1 | 经济学家通过扣除通货膨胀因素,可以得出生产的实际效益。 | Economists adjust current prices for the rate of inflation in order to distill out the real gains in production | |
2 | 经济学家预言通货膨胀率将会增长。 | The economists predicted an increase in the rate of inflation. | |
3 | 联系汇率,加上内地的低廉物价水平和政府的减免措施,令经济学家认为通缩仍会持续。 | With a pegged dollar, a cheap mainland market and government rebates, economists see no end in sight to deflation. | |
4 | 美国反垄断兼并指南变迁中经济学家的作用及其启示 | The Economists ’ Roles in Changes in USA Merger Guidelines and the Revelations for Chinese Economists | |
5 | 美洲银行的经济学家在本周的一份报告中分析称,拉丁美洲为加州工业、农业和消费品出口提供了非常重要的增长机会。 | In a report this week, Bank of america economists said Latin america presents significant growth opportunities for California exporters of industrial, agricultural and consumer goods. | |
6 | 民族日报还引述设在曼谷的世界银行办事处经济学者说:"没有人知道成本到底有多少。" | The National Daily also quoted economists of the World Bank’s bangkok office as saying: "Nobody knows how much the cost is." | |
7 | 哪一天中国出现一大批三四十岁的优秀的政治家、经济管理家、军事家、外交家就好了。 | It would be wonderful if someday China had a contingent of fine 30-to-40-year-old statesmen, economists , military strategists and diplomats. | |
8 | 能不能请告诉我怎样在<经济学家>杂志上找到一篇去年发表的文章? | Can you tell me how to find an article published last year in The Economists ? | |
9 | 您可以查<经济学家>的索引,找到去年的那一期,再在标题或作者下查。 | You can look it up in the Index of The Economists , find the volume of last year’s and check under title or author. | |
10 | 女经济学家专题论坛综述 | Synthesis of the Women Economists Panel | |
11 | 如国际间支配和隶属的概念在拉丁美洲经济学家的著作中已十分完整。 | Notions of international dominance and dependence, for example, find their greatest refinement in the writings of Latin American economists | |
12 | 谈到第二个问题,许多经济学家同意高的经济增长率将是有益的,但是,对于应有的的经济增长率,或者对刺激经济增长所需要的政府的政策,不存在一个一致意见。 | With respect to the second, many economists agree that a higher growth rate would be beneficial. But there is no general agreement on the desired rate of growth or on the governmental policies required to stimulate growth. | |
13 | 天然和谐,还是人为和谐?-西方经济学家关于经济和谐论争的述评 | Natural Harmony or man-made Harmony? The Review on the Harmony from Western Economists | |
14 | 我们希望所有的外国企业家、专家进一步认识到,帮助中国的发展,对世界有利。 | It is our hope that businessmen and economists in other countries will appreciate that helping China develop will benefit the rest of the world as well. | |
15 | 西方马克思主义经济学家的理论创新及其启示 | Western Marxist Economists ’ Theoretical Innovation and the Enlightenment from Them | |
16 | 希腊政府还请求得到有经验的美国行政管理人员、经济学家和技术人员的援助。 | The Greek government has also asked for the assistance of experienced American administrators, economists , and technicians | |
17 | 现在黄金被认为是一种商品,尽管它仍在国际储备中起着作用。所以有的经济学家认为黄金市场不是金融市场的组成部分。 | as gold is now being considered as a commodity although it still plays its role as international reserve, some economists argued that the gold market is not a component of the financial market. | |
18 | 新时期关于“三农”问题的多维透视―中国农业经济学会2007年学术研讨会综述 | Multidimensional Perspective of "Three Rural Issues" in the New Era-Summary on Chinese Association of Agricultural Economists Annual Conference 2007 | |
19 | 许多经济学家不停地强调:最有效的保持稳定的方法就是缩小贫富差距。 | Many economists have reiterated that the most efficient way to secure stability is to reverse the growing gap between the rich and poor. | |
20 | 一个社会既需要经济学家又需要管道工。 | A society needs both economists and plumbers. | |
21 | 一些经济学家对失业率达到前所未有的程度表示忧虑。 | Some economists showed their anxiety on unprecedented level of unemployment. | |
22 | 一些新自由主义者如何影响改革 一些主流经济学家如何误导改革 | How Some New Liberalists Influence the Reform? How Some Mainstream Economists Misguide the Reform? | |
23 | 因为亚洲国家汲取了1997至1998年的教训,这个教训与正统经济学家得出的结论有很大不同。 | For Asian emerging market economies have learnt from the experience of 1997 and 1998 a lesson that is rather different from that drawn by orthodox economists . | |
24 | 由于以上列举的三种公共干预的缺点,经济学家和其他一些人,已经对排污收费和排污许可的可购买性表现出日益增高的兴趣。 | Because of shortcomings in the first three types of public intervention enumerated above, economists and others have shown increasing interest in effluent charges and marketable discharge permits | |
25 | 有些经济学家极力主张改革国营企业。 | Some economists strongly advocate the reform of government ownership of industry | |
26 | 有些经济学家认为他们真是疯了, | Some economists think they are crazy | |
27 | 与此同时,日本经济界也提出了以"知识价值社会"取代"后工业社会"的概念。 | "At the same time, Japanese economists proposed that the concept of a ""post-industrial society"" be replaced by ""knowledge value society""." | |
28 | 在当前关于人民币可兑换的争论中,一些经济学家和银行家建议先让人民币在香港自由流动。 | In the current debate about converting the RMB, some economists and bankers suggest first letting the RMB float freely in Hong Kong. | |
29 | 在美国获得博士学位的经济学家们正在对中国大学的教育体系进行大胆的改革。 | U.S.-minted doctoral economists are remaking China’s university departments | |
30 | 在那些做出消灭犹太人决定的会议上,我们会碰到他们--医生和律师、学者、银行家和经济学家,他们之中有的就是在各个不同阶级参与杀害犹太人的恐怖工作的官员和指挥人…… | We shall encounter then--the doctors and lawyers, scholars, bankers and economists --in those councils which resolved to exterminate the Jews, and among them officers and directors of the work of murder in all its terrible phases.. |