属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-脸书禁止枪支买卖 WTO宣布寨卡病毒为全球紧急公共卫生
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-连接招聘者和求职者
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-卡西尼航天器冲入土星烧毁结束其使命
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-连接招聘者和求职者
1 | 这个年轻的伯爵风度翩翩,待人亲切,他使我们都感到轻松自在,我很喜欢他。 | The young earl was a most charming and friendly person and put us all at our ease; I quite fell for him | |
2 | 这一回答把伯爵本人给请到蓓基的房间里来了。 | This reply brought the earl in person to Becky’s apartment | |
3 | 子爵低于侯爵或伯爵但高于男爵的贵族等级 | A nobleman ranking below an earl or a count and above a baron. | |
4 | ||1:“婚姻自由,长久以来都乃自由之人追求幸福不可或缺之至高无上人权之一。”||2: 美国最高法院的首席大法官Earl Warren在1967年时和他的同僚们一致通过裁定,认为禁止不同种族通婚的禁令违反了第十四修正案的平等保护条款和正当程序条款,为了解释这一裁定,他写下了上面这句话。 ||3:同性恋婚姻的支持者们希望看到这同一法庭也将同一理由适用于他们的案件。||4:而加州联邦法庭在2月7日的判决让他们离自己的目标更近了一步。 | ||1: “THE freedom to marry”, wrote Earl Warren, chief justice of the United States Supreme Court,“has long been recognised as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men.” ||2: Warren wrotethat sentence in 1967, by way of explaining why he and his colleagues unanimously ruled that laws banning interracial marriages violated both theequal protection and due process clauses of the fourteenth amendment. ||3: Supporters of gay marriage would like to see that same court apply that same reasoning to their cause. ||4: On February 7th a federal court in California brought them one step closer. | |
5 | ||1:鲁肯伯爵(Lord Lucan)死亡证明的发布让另一件令人困扰已久的问题—几乎和英国留盟问题一样历史悠久—在本周得到了解决。||2:其孩子的保姆在伦敦惨遭谋杀后,这名神秘贵族也于1974年失踪。||3:几十年里,关于他有罪的猜测接踵而至,目击传言也层出不穷,但从未有人真正再见到过他。||4:此次法庭的判决意味着鲁肯伯爵的儿子宾厄姆勋爵(Lord Bingham)能够继承家族头衔,成为鲁肯伯爵八世。 | ||1:Another baffling issue, almost as old as Britain’s EU membership, was cleared up this week when a death certificate was issued for Lord Lucan.||2:The enigmatic aristocrat disappeared in 1974 after his children’s nanny was murdered in London.||3:Decades of speculation about his guilt ensued, as did alleged sightings, but Lucan was never seen again.||4:The court ruling means that his son, Lord Bingham, can inherit the family title and become the 8th Earl of Lucan. | |
6 | ||雷尼森表示,语义搜索旨在从关键字周边的单词或词组中找到合适的匹配。||他表示,这有助于获得正确的匹配,即使一份工作发布时,简历或其它文件使用了不同的单词来表达相同的意思。他说更好的搜索将产生更好的匹配,填补更多职位的空缺。 | ||Earl Rennison says semantic search is designed to choose the right match from the words or expressions around a key word.|| He says this helps it get the right match even if a job posting, resume or other documents use different words to express the same idea. He says better searches will lead to better matches, and fill more jobs. | |
7 | 项目经理厄尔·梅兹(Earl Maize)为卡西尼划上了一个句号,并且盛赞了美国宇航局团队的工作。 | Program manager Earl Maize marked the end of the spacecraft and praised the work of the NASA team. | |
8 | 一家名为Monster Worldwide的公司正在使用他们所说的能够帮助解决这一问题的一些新技术。公司官员厄尔·雷尼森(Earl Rennison)表示,被称为“语义搜索”的计算机程序能够处理大量信息。其中包括处理数百万简历,来帮助技能人才找到开放职位。 | A company called Monster Worldwide is using some new technology it says can help solve that problem. Company official Earl Rennison says computer programs called "semantic search" are able to process huge amounts of information. That includes millions of resumes, to help connect skilled people with open jobs. | |
9 | “不是,老兄,那是沃尔登伯爵。”他说完就走了。 | "No, mate, it’s only the Earl of Walden" he walked on. | |
10 | “嫁给沃尔登伯爵,”她父亲出其不意地说。 | "Marry the Earl of Walden, " her father said abruptly. | |
11 | “命运,晚安,再次微笑;选择尔轮!”《李尔王》中虚伪的肯特伯爵说道。 | "Fortune, good night, smile once more; turn thy wheel! " says a disguised Earl of Kent in King Lear. | |
12 | “我可不认为伯爵会是伯爵夫人的最爱。”她对女王说。 | "But I do not think it is the Earl that the Countess loves the best, " she said to the Queen. | |
13 | 阿祖:你可能已经注意到飓风伯爵正在不断变化着等级。 | AZUZ: You might have noticed that Hurricane Earl keeps changing categories. | |
14 | 安妮•克利福德夫人是最早表达不满的女眷,她是多西特伯爵三世的遗孀,其子早夭,女儿们无缘继承遗产。 | Lady Anne Clifford was the first of them, widow of the third earl , whose sons died in infancy and whose daughters were bypassed. | |
15 | 伯爵把苏格兰女王带到了特伯利城堡,一座位于德贝郡和斯塔福德郡边界的古老灰塔。 | The Earl brought the Queen of Scots to Tutbury Castle, an ancient grey tower on the borders of Derbyshire and Staffordshire. | |
16 | 博韦(药物学家)说红茶(包括伯爵茶)中含有抗氧化剂能够帮助身体不受自由基的侵害。 | Black tea -- which includes earl grey-- also has antioxidants that can protect the body from the effects of free radicals, Beauvais said. | |
17 | 布赖恩。厄尔。斯比尔诺,像个连环杀手的名字。 | Brian Earl Spilner, sounds like a serial killer name. | |
18 | 茶影响着英国的各个阶层,茶影响着英国的各个阶层,英国人经常饮用英国早餐茶及伯爵茶。 | The meaning of going to the teahouse . Tea influences every level, the English often drink tea and British breakfast earl tea. | |
19 | 承认杀害马丁·路德·金的凶手詹姆斯·厄尔·雷之后又声称自己是无辜的,在狱中度过余生。 | James Earl Ray, King’s confessed assassin, who later claimed his innocence, spends the rest of his life behind bars. | |
20 | 从此以后,女王再也没有试图从伯爵夫人那里偷走伯爵的心。 | But the Queen never again tried to steal the Earl ’s affections away from the Countess. | |
21 | 当孟福尔到达伊夫夏姆时,他没有见到他儿子的军队,而是遭受了爱德华王子的当头一棒。 | When the Earl of Leicester reached Evesham, instead of meeting his son’s army, he was met by Prince Edward at the head of a superior force. | |
22 | 厄尔.布莱克是德克萨斯莱斯大学的政治学教授。 | Earl Black is a political science professor at Rice University in Texas. | |
23 | 刚开始徒步旅行不久,厄尔·沙弗尔在1948年4月10日和11日的日记。 | Earl Shaffer’s diary entries for April 10-11, 1948, shortly after he started his hike. | |
24 | 飓风Earl导致了美国东北海岸的强降水和大风。 | Hurricane Earl caused heavy rain and strong winds along the coast of the northeastern United States. | |
25 | 老虎长到九个月大,伊尔把一把高尔夫球棒的顶端锯掉给他了。 | When Tiger was nine months old, Earl sawed off the top of an old golf club. | |
26 | 伦敦塔开始滥用酷刑,受珀西诬陷,诺森伯兰伯爵一直被监禁到1621年。 | Some small fry were tortured in the Tower and, tainted by Percy, the Earl of Northumberland was imprisoned there until 1621. | |
27 | 论厄尔·迈纳的比较诗学体系 | On Earl Miner’s System of Comparative Poetics | |
28 | 马修.布罗德里克、乔纳森.泰勒.托马斯和詹姆斯.厄尔.琼斯为该片主角配音。 | Matthew Broderick, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, and James Earl Jones gave the background voices for the main characters. | |
29 | 美国国家风暴中心,2010年9月3日,飓风Earl通告档案,美国国家气象局,美国国家海洋和大气管理局。 | Hurricane Earl Advisory Archive. National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. | |
30 | 面对众多评论,Earl将此列入广告令人讨厌的主要方面。 | To many critics, Earl ’s inclusion is the ad’s chief offense. |