属类:经济金融-APEC 词汇-APEC名称
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-斥巨资收留流浪汉 法国政府做错了什么
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-艾滋病 伙计们,请一起行动
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-定制宠物 只需按一下打印键
1 | 消化道复裂畸形:三病例报告 | Duplication of the Alimentary Tract: Report of Three Cases | |
2 | 消化道重复畸形临床分析 | Alimentary Tract Duplication : Clinic Analysis of 76 Cases | |
3 | 小儿肠重复畸形超声图像的回顾分析 | Analysis of Ultrasound Imaging on Intestinal Duplication in Children | |
4 | 小儿消化道重复畸形的影像诊断 | Imaging Diagnosis of Duplication of the Alimentary Tract in Child | |
5 | 一成员领土内的标准化机构应尽一切努力,避免与领土内其他标准化机构的工作或与有关国际或区域标准化机构的工作发生重复或重叠。 | The standardizing body within the territory of a Member shall make every effort to avoid duplication of, or overlap with, the work of other standardizing bodies in the national territory or with the work of relevant international or regional standardizing bodies. | |
6 | 一种基于关键重复语义的最大熵文本分类 | Maximum Entropy Text Classification Based on Key Duplication Semantic | |
7 | 遗传自母亲平衡转位染色体之第三对染色体长臂部份三染色体症及第十对染色体长臂缺失症 | Partial Duplication of 3Q and Distal Deletion of 10Q Inherited from a Maternal Balanced Translocation | |
8 | 以腹腔镜切除一例小孩腹内食道复制性囊肿 | Laparoscopic Resection of Intra-Abdominal Esophageal Duplication Cyst in a Child | |
9 | 以获得用于管理本协定的可获得的最佳科学和技术意见。并保证避免不必要的重复工作。 | With the objective of securing the best available scientific and technical advice for the administration of this Agreement and in order to ensure that unnecessary duplication of effort is avoided. | |
10 | 音乐制作人反作品被盗录保护公约 | Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms | |
11 | 用两套硬件(例如两个运算器)同时产生的结果进行连续的比较而实现的校验。 | Continuous computer check achieved by duplication of hardware and comparison of results. | |
12 | 由于地下输电系统的修理时间较长,因此有时就安装双套重复设施以降低重叠停电的危险。 | Because of the longer repair time for underground transmission systems, expensive duplication facilities are sometimes installed to reduce the risk of overlap-ping outages4. | |
13 | 油印品通过这种方法印制的印刷品 | A copy made by this method of duplication . | |
14 | 与数字艺术和解-论影像复制与美术之相生共和 | Compromise with Digital Arts: Co-existence of Image Duplication and Art | |
15 | 原位干细胞皮肤再生复制研究的背景 | The Background on Research of Skin Regeneration and Duplication by Culturing Stem Cell in Vivo and in Situ | |
16 | 照着说重复另一人的说话 | To utter in duplication of another’s utterance. | |
17 | 这14个小组都通过TES(风洞试验技术小组委员会)互相通报彼此的工作情况和工作计划,因此,避免了不必要的重复性劳动。 | The fourteen teams are kept informed of each other’s work and plan through TES and there is no unnecessary duplication of effort. | |
18 | 这里没有一样东西是重复的。 | No duplication can be found here.Everything is unique. | |
19 | 直肠重复畸形合并畸胎瘤一例报告 | Rectal Duplication Combined with Teratoma: A Case Report | |
20 | 直到现在,福特公司仍然是特定地区专门为本地市场设计“地方车”。这样也许可以满足本地口味,但是,通常造价昂贵的重复劳动 | Until now,regional fiefdoms designed vehicles for their own markets.That pleased local tastes,but often resulted in costly duplication . | |
21 | ||1:如此一来,法国别无选择,唯有削减公共支出。||2:莫斯科维奇表示那会占到2014年预算赤字削减的“大部分”。||3:艰险的征程由此展开。||4:委员会预测2014年的赤字率会达到3.9%,甚至高于2013年的,与此同时失业率会上升至11%。||5:政府集思广益,采用诸如家庭支付能力调查以及延长养老金的供期。||6:目前正在进行一项政策审查,目的是消除重复和裁减工作。||7:首相吉恩马克 艾洛特已成立一个委员会调查养老金改革。||8:“这与此前社会党政府的所作所为大相径庭。”内部人士透露说。 | ||1:That leaves no choice but cuts in public spending.||2:Mr Moscovici says these will account for “most” of the deficit reduction in the 2014 budget.||3:This is where the hard part begins.||4:The commission forecasts a deficit in 2014 of 3.9%, even higher than in 2013, as well as a rise in unemployment to 11%.||5:The government has begun to float various ideas, such as means-testing family benefits and lengthening the period for pension contributions.||6:A policy review is under way with the aim of eliminating duplication and cutting jobs.||7:The prime minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, has set up a commission to look into pension reform.||8:“This is all very different to what Socialist governments did before,” says an insider. | |
22 | ||1:义务重叠则说明工作重叠。||2:巴黎市有三家独立的公立组织负责安排流浪汉留宿。||3:而一些流浪者抱怨称,一个晚上会被多个流浪者服务机构给吵醒。||4:Philippe Redom是一名56岁的流浪汉,之前曾担当过厨师。他表示宁可呆在壁凹里,也不愿去留宿处,因为那些地方“太大了,没有一点隐私。” | ||1:Overlapping responsibility means duplication .||2:Paris has three separate publicly funded groups that transport homeless people to shelters.||3:Some complain about being woken up over the course of an evening by different homeless services.||4:Philippe Redom, a 56-year-old rough sleeper and former chef, prefers to remain in his alcove outside an office block. The shelters are “too big and there is no privacy”. | |
23 | 然而,11月30日,世界卫生组织,联合国儿童基金会和联合国艾滋病规划署又将发布另一份联合报告,报告内容尚未对外界透露。由于世卫组织和儿童基金会同时是艾滋规划署的发起人,所以这样的重复工作有点奇怪。 | On November 30th, however, a joint report by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations’ Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and—you’ve guessed it—UNAIDS comes out. What it will say is still under wraps. But WHO and UNICEF are also sponsors of UNAIDS, so the duplication of effort looks odd. | |
24 | 然而,就在晚些时候,国际健康组织(WHO)、联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)和,也许你已经猜到了,UNAIDS在11月30日联手发布了一份联合报告。报告的内容尚未对外公布。但是,由于国际健康组织和联合国儿童基金会同时也是UNAIDS的赞助商,所以这样的重复工作确实有点奇怪。 | On November 30th, however, a joint report by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations’ Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and-you’ve guessed it-UNAIDS comes out. What it will say is still under wraps. But WHO and UNICEF are also sponsors of UNAIDS, so the duplication of effort looks odd. | |
25 | 如今,一家总部位于加州圣美利托镇的小公司—基因复制公司打算将这一技术运用到极致。 | Now, a small Californian company, the Gene Duplication Corporation, based in San Melito, proposes to push the technology to its limits. | |
26 | BBC的员工不久将被要求跨越所有媒体进行工作以减少重复。 | BBC employees will soon be required to work across all media to help reduce this duplication . | |
27 | CPD:来自PMD小组的免费代码复制工具。 | CPD: A freely available code duplication tool from the PMD team. | |
28 | KSM使用的方法与内存去耦合中使用的方法不同。 | KSM uses a approach that’s different from the approach used in storage de-duplication . | |
29 | XMLBeans可创建用于Java开发的类,从而避免重复劳动,节约时间和成本。 | Its ability to create the classes for Java development avoids duplication and saves time and money. | |
30 | 报告复制件不加盖本中心检验专用章无效。 | Duplication of test report is invalid without the appropriate stamp of the test department on it. |