1 | (a)对于定期合同,如其期限等于或少于12个月,则估价基础应为合同有效期内的合同总价值,或如果其期限超过12个月,则估价基础应为包括估计的剩余价值在内的合同总价值。 | (a)in the case of fixed-term contracts, where their term is 12 months or less, the total contract value for their duration , or, where their term exceeds 12 months, their total value including the estimated residual value | |
2 | (g)对于非自动进口许可程序,表明通过许可程序所实施的措施;(h)许可程序的预计期限,如该期限可有一定可能性进行估计,如不能进行估计,则说明不能提供此信息的原因。 | (g)in the case of non-automatic import licensing procedures, indication of the measure being implemented through the licensing procedure; and(h)expected duration of the licensing procedure if this can be estimated with some probability, and if not, reason why this information cannot be provided. | |
3 | “你签字就聘本案辩护律师时,我就对你说,你要从头干到尾,想不到你两次来找我想打退堂鼓!” | I told you when you signed on for this that you were in it for the duration , and now you’ve come to me twice and tried to beg off! | |
4 | 44.由于不可抗力,致使合同无法履行,或是由于合资公司连年亏损,无力继续经营,经董事会一致通过,并报原审批机构批准,可以提前终止合同。 | In case of inability to fulfill the contract or to continue operation due to heavy losses in successive years as a result of force majeure, the duration of the joint venture and the contract shall be terminated before the time of expiration after being unanimously agreed upon by the board of directors. | |
5 | AVR通过晶闸管来控制每半个周波中流过电感器电流的持续时间来执行此功能。 | The AVR performs this function by controlling the duration of the current through the inductor on each half cycle via the thyristors. | |
6 | last和take都涉及时间的延续. | Both last and take are concerned with duration . | |
7 | 哎,这段时间(如整个学期)我只得呆在这里了. | Well,I’m stuck here for the duration ,eg for the whole term. | |
8 | 把一个外围设备在作业期间内指定给一个作业使用。 | To assign a peripheral to a job for the duration of the job | |
9 | 保险期限应按照B5和B4规定。 | The duration of insurance cover shall be in accordance with B5 and B4. | |
10 | 暴风雨持续时间很短。 | The storm was of short duration . | |
11 | 本次募股的起止期限及逾期未募足时认股人可撤回所认股份的说明。 | The duration of the offer and explanation that subscribers may revoke their subscription to shares if the offer is under-subscribed at the close of the offer. | |
12 | 本代理协议的期限是不限定的吗? | Is this agency agreement made for an unlimited duration ? | |
13 | 本届政府执政期间. | For the duration of this government | |
14 | 比赛一直持续 | Stayed the duration of the game. | |
15 | 承包商在根据雇主的要求和由雇主承担费用的情况下,在缺陷责任期满之后的任何时间,将上述未终止的此类义务的权益转让给雇主。 | the Contractor shall at any time, after the expiration of such period, as sign to the Employer, at the Employer’s request and cost, the benefit of such obligation for the unexpired duration thereof | |
16 | 冲击是一种持续时间极短,幅值很大的暂态电压或电流。 | A surge is a transient voltage or current which can have extremely short duration and high magnitude. | |
17 | 从那以后,在整个战争期间,印度相对来讲比较平静。 | After that, India was relatively quiet for the duration of the war. | |
18 | 大多数国家的版权期以作者寿命为基本依据。 | The duration out the copyright term throughout most of the world is based on the life of the author. | |
19 | 但由于这些好处的存续期不确定,一般实践中几乎全都将这类性质的支出作为当期费用处理。 | But because of the uncertain duration of the benefits, it is almost universal practice to treat expenditures of this nature as expense of the current period. | |
20 | 但愿持枪歹徒在停火期间能约束自 | Let’ s hope the gunmen will hold off for the duration of the cease-fire | |
21 | 但愿持枪歹徒在停火期间能约束自己的行动. | Let’s hope the gunmen will hold off for the duration of the cease-fire. | |
22 | 当死神在向他招手的时候,要他合作发起一项旷日持久的新倡议,未免太苛刻了。 | It was a tall order to ask him to be a partner in launching a new initiative of undefined duration when he was contemplating his own demise | |
23 | 到目前为止,已有350多名志愿者(大部分是大学生)参加了我们的实验,实验持续的时间从12天到22天不等。 | By now, over 350 volunteers (mostly university students)have taken part in our experiments, the duration of which varies from 12 to 22 days. | |
24 | 地质年代表又称为“地质日历”,它是由大大小小的地质时问单位组成的。与日历中的日和年不同,地质年代表的时间单位是不定的并且单位之间的持续时间不相等。 | The geological time scale or "geological calendar" is made up of large and small units of geological time. Unlike days and years, the units of geological time scale are arbitrary and of unequal duration . | |
25 | 第一次迅速生长期的长短对所有品种来说,几乎是相同的。 | The first period of rapid growth is nearly equal in duration for all cultivars | |
26 | 电视技术中,电视信号在出现一个阶跃变化后引起亮度的短时间闪烁。 | In television,a short duration variation in the luminance following a step change in the video signal. | |
27 | 对供方提供或者传授的专有技术和有关技术资料,受方应当按照合同约定的范围和期限承担保密义务。 | A recipient shall undertake the obligation to keep confidential, in accordance with the scope and duration agreed on in the contract, the proprietary technology and related technical information provided or imparted by the supplier. | |
28 | 发明专利的保护期限为15年。 | For invention the duration of protection is 15 years. | |
29 | 飞行途中请不要离开座位。 | Please remain seated for the duration of the flight. | |
30 | 非自动许可程序在范围和期限上应符合使用该程序所实施的措施,且其行政负担不得超过为管理该措施所绝对必要的限度。 | Non-automatic licensing procedures shall correspond in scope and duration to the measure they are used to implement, and shall be no more administratively burdensome than absolutely necessary to administer the measure. |