1 | 拜占庭建筑是折衷式的,起初着重于模仿罗马寺庙的特点。 | Byzantine architects were eclectic , at first drawing heavily on Roman temple features. | |
2 | 宝洁致力于培养聚焦于共同目标泊多元化和折衷主义的公司文化。 | P&G is devoted to fostering a diverse and eclectic company culture that is simultaneously focused on common goals. | |
3 | 但是,他们认为那些把这种情况当作解释不发达问题的中心的人是折衷主义和专横武断。 | But they view those who place this fact at the center of their explanations of underdevelopment as being eclectic and arbitrary | |
4 | 德拉·洛奇:法国肖像和壁画画家,其广泛的作品兼容了古典主义和浪漫主义因素. | Delaroche:French portrait and mural painter whose eclectic works combined elements of the classical and romantic schools. | |
5 | 对音乐有所选择的品味;以综合各派的方式来处理经济事务 | An eclectic taste in music;an eclectic approach to managing the economy. | |
6 | 国际进入模式决策之折衷理论暨国际进入模式组合之研究 | A Study on Eclectic Theory of Market Entry Mode Decision and Portfolio of Entry Mode | |
7 | 基于OLI范式的跨国并购动因模型 | The Model of Dynamic Reasons of Transnational M&A Based on the Eclectic Paradigm | |
8 | 简陋的街道与最豪华的巴黎林荫大道共存,巴黎市中没有其它地方能象十七区这样风格多样而奇特(b简·拉夫尔蒂) | a mix of mean streets and the grandest boulevards-no other place in Paris is as eclectic and eccentric.as the 17th(bJean Rafferty) | |
9 | 结构主义理论的起源充其量也不过是折衷主义。 | The origins of structural theories are eclectic at best | |
10 | 她的读物范围很广,从诗歌到通俗小说都读。 | Her reading is eclectic ,ranging from poetry to hip slicks. | |
11 | 来光顾这热门酒馆的是艺术家、作家、秘书与后备老兵等这些人(b柯蒂斯·威尔基) | a popular bar patronized by an eclectic collection of artists,writers,secretaries and aging soldiers on reserve duty(bCurtis Wilkie) | |
12 | 来光顾这热门酒馆的是艺术家、作家、秘书与后备老兵等这些人(柯蒂斯·威尔基) | a popular bar patronized by an eclectic collection of artists,writers,secretaries and aging soldiers on reserve duty(Curtis Wilkie) | |
13 | 模糊协商微分对策及其折中解 | Fuzzy Cooperative Differential Game and Its Eclectic Solution | |
14 | 其余的人更愿意选择更灵活的方式,参加几个社团,参与凡是他们感兴趣的活动 | Others prefer to take a more eclectic approach, being members of several societies and taking part in whichever of their events seem interesting. | |
15 | 他爱好各种音乐. | He has an eclectic taste in music. | |
16 | 他的惯用手法是折衷。 | His habitual touch was that of the eclectic | |
17 | 它不像基督教那样咄咄逼人。一传人中国,它就立即改头换面,以便适合中国人的心态。我们的思想是宽容而折中的。 | It has never been so aggressive as Christianity. as soon as it came to China it adapted itself to the Chinese mind, which is tolerant and eclectic . | |
18 | 文丘里,罗伯特·查尔斯生于1925美国建筑学家,曾领导了对实用建筑主义的后现代主义反击。他的颇具幽默感及不拘一格的设计通常含有历史参照因素 | American architect who led the postmodern reaction to functionalism.His eclectic ,sometimes humorous designs often incorporate historical references. | |
19 | 一种折衷型模糊决策模型及其应用 | A Sort of Eclectic Fuzzy Decision-making Model and Its Application | |
20 | 由此也就在题材和形式表现方面逐步形成了一系列有别于其它体裁的特性,并为其进一步与说唱、戏曲相结合而走上舞台创造了条件。 | The conditions were formed for xiaodiao to mount the stage as an eclectic entertainment which had gradually absorbed the subject matter and forms of other types of performances. | |
21 | 由阶段观点概念化短期折哀心理治疗 | Conceptualizing Brief Eclectic Therapy from A Stage Perspective | |
22 | 在一位从各处随意取材的俗人主办的“男修士的开始页面”上,特别介绍了该修道院,后来一位修士发现该页面上刊登了一些喜剧小品,那是由英国蒙蒂·皮东喜剧团演出的、对修道院生活进行嘲弄的短剧。 | The abbey was featured on the "The Monk’s Home page," administered by a layman with eclectic tastes, until a brother discovered the page contained comedy sketches, by the British comedy group Monty Python, which were poking fun at monastic life | |
23 | 折中法的理论探析与实践 | Exploration of the Eclectic Method and Its Application to ELT in China | |
24 | 折中主义教学法及其在课堂教学中的应用 | Eclectic Approach and Its Application in Classroom Teaching | |
25 | 折衷式游戏治疗模式对国小认辅教师训练效果之研究 | The Eclectic Play Therapy Model and its Effect Upon the Elementary School Guidance Teacher | |
26 | 折衷主义折衷的体系或方法 | An eclectic system or method. | |
27 | 折衷主义者以折衷兼容的方式工作的人 | One that follows an eclectic method. | |
28 | 中国宗教最显著的特征是:政教分离,宗教信仰的折衷心态、由此而产生的宗教宽容、宗教在社会生活中的广泛渗透,当代的世俗化倾向。 | Some of the most salient features of religion in China have been: the separation of church and state, the eclectic inclination of the Chinese mind on matters of religion, the tolerance of beliefs as a result of these two tendencies, the diffusion of religion into various aspects of life and the secularisation of religion in contemporary life. | |
29 | 总的说来,进入20世纪以来戏剧艺术走的是一条折衷的道路。在20世纪涌现出来的众多流派中,有两个实际源于19世纪的流派值得一提。 | In the main, the 20th century theater has been an eclectic theater. among the numerous styles of presentation that it has encouraged, two that actually began in the 19th century should be noted. | |
30 | ||1: 从政治角度看,盖洛普调查发现最富的1%中将自己归为共和党的比例比其余99%多(分别占比为33%和28%)而归为民主党的少( 分别占比为26% 和33%)。 ||2:西北大学本杰明?裴吉在芝加哥地区进行的对104个富裕家庭进行的调查发现,预算赤字是他们最大的政治担忧,其次是失业;而对于更广阔的群体来说,这个重要性排序恰好相反。||3:然而1%们的思维正如大多数选民一样并不开放灵活,常常同时支持自由主义和保守主义的观点。||4: 比如代表富国银行为富裕家庭提供建议的基思?惠特克说, 他们中的很多人同情占领华尔街运动;他们很多人通过商业经营致富,认同“认为华尔街是一个“把(别人的)企业拿来解体,交由他人管理的地方。”” 。 | ||1: Politically, Gallup polls find that the 1% are more likely than the 99% to identify themselves as Republicans (33% to 28%) and less likely to be Democrats (26% to 33%). ||2: A survey of 104 wealthy families in the Chicago area, led by Benjamin Page of Northwestern University, found the budget deficit was their leading worry, followed by unemployment; for the broader population, the reverse is true. ||3: Still the rich, like most voters, have eclectic views, often supporting liberal and conservative positions simultaneously. ||4: For example, Keith Whitaker, who advises wealthy families on behalf of Wells Fargo, says many of them sympathise with the Occupy Wall Street movement. A lot of them became rich by building businesses and consider Wall Street “the place where businesses are taken apart and run by someone else”. |