属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-战争的起源 古老的战士?
1 | 他们居住在这个国家的边境上。 | They dwelt on the borders of the country. | |
2 | 他们凝视着美丽的景色。 | Their eyes dwelt on(upon)the beautiful scene | |
3 | 他们在伦敦居住了10年。 | They dwelt in London for ten years. | |
4 | 他们在伦敦住了两年。 | They dwelt in London for two years. | |
5 | 他生动地论述了密尔顿散文风格的力量。 | He dwelt eloquently upon the power of Miltion’s prose style | |
6 | 为了保护地球以及地球上的居民免受住在尤通汉姆山巨人们的攻击,奥丁以及他的兄弟用伊米尔的眉毛做成一道篱笆,围在地球周围。 | To preserve it and its inhabitants from the giants, who dwelt in d6tunheim, odin and his brother surrounded it with a fence made from the eyebrows of the Ymir | |
7 | 我将功利性或幸福视为支配人们行为的法则,并已经就这一完全正确概念的必要组成部分进行了详细的讨论。 | I have dwelt on this point as being a necessary part of a perfectly just conception of utility or happiness considered as the directive rule of human conduct | |
8 | 我在这个岛上住了10年。 | I dwelt on this island for ten years | |
9 | 校长在讲话中强调了交通安全。 | The principal dwelt on traffic safety in his talk. | |
10 | 演讲者特别阐述了教师极为缺乏的情况。 | The speaker dwelt especially on the great need for teachers. | |
11 | 要是人们能除掉维尔福先生的话,情形或许就不会象现在这个样子,但他就象那些敢于违抗国王的封建诸侯一样,住在一个无法攻陷的堡垒里。 | Perhaps this would not have been so had it been possible to get rid of M. de Villefort; but, like the feudal barons who rebelled against their sovereign, he dwelt in an impregnable fortress | |
12 | 在那些漫长的下午,当她唯一的消遣是坐在摇椅上,看最新出版的小说时,那次演出便萦绕在她的心头,占满了她的脑海。 | It dwelt in her mind and occupied her consciousness during many long afternoons in which her rocking-chair and her latest novel contributed the only pleasures of her state. | |
13 | 在这场地上居住着一个人,在这里的小路上踏着他的脚步,虽说不为世人所认可,她却自信他俩已结成一体,并将共同来到末日审判的席位前凭栏而立 | There dwelt , there trode the feet of one with whom she deemed herself connected in a union, that, unrecognised on earth, would bring them together before the bar of final judgment, | |
14 | 在周一华盛顿的一个烧烤宴会上,20个客人中只有一个不是黑人,当时的话题几乎全部围绕着黛安娜。 | At a barbecue the following Monday in Washington, where all but one of the 20 guests were black, the conversation dwelt on little else | |
15 | 丈夫(一个心灵优美的男人)、妻子(一个出类拔萃的女人)、天使般的孩子和一些肝胆相照的朋友,一起住在伯克夏。 | The husband, a beautiful soul, the exceptional wife, the angelic child and the perfect friends all dwelt in the Berkshires together | |
16 | 这个部落的很多习俗和仪礼可追溯到很久远的时代。 | Many of the customs and rituals of this tribe were as old as the hills they dwelt among. | |
17 | 这些朴实的人们,有的就住在用圆木搭建的小屋里,四周有葱郁的树林环绕。 | Some of these good people dwelt in log-huts, with the black forest all around them | |
18 | 自此以后,他就做了狄安娜的一名猎手,颇得狄安娜的宠爱,据说狄安娜甚至要嫁给他。 | After this he dwelt as a hunter with Diana, with whom he was a favorite, and it is even said she was about to marry him. | |
19 | 最糟糕的是杜松子酒味在他身上日夜不散,使他感到同那--臭味不可分解地混合在一起。 | and what was worst of all was that the smell of gin, which dwelt with him night and day, was inextricably mixed up in his mind with the smell of those-- | |
20 | ||1:研究政治的人第一次真正注意茶党运动还数两年前。当时茶党在犹他的门徒拒绝提名江湖地位崇高的鲍勃-本内特竞选连任,直接宣告了他的政治生涯的终结。||2:满脑袋疑问的国会议员们肯定想问,如果本内特还不够保守,到底地球上还有没有人称得上保守了?||3:有一个人在这个问题上费的脑筋比其他人都多,花的时间比其他人都长。这个人就是犹他另一位江湖地位更高的共和党参议员奥林-哈奇。他从1977年就任职至今。 | ||1: THE political class first sat up and paid real attention to the “tea-party” movement two years ago, when its acolytes in Utah ended the career of Bob Bennett, a venerable Republican senator, by denying him the party’s nomination for his re-election bid. ||2: If Bob Bennett is not conservative enough, incredulous congressmen asked, who on earth is? ||3: One person assumed to have dwelt long and hard on that question is the other, even more venerable Republican senator from Utah, Orrin Hatch, who has been in office since 1977. | |
21 | 他重新研究了诺马米人所有的战事文献。他发现,这些战事都发生在有人迹的地方,而不是诺马米人安居的地方。 | These, he found, were overwhelmingly in areas penetrated by settlers rather than in places where the Yanomami dwelt undisturbed. | |
22 | 不过它已经在那了就成了几个土蜈蚣大家庭遮风避雨的场所。 | But as it was there, it formed a good shelter against wind and weather to several families of earwigs who dwelt in it. | |
23 | 大森林边住着一位樵夫和他的妻子。他们只有一个孩子,是个三岁的女孩。 | Hard by a great forest dwelt a wood-cutter with his wife, who had an only child, a little girl three years old. | |
24 | 第一部作品《星期六》,以伊拉克战争为背景;在他的小说新作《太阳》中,主题则是全球变暖。 | The first, "Saturday" , dwelt on the war with Iraq; in his new novel, "Solar" , the focus is global warming. | |
25 | 厄普顿·辛克莱的小说《森林》(1906)通篇都在揭露芝加哥肉类加工业“地狱般的剥削”。 | Upton Sinclair dwelt on "the inferno of exploitation" in Chicago’s meat packing industry in "The Jungle" (1906). | |
26 | 而在6月3日,联邦储蓄主席本•伯南克在一次给欧洲听众的演说中将焦点移到了货币上。 | And on June 3rd Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, dwelt on the currency in a speech to a European audience. | |
27 | 告诉我,马西米兰,从前,在马赛的时候,你父亲和我父亲之间有没有发生过什么误会? | Tell Me. truly, Maximilian, whether in forMe. days, when our fathers dwelt at Marseilles, there was ever any misunderstanding between them? | |
28 | 她经常提到的一点就是他们少一个孩子。 | One of the topics on which she most frequently dwelt was their want of family. | |
29 | 她住在人迹罕至的乡间,就在那鸽溪旁边, | She dwelt among the untrodden ways by William Wordsworth She dwelt among the untrodden ways Beside the springs of Dove, | |
30 | 她住在一个玫瑰色彩的乐园里,那里既没有极度的阴暗,也没有耀眼的光辉。 | She dwelt in a paradise of rosy tints, in which there were neither violent shadows nor glaring lights. |