属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-北海 油尽气绝
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-咨询公司 战略举措
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中土王国汽车制造商 一朝得志
1 | 从一百减少到二十. | dwindle from 100 to 20 | |
2 | 化为乌有. | dwindle away (in) to nothing | |
3 | 假如我再容忍你下去的话,我可能会一步步退化至成为老婆也未可知。 | If I continue to endure you a little longer, I may by degrees dwindle into a wife | |
4 | 尽管没有组织承认这起事件,对付恐怖主义的动作应该保持一致,力度更不容减弱。 | While no organisation has claimed responsibility for the attacks, actions against terrorism must remain consistent and the intensity must not dwindle too. | |
5 | 看电影的人数似乎在逐渐下降。 | The number of people going to the cinema seems to dwindle steadily | |
6 | 民意测验显示,很多美国人对反恐怖主义战争的关注程度开始缩小。 | Qpinion polls suggest that the level of interest many Americans have in the war on terrorism is beginning to dwindle . | |
7 | 在游欧期间,他花光了所有的钱。 | His money dwindle away to nothing while traveling in europe. | |
8 | 这使我迷惑不解,而且佩服的五体投地。这就是我自己越看越小,小得像个小蚊虫的原因。他们有如此神奇的天赋!正像传说中讲的那样。 | I am bewildered and crushed. The very idle rumour of fellow-creatures so wonderfully gifted makes me dwindle in my own estimation to the size of a gnat. | |
9 | 宗教团体可能堕落为宗派俱乐部。 | Religious societies may dwindle into factious clubs | |
10 | ||1:然而,即使在疫情爆发之前,办公室恋情也在减少。||2:根据斯坦福大学的一项研究,1995年,19%的异性恋者在工作中遇到了他们的伴侣。||3:到2017年,这一比例已降至11%。现在的这一比例更低。||4:随着白领们在家办公的时间越来越长,而在办公室工作的时间却越来越少,即使病毒消退,办公室恋情的机会也会减少。 | ||1:Even before the pandemic, however, office romances were in decline.||2:In 1995, 19% of (heterosexual) people met their partner at work, according to a study by Stanford University.||3:By 2017 this had fallen to 11%. It will be even lower now.||4:As white-collar employees toil more hours at home and fewer at the office—which seems likely even after the virus recedes— opportunities for workplace romantic connections will dwindle . | |
11 | ||1:这些问题的一部分仅仅是老化的迹象。||2:英国海上油田的开采程度比开发者们所预想的更深远;也因此,要花费大量的资金和时间来对老化的套件进行维修。||3:带来巨大效益的储量在日趋减少,因此,在更难开发的位置以钻井开发小领域正在进行,比如在设德兰群岛西部的远海深水海域。 | ||1:Some of these problems are simply signs of age.||2:Britain’s offshore fields have gushed for longer than pioneers expected; as a result, much time and cash must be spent maintaining ageing kit.||3:As the most profitable reserves dwindle , drillers are opening up smaller fields in more difficult locations, such as the deep, wild waters found west of the Shetland Islands. | |
12 | 正如萨班斯-奥克斯利法案的出台减少了工作量,2008年到2009年的金融危机的冲击造成了咨询工资的减少。 | Just as the workload from Sarbanes-Oxley began to dwindle , the 2008-09 financial crisis hit, causing consulting revenues to dip. | |
13 | 中土王国政府想要通过强迫外国制造商与本土企业的合作来解决上述问题,希望能够创造出一批新的品牌,一批能够把国际上的优点与中土王国特色相结合的品牌。迄今为止,以上努力近乎徒劳,国产牌子的汽车仅占中土王国国内汽车销售的三分之一,而且该市场份额还在缩小。 | The government has tried to fix the problem by pressing the foreign carmakers to work with the locals to create new brands combining international flair with Chinese characteristics.|| So far this has made little difference: Chinese brands account for only about one-third of domestic sales, and their share continues to dwindle .|| | |
14 | 按照这种观点,随着知识、财富、教育和民主的传播,宗教势力必将被削弱。 | In this view, as knowledge, wealth, education and democracy spread, the power of religion is bound to dwindle . | |
15 | 穿过墓地,我听到城市的喧嚣声逐渐沉寂为一片嗡嗡声。 | Walking across the graveyardI hear the city’s traffic dwindle to a low hum. | |
16 | 此类侥幸所得终将减少。 | This windfall will eventually dwindle . | |
17 | 大多数供电站的煤炭供应减少使中国中部的工厂及居民用电供电中断以及停电。 | Power cuts and blackouts hit factories and residential neighborhoods in central China as coal supplies dwindle at generating stations. | |
18 | 但当GoogleBooks在线馆藏的日益增加时,是否会减少传递请求数量? | But as the online holdings of Google Books increases, will delivery request traffic dwindle ? | |
19 | 但是随着公共抗议声逐渐减少(事实上并未停止),政府官员称,在任者将在下月早期进行宣誓就职。 | But as public protests continued to dwindle without actually ending, the authorities said the incumbent would be sworn in early next month. | |
20 | 但是随着其他欧盟国家开放自身的劳动力市场,外籍工人流入量将可能缩小。 | But as other EU countries open their labour markets, the flow to Britain may dwindle . | |
21 | 当钢铁产业衰败,尽管有资金投入来复兴经济,小城却也遭到同样的命运。 | When that began to dwindle , so did life in the town, despite investment to regenerate its economy. | |
22 | 当男人的那些所谓自然特质逐渐式微之时,女人的那些才是有价值的(很有可能会更有价值)。 | They will always be valuable (possibly even more valuable) while men’s supposed natural attributes dwindle . | |
23 | 当我们眼看他们的数量缩减,森林消失,他们留下的痕迹将和贡贝的溪流一样清晰:当他们离去,也许,有一天,我们也会离去。 | As we watch their numbers dwindle and their forests fall, their legacy becomes as clear as a Gombe stream: As they go, so, one day, may we. | |
24 | 货币基金组织的Tokuoka先生认为当人口老化时,储蓄率会逐渐下降,流入政府债券市场的资金也会减少。 | The IMF’s Mr Tokuoka reckons that as the population ages, savings will dwindle , which could reduce inflows to the government-bond market. | |
25 | 家人的紧密联系如何衰退成习惯的友谊关系,是一件有趣的事。 | It is interesting how even the closest of family ties dwindle into habitual friendship. | |
26 | 接下来的几个月,与会者开始减少。 | Over the next few months, attendance began to dwindle . | |
27 | 今天“MediaGuardian变化的媒体”峰会上传出消息,商业电台可能在15年至20年因广告收入减少而倒闭。 | commercial radio could die out within 15 to 20 years as advertising revenues dwindle , the MediaGuardian Changing Media Summit heard today. | |
28 | 尽管LED灯比白炽灯利润空间更大,但灯源替代市场钟会趋于缩小。 | Although LEDs will be more profitable than incandescent bulbs the replacement market will eventually dwindle . | |
29 | 据语言学家兼保守派评论家约翰麦克沃特(JohnMcWhorte)估计,在下一个世纪,现存的6000多种语言将会缩小至600多种。 | Linguist and conservative commentator John McWhorter estimates the 6, 000 languages spoken today will dwindle to only 600 next century. | |
30 | 可是,还是许多求职者却会考虑,因为他们的账户存款数目逐渐减少,拒绝信越堆越高。 | Still, it’s something many job seekers consider as their bank accounts dwindle and the rejection letters pile up. |