容。||3:迄今为止数字报刊平台并不能给出版商带来多少利润,出版商们必须提供免费新闻(至少是几个连接其主页的新闻链接)以期吸引更多的读者。||4:与充斥着大量网站链接和阴茎增大广告的网站相比,数字媒体平台更纯净,更时尚,也更好用。||5:有的数字平台已开始加入了一些简洁高端的广告,与商家实现共赢。 | ||1:Flipboard and its rivals let users create a personalised digital magazine from a mix of sources, which can include magazines, newspapers, blogs and articles posted by their contacts on Facebook or Twitter. ||2:On the web, similar “aggregator” sites, personalised or not, have a bad name as freeloaders that create no content of their own. ||3:And the app versions have been of dubious benefit thus far to publishers, which must provide their stories free (or at least the first few lines, with a link to their websites) in return for the vague hope of getting more readers. ||4:But compared with a website cluttered with links and ads for penis enlargement, the apps are clean, stylish and nice to use. ||5:And some have started carrying glossy, high-end ads and sharing the revenue with publishers. | |
8 | ||1:在他的书的结尾拉克尔先生承认“预言衰退的预言家经常都被证明是错的”。||2:但他毫无畏惧,他还是继续笃定的宣称欧盟或许会解体。||3:尽管他的预言或许是值得怀疑的,但他的分析值得研读和深思,特别是对于那些在欧洲危机之前热衷于宣称欧洲向世界展示了一条通向更美好未来的道路的人。 | ||1: In his conclusion Mr Laqueur concedes that “the prophets of declinism have been frequently wrong.” ||2: Nothing daunted, he goes on cheerily to assert that the EU may break up. ||3: Yet though his predictions may be dubious , his analysis is worth reading and pondering, especially by those who before the euro crisis were fond of declaring that Europe was showing the world a way to a better future. | |
9 | ||1:作者似乎以乐观的态度写《巴基斯坦的未来》这本书;书中倒是希望巴基斯坦的未来会让人乐观。||2:综合各种威胁,巴基斯坦的犹存似乎让人疑虑重重:伊斯兰教徒和独立主义者盛行,潜在的核武器事端,阿富汗战争,经济和自然灾难,迅速增加的颓废的年轻人,国家领导人卷入受贿深渊,机构腐败,大城市暴力事件不断。||3:上面的任何一个事件可能招致这个国家的灭亡。 | ||1:It seems optimistic to write a book called “The Future of Pakistan”; it assumes the country has one.||2:Tot up the assorted threats and its survival may look dubious : Islamists, separatists, potentially stray nuclear weapons, the war in Afghanistan, economic and natural disasters, a booming and restless young population, unfathomably venal leaders, rotting institutions and violent megacities.||3:Any of these could yet spell the country’s demise (see our special report this week). | |
10 | 在芝加哥大学迪克?辛普森和他的同事们一份新的报告中,他们描绘了作为滋生腐败的温床伊利诺斯州和芝加哥已经到了何种程度。他们宣称,从1976年开始芝加哥就很可能是美联邦中高犯罪率地区,而它也因此显著区别与其他地区。 | A new report, by Dick Simpson and his colleagues at the University of Chicago, documents the extent to which the state of Illinois and the city of Chicago have been hotbeds of corruption. Chicago, they conclude, has the dubious distinction of being the federal district with the most convictions since 1976. | |
11 | (沉思)可能是对阿森纳进的那个,那些球诡异的球皮让我太不爽了! | Probably my one against Arsenal, which the dubious goals’ panel might try and take off me! | |
12 | “光彩照人的查理”贪婪地把可以证券卖给那些倒霉的客户,并以此掀起了一场保证金贷款投机活动。 | "Sunshine Charley" avidly sold securities of dubious character to hapless clients and whipped up speculation with margin loans. | |
13 | “她们自己说在英国零售商Tesco上夜班,”可他表示怀疑。 | "They say they are working the overnight shift at Tesco, " the British retailer, but he was dubious . | |
14 | “实情相告”几乎达到10%,而“实际上”则获得5%左右的得票率。 | "To tell you the truth" grates the most on 10% while "actually" receives the dubious distinction from 5%. | |
15 | “是真的呢,还是你的不着边际的玩笑话?” | "Is it true, or only one of your dubious jokes? " | |
16 | 2009年道琼斯工业平均指数绩效最佳公司这一荣誉不大可靠。 | THE title of best performer in the Dow Jones Industrial Average in 2009 is a dubious accolade. | |
17 | IMF前首席经济学家肯·格罗夫(KenRogoff)也表示,斯特劳斯-卡恩的计划令人“十分怀疑”。 | Ken Rogoff, the IMF’s former chief economist, says Mr Strauss-Kahn’s plan seems "dubious " . | |
18 | Kraft同时还怀疑这种容量更小、篇幅更短的游戏能否以更低的成本来开发。 | Mr Kraft is also dubious about the idea that smaller, shorter games can be developed more cheaply. | |
19 | Rebellion仍在尽力筹集资金,部分的困难是由于金融危机以来,投资者们对基于黑箱运作和数学分析模式投资战略持有很大的怀疑态度。 | Rebellion has struggled to raise money, in part because investors since the credit crisis are dubious of opaque math-based strategies. | |
20 | 贝卢斯科尼先生确实通过了一个新的财政紧缩预算(其中一些数字很可疑),但这对意大利近乎停滞的增长并无帮助。 | Mr Berlusconi adopted a new austerity budget (with some dubious numbers) but did virtually nothing to accelerate Italy’s sclerotic growth. | |
21 | 被以色列军方弃用的以巴勒斯坦居民作为人肉挡箭牌的恶行,过去曾在道德层面上遭到质疑,但的确减少了双方的伤亡。 | The Israeli army’s now-banned use of Palestinian residents as human shields was morally dubious but also saved lives on both sides. | |
22 | 并且对于其他一些不靠谱的决策,布什同样也是漫不经心,漠不关心。 | He applies the same insouciance to other dubious choices. | |
23 | 不过,尽管风险厌恶或许是原因之一,但把美元描述为一个“安全天堂”却似乎并不靠谱。 | But although risk aversion may be a factor, describing the dollar as a "safe haven" seems dubious . | |
24 | 不幸的是,实现朝净出口倾斜的再平衡这个目标虽然合理,却可能导致后果难料的政策方案。 | Unfortunately, the sensible goal of rebalancing towards net exports can lead to dubious policy prescriptions. | |
25 | 不幸的是,他同一个可疑的采矿生意有牵连,使几个英国朋友着实破了钱财。 | Unfortunately, though, he became involved in a dubious mining venture in which several British acquaintances lost heavily. | |
26 | 除了惮虑中国在线视频网站的商业模式,还有两个原因让我觉得这个危险的泡沫正在形成。 | Aside from dubious business models, there are two more reasons why I fear a dangerous bubble is emerging in Chinese online video. | |
27 | 除了一些可疑的文件外没有什么证据可以证明这个社团的存在。 | There is no evidence for this group beyond dubious documents. | |
28 | 从而超过新泽西州的卡姆敦、密歇根州的底特律和密苏里州的圣路易斯,获得被许多头版作家称为“最危险城市”的“殊荣”。 | Louis, Missouri for the dubious honor of being what some headline writers refer to as "the most dangerous city. " | |
29 | 大田市民队和凤凰队两只球队打假球的嫌疑非常大,目前已经有十几名队员遭到逮捕。 | Two clubs, Daejeon Citizen and Sangju Sangmu Phoenix, hold the dubious distinction of having more than ten players under arrest. | |
30 | 但是根据世界健康组织的数据与IQ分值的比照结果,他们关于种族智力水平的证据却疑点重重。 | But their evidence at a national level is more dubious , based on comparing World Health Organisation data with average IQ scores. |