属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: 日食影响股票市场?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国与伊斯兰国 再担重任
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: 日食影响股票市场?
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: 日食影响股票市场?
1 | 中国古代的日食食分算法 | The Arithmetic of Solar-Eclipse -Magnitude in Ancient China | |
2 | 中国古代日食观测 | ancient eclipse observations in China | |
3 | 终切;出凌天体从蚀或掩星中的出现 | The emergence of a celestial body from eclipse or occultation. | |
4 | 《路透社》称从历史上来看,日全食对股票市场来说是件好事。 | According to Reuters a total solar eclipse has historically been a good thing for the stock market. | |
5 | ||1:奥巴马手握强大兵力,起初美国军火的压倒性力量似乎受到其在伊拉克未处理得当的战后布置的影响。||2:但想想在2003年春天,短短六周里美军和其盟军就以138名美国士兵的代价击退了萨达姆·侯赛因的37万5千人大军。||3:历史上从没有哪个国家在军事上拥有如此的统治地位,这种强大的地位即使受到影响,也不可能在一夕间消失。 | ||1:He has brute force on his side. The disastrous mismanagement of post-invasion Iraq has tended to eclipse the overwhelming potency of American firepower at the beginning.||2:In six short weeks in the spring of 2003 America and its allies defeated the 375,000 troops of Saddam Hussein with the loss of only 138 American lives.||3:Never in history has a single country had such military dominance. It has not suddenly evaporated. | |
6 | Business Insider 报道称,在1991年日食之后,股票年内暴增9.9%,日全食之后,股价平均增长17% | Business Insider reports that stocks shot up 9.9% in the year after the 1991 eclipse and equity prices rose an average of 17%, after total solar eclipses." | |
7 | 美国利普乐金融集团数据显示,自1900年,在经历一场日食之后美国股格走高。 | According to LPL Financial data, since 1900 U.S. equity prices have climbed the year following an eclipse . | |
8 | 这或许能解释为何众所周知的偏执狂扎克伯格愿意付出一笔巨资去购买一家可能会完全超越自己Facebook的公司。 | That may explain why the famously paranoid Mr Zuckerberg is willing to pay a king’s ransom for a company that might ultimately eclipse his own creation. | |
9 | “日环食中太阳周围的光环依然是很美的。”美国海军天文台的杰夫·切斯特在一封邮件中说。 | "A bright ring around the sun at mid-eclipse is still pretty cool, " Geoff Chester of the U. S. Naval Observatory said in an email. | |
10 | “日食在当地的开始时间是下午7:36,我们在下午5:45到达并找到个地方安装我们的设备。” | ’The eclipse happened at 7: 36pm local time and we got there at 5: 45pm and found a location that we could set up our equipment. | |
11 | “我不知道那人是谁,也不知道他手里拿着什么,但是我想应该是张有小孔的纸,这样他就能观测日食。” | ’I have no idea who he was or what he was holding, but I think it was a paper with a pinhole so he could watch the eclipse . | |
12 | “我们的关键力量是,我们能够利用Eclipse组件模块,部署插件以扩展应用程序。”Krause说。 | "Our key strength is we can use the Eclipse component model, " deploying plug-ins to extend applications, said Krause. | |
13 | 《暮光之城》系列有四部小说:《暮色》、《新月》,《月食》和《破晓》。 | There are four books in The Twilight Saga: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. | |
14 | 《月食》非常出色,因为导演电影情节设置得更加紧张,也更有戏剧性,值得期待哦。 | Eclipse will be amazing because he has made it far edgier and more dramatic. It’s going to look very cool. | |
15 | 2009年7月的日食,在马绍尔群岛拍摄的一张拼接照片。 | A photo montage captured during a solar eclipse over the Marshall Islands in July 2009. | |
16 | 2010年1月15日,安曼(约旦首都),一个女孩在观赏日环食。 | A girl watches a solar eclipse in Amman January 15, 2010. | |
17 | 2010年1月15日,曼谷,一个学生通过望远镜观察日食。 | A student watches the solar eclipse through a telescope in Bangkok January 15, 2010. | |
18 | 2010年7月11日,新月直接从太阳正面穿过,在南太平洋出现日全食。 | On July 11, 2010, the new moon passed directly in front of the sun, causing a total solar eclipse inthe South Pacific. | |
19 | 2011年1月4日,星期二,印度斯利那加(Srinagar)的达尔湖上,克什米尔船夫通过黑色胶片观测日偏食。 | Kashmiri boatmen watch partial solar eclipse through a black film, at the Dal lake in Srinagar, India, Tuesday, Jan. | |
20 | 2011年1月4日,星期二,在瑞典的斯德哥尔摩,透过云层观测日偏食。 | A partial solar eclipse is seen through clouds over Stockholm, Sweden, on Tuesday, Jan. | |
21 | 2011年1月4日,在莫斯科的献身三一俄罗斯天主教堂,日偏食现身于教堂顶的十字架后方。 | A partial solar eclipse is seen above a cross of the Life-giving Trinity Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Moscow, on January 4, 2011. | |
22 | 250多年的历史积淀使得他们制造的手表让别的品牌相形见绌。 | 250+ years of history allows them to make watches that eclipse most others. | |
23 | Colleen发现这个绝佳的观测点后,她还必须在里山脊1.5英里以外的地方拍摄。 | After Colleen found the perfect location she still had to capture the eclipse over a ridge 1. 5miles away. | |
24 | FlexBuilder——基于Eclipse的IDE,包括FlexSDK和其他开发工具如调试器、可视化设计器 | Flex Builder - The Eclipse -based IDE which includes the Flex SDK and other development tools like a debugger and visual designer. | |
25 | NCECAD调查显示美国小孩被虐待致死的数量超过了战斗在伊拉克和阿富汗战士的总和。 | According to the NCECAD, U. S. child abuse deaths eclipse the number of U. S. combat fatalities in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. | |
26 | 被太阳包围:一张令人惊叹的小孩看日食的照片…拍摄于1.5英里之外 | Surrounded by the sun: Stunning image shows boy watching solar eclipse . . . taken from 1. 5 miles away | |
27 | 本次持续6分39秒的超长日食吸引了许多业余天文观测者和科学家们不远万里蜂拥而至。 | Amateur stargazers and scientists travelled far to see the eclipse , which lasted six minutes and 39 seconds at its maximum point. | |
28 | 本次月全食开始于早上7:40,此后月亮慢慢靠近从西边落下,整个过程持续了近73分钟。 | The total eclipse began at 7. 40am with the Moon close to the western horizon and lasted for around 73 minutes. | |
29 | 本周二的这次日偏食始于耶路撒冷,当时太阳的右上角被咬去了一大块。 | The eclipse was first seen Tuesday over Jerusalem, where the sun appeared to have taken a large bit out of its upper right section. | |
30 | 比如说,氦(He)(希腊语:‘helios’=“太阳”)从一次1868年日食时候的太阳光中发现。 | For example, Helium (He) (Greek: "helios" = "the sun" ) was found when light from the sun was studied during an eclipse in 1868. |