1 | 各个国家随着步入各个工业化发展阶段,从初级产品生产(加工原料)到非耐用消费品(例如:纺织品) | as countries move through various stages of industrialization, from primary manufacturing (processing of raw materials)to manufacturing of non-durable consumer goods (textile, for example) | |
2 | 顾客喜欢经久耐用的商品。 | Customers like the goods durable in use. | |
3 | 含铅少或不含铅的白镴质量较好,含锑和铋的合金比较耐用,也更光亮。 | Pewter with little or no lead is of finer quality, and alloys that include antimony and bismuth are more durable and shinier. | |
4 | 紧密的结构不易被玷污。斜纹织物的紧密结构使其耐久性能极佳。光亮柔软飘逸的缎纹织物具有高雅的外观。强力较高耐褶皱的针织物特别适于制作男女服装。 | The compact structure of twill weaves makes them score high in durability, the sheen and soft drape of the satins gives them superior esthetics, and the wrinkle resistance of durable knits makes them excellent fabrics for men’s and women’s wear. | |
5 | 经久耐用是本厂制作产品的质量要求。 | Durable service is a quality requirement that our factory has to meet in manufacturing products. | |
6 | 精纺工序对纱条适当加捻,使纤维集聚,因此精梳毛纱的捻度比膨松的粗梳毛纱高。粗而柔软的毛纱坚牢耐用,常用来制作毛线衣。 | In the spinning operation, which gives the necessary twist to hold the fibres together, worsted yarns are more tightly twisted than are the bulkier woolen yarns. The soft, heavy yarn is strong and durable and is often used for sweaters. Worsteds are also used for fine dress fabrics and suit material. | |
7 | 精美耐用的不锈钢生活用具深受消费者欢迎。 | Exquisite and durable stainless steel articles of everyday use are very welcome to consumers. | |
8 | 卡纸:原型样板是由厚的卡纸或塑料卡做成的,因为它们经久耐用。 | Card: Block patterns are made from heavy-duty card or plastic, as these are more durable . | |
9 | 抗静电整理效果可以是永久性的,也可以是非永久性的。 | Antistatic finishes may be either durable or nondurable. | |
10 | 里奇是肯尼迪学校的田径教练。他可能要算协会里最出色、最有耐力的自行车运动员了。 | Rich coached track at Kennedy and was perhaps the best and most durable bicyclist in the League | |
11 | 另据美国商务部同日公布的报告说,6月份美国的耐用品订货额为1666亿美元,比5月份下降了3.8%,减少67亿美元。 | Meanwhile, according to a report by the US Trade Department, the order volume of US durable goods in June was 166 billion US dollars, down 3.8% from May, or a decrease of 6.7 billion US dollars | |
12 | 落叶松属植物一种落叶树属的落叶性针叶树木,有成簇状针叶和重而坚硬的木质 | Any of several deciduous,coniferous trees of the genus Larix,having needlelike leaves clustered on short shoots and heavy,durable wood. | |
13 | 美观耐用的家电用品,畅销于市。 | The attractive and durable household electrical appliances sell well. | |
14 | 棉质、耐穿。 | Cotton, durable . | |
15 | 名牌旅游鞋,美观大方,经久耐穿,价格适中,倍感舒适。 | The walking shoes of this famous brand are artistic and tasteful, durable , and available at moderate price. all this gives users a feeling of comfort. | |
16 | 目前,图书馆用户发现大量缩微胶卷和平片已成为古老而不易保存的著作的代用品。 | Currently the library user is witnessing the large-scale substitution of microfilm and microfiche version for older and less durable works | |
17 | 幕墙的外表层应由耐用材料制成,其寿命应和建筑物一样长。保养是最低限度的。 | The exterior surface of a curtain wall should be made of a durable material, capable of lasting as long as the building. Maintenance should be a minimum. | |
18 | 哪一种最耐用 | What kind is the most durable ? | |
19 | 耐热、易清洗。 | Durable , easy to clean. | |
20 | 耐用品,耐用消费品:任何具有相当长的使用寿命,因而不是立即消费掉的消费品。 | Durable goods; durables: Any consumer good which has a significant life and which is not therefore immediately consumed. | |
21 | 年以来,涤棉织物的耐久定型整理、毛织物的防缩整理、阻燃整理,均降低了对纺织品维护的要求,改善了织物的性能,提高了纺织品的安全性。 | Since 1950, developments such as durable -press polyester/cotton blends, shrink-resistant wool, and flame-retardant treatments have decreased maintenance requirements, improved performance,and enhanced the safety of textile materials. | |
22 | 牛仔裤用粗斜纹布或其它耐磨纤维织物制成的工作装 | Pants made of jean,denim,or another durable fabric. | |
23 | 其它的则相当稳定和经久。 | Others are relatively stable and durable | |
24 | 其稳定的同位素为铀和其它重金属放射衰变后的最终产物。自古以来人们就知道铅的好处,它耐用且抗腐蚀,所以古罗马人的铅水管至今仍可使用。铅可用作屋顶材料、电缆的包皮、水管衬里和一些管道设备。 | Its stable isotopes are all end products of radioactive decay of uranium and other heavy elements. Known since ancient times, lead is so durable and resistant to corrosion that Roman lead pipes are still usable. Lead is used in roofing, as cable coverings, and in pipes, conduits, and structures. | |
25 | 枪木树任一种热带的美洲树种,尤指枪木,它有坚硬、耐久、纹理一致的木质 | Any of several tropical American trees,especially Calycophyllum candidissimum,having hard,durable ,uniformly grained wood. | |
26 | 墙壁应用耐用的材料,且达到一定的高度,应便于维护、清洁和消毒 | Have walls of durable material, up to an appropriate height, which is easy to maintain, clean and disinfect; | |
27 | 轻磅纸:是厚而轻的纸,编织疏松,不很耐用。用来制作要求厚度的书籍。 | Feather-weight papers: These are very bulky papers, light in weight,loosely knit and not very durable .They are used for book production where bulk is required. | |
28 | 热定形可以赋予人造纤维织物或人造纤维混纺织物其它性能,包括新颖持久的褶裥、褶皱、皱纹以及凹凸轧花。 | Heat setting can be used to impart a variety of other properties to man-made fibers used alone or in blends. These include interesting and durable surface effects such as pleating, creasing, puckering and embossing. | |
29 | 热定型树脂给织物添加永久性定型或洗穿性能,并改进防护剂的牢固性。 | Thermosetting resins impart durable press or wash-and-wear properties to the fabric and improve the fastness of the repellent | |
30 | 如果想使一咱美德发生实际效果,就必须像金子一样,在里面掺进一些更普通但更坚实的金属。--巴特勒 | A virtue, to the serviceable, must, like gold, be alloyed with some commoner but more durable metal.--Samuel Butler |