1 | 在最近的研究中,著名的中国经济学家胡鞍钢(中国社科院和清华大学)和王绍光(香港中文大学)指出 | In a recent study, prominent Chinese economists --Hu Angang (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Tsinghua University) and Wang Shaoguang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)claim this | |
2 | 这两位经济学家总结道:如果中国贫富差距继续拉大的话,我们就将付出沉重的社会和政治成本。 | The three economists conclude that if the polarization between the rich and poor continues, China will pay a heavy social and political price. | |
3 | 这是否是人的基本特性的一部分,这是个无法琢磨的问题,没有几个经济学家认为有能力加以探讨。 | Whether it is part of the basic makeup of man is so imponderable that few economists feel qualified to explore | |
4 | 这一论点受到国家许多第一流的经济学家的支持,包括5个诺贝尔奖获得者。 | It is a contention backed in court papers by many of the nation’s leading economists , including five Nobel Prize winners. | |
5 | 这种政策在90年代得以发展,许多持有这种观点的经济学家都受芝加哥经济学派的影响。芝加哥经济学派以其出色的学术辩论能力、众多的诺贝尔经济学奖获得者和经济问题的自由主义取向而闻名。 | This policy developed during the 1990s and was constructed by economists whose convictions had been principally shaped by the Chicago School of Economics, famous for its academic debates, many Nobel Prize winners, liberal approach to economic issues. | |
6 | 政治家、经济学家和社论撰稿人喋喋不休谈论这个话题,以致其"贬值"速度比美元还要快。 | The expression is used so much by politicians, economists and editorial writers that it is depreciating faster than the dollar | |
7 | 中国的研究者和经济学家已经研究了欧洲的福利体系。 | Chinese researchers and economists have studied welfare systems in Europe. | |
8 | 中国农业经济学会2005年学术研讨会综述 | The ’05 Seminar of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Economists : A Summary | |
9 | ||1:但也有理由相信,该交易可能对投资者有利。||2:交易所为买卖双方提供了交易平台,所以比起分崩离析,交易所的数量越少,买卖双方碰面成交的几率越大。||3:此外,在一家交易所完成所有交易可以降低投资者的成本。||4:因为许多交易品(例如黄金和股票)的涨跌呈负相关关系,所以从某种程度上来说,相互之间的风险可以互相抵消。||5:如果只在一家交易所交易的话,既希望黄金上涨又希望股票价格上涨的投资者可以提供较少的抵押品。||6:促成此次交易的经济学家预计,投资者每年可以减少30亿欧元(39亿美元)抵押品投入,节省3亿欧元的成本。 | ||1: But there are reasons to think that the deal could be beneficial to investors. ||2: Exchanges are platforms on which buyers and sellers can meet, so a lower number of exchanges, which increases the potential for buyer-seller matches, can be better than a fragmented system. ||3: In addition, making all trades on one exchange could lower investors’ costs. ||4: This is because some assets (gold and equities, say) tend to be negatively correlated, so risks offset each other somewhat. ||5: An investor wagering that both gold and equities will go up should need to provide less collateral if a single exchange is used. ||6: Economists advising the exchanges estimate investors could reduce collateral-posting by €3 billion ($3.9 billion), a likely annual cost saving of roughly €300m. | |
10 | ||1:计算实际汇率,你需要每个国家的物价指标。||2:许多经济学家用的是消费价格指数。||3:但是消费价格指数包含了许多无法跨境交易的商品和服务(如住房出租)。||4:我们实际汇率(我们将定期对此进行更新)的衡量标准关注的是单位劳动力成本,更加直接的衡量竞争力:每件产品的劳动力价格。||5:这些价格在工资上涨或生产率(每个工人所生产的产品)下降时就会上涨。||6:根据劳动统计局的数据,自2005年第一季度以来,美国制造业的单位劳动力成本增加不到4%。||7:根据我们的统计,中国工业的单位劳动力成本同期增加了25%。 | ||1:To calculate the real exchange rate, you need a gauge of prices in each country.||2:Many economists use the consumer-price index (CPI).||3:But the CPI contains lots of goods and services (such as housing rents) that cannot be traded across borders.||4:Our measure of the real exchange rate, which we will regularly update, offers a more direct measure of competitiveness by looking instead at unit labour costs: the price of labour per widget.||5:These costs go up when wages rise or productivity (widgets per worker) falls.||6:In American manufacturing, unit labour costs have risen by less than 4% since the first quarter of 2005, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics.||7:In Chinese industry they have risen by 25% over that period, according to our sums. | |
11 | ||1:屡创新低的失业率震惊了经济学家,日前再次给人们带来惊喜:它从8.5%又降至8.3%,为三年来历史最低点。||2:失业率之所以能从2009年十月的顶峰值10%降至现在的水平,可以说零增长的劳动力起到了一定作用。||3:想找工作的人越少,失业的人数也就越少。||4:但是,这不是一月份劳动力增加二十五万人的原因。||5:归根到底,就业人数激增六十三万零一千人使失业率降低。 | ||1: The unemployment rate, which has repeatedly surprised economists with the speed of its descent, did so again: it fell to 8.3%, a three-year low, from 8.5%. ||2: Its decline from a peak of 10% in October 2009 has been helped by unusually stagnant growth in the labour force. ||3: When fewer people want to work, fewer are counted as unemployed. ||4: That, however, was not the case in January when the labour force grew by 250,000. ||5: The unemployment rate dropped anyway because the number of employed people leapt by 631,000. | |
12 | ||1:这场衰退有可能限制公共财政支出。||2:2011-12财政年度的前7个月统计数据显示政府已经大致完成其借款目标——1220亿英镑。||3:自3月以来,获得失业金的人数每月都在上升。||4:血多经济学家认为独立的财政监督——预算责任部会对中期经济前景会有更低的预期。||5:经济会发挥到最大潜力而且大部分赤字是结构性的,这意味着更少的预算赤字会坏账赖账。 | ||1:Yet the likely recession will strain public finances.||2:Figures for the first seven months of the financial year suggest that the government is roughly on track to meet its borrowing target of £122 billion (around 8% of GDP) for 2011-12.||3:Yet the number of people claiming unemployment benefit has risen each month since March (see chart).||4:Many economists believe the Office for Budget Responsibility, the independent fiscal watchdog, will take a dimmer view of the economy’s medium-term prospects.||5:That would imply less of the budget deficit will be eroded as the economy expands to its full potential, and that more of it is therefore structural. | |
13 | 专家们强调,这样的命运一定不能降落到多哈回合谈判身上。他们认为只需再走几步就可以达成一项协议了。日内瓦研究生所、专家组中的经济学家之一理查德?鲍德温表示“与以往以及许多人意识到的情况相比,多哈回合离达成协议要近得多。” | That is a fate that must not befall Doha, the experts insist. They reckon that only a few more steps are needed for an agreement. Richard Baldwin of the Graduate Institute in Geneva, one of the economists in the group, argues that “Doha is a lot closer to being done than it has ever been, and than a lot of people realise.” | |
14 | (接1)从亚当斯密开始,经济学家们就在试图回答这样的问题。 | Economists have been trying to answer questions like that since the days of Adam Smith. | |
15 | Banerjee先生怀疑随机主义者和其它发展经济学者是否能友好相处。 | Mr Banerjee doubts whether randomistas and other development economists will ever get along. | |
16 | CapitalEconomic的经济学家写道:“当前住房市场需求极低。” | "There is very little demand for housing of any kind, " economists at Capital Economics wrote. | |
17 | Rubin先生的离职仅是加拿大顶级经济研究员离职风潮中的一例。 | His decision to leave the bank comes amid a changing of the guard among top Canadian economists . | |
18 | 巴克莱银行的经济学家得出结论,“中国经济的再次调整平衡早已开始”。 | "Rebalancing of the Chinese economy has already started, " the Barclays economists conclude. | |
19 | 并不是所有的经济学家都同意这样的中等收入岗位发展轨迹。 | Economists don’t all agree on the past or future trajectory of middle-wage jobs. | |
20 | 不过,一些经济学家却认为,价格上涨背后隐藏了更深层次的原因,因此,通货膨胀将是一个极难驾驭的难题。 | But some economists point to deeper reasons behind the rising prices, which suggest that inflation could be a more stubborn problem. | |
21 | 城市经济学家之前预计有1万5千人能找到工作,这样失业率会降到7.7% | City economists had expected a drop of 15, 000 in the number of people out of work, which would have lowered the unemployment rate to 7. 7%. | |
22 | 持续增长的中国利润是美国经济学家希望外国投资在美国增加的原因之一,他们希望外国对美的投资至少能保持稳定。 | Growing Chinese interest is one reason economists expect foreign direct investment in the U. S. to grow, or at least hold steady. | |
23 | 此增长数据低于由FactSet研究(FactSetResearch)调查的经济学家预测的10.5%平均水平低。 | The growth was also lower than the 10. 5% expansion predicted on average by economists surveyed by FactSet Research. | |
24 | 但很少有经济学家对中国的长期发展产生争执,中国的整体轨迹是上升的。 | But few economists would dispute that in the long term, China’s overall trajectory is up. | |
25 | 但是,不管你相信它是否过热,关于中国可能会设法再次刺激经济的话题,在一些经济学家中再次谈论。 | But believe it or not, there’s a bunch of talk among economists that China might well try to stimulate the economy again. | |
26 | 但是,该项补贴即将到期,经济学家们预计,德国这个欧洲最大经济体的失业率将大幅上涨。 | But the support will soon expire and economists are expecting unemployment in Europe’s largest economy to increase sharply. | |
27 | 但是仍然有一些分析人士认为,过度的投资热情并存在于股市和楼市,而是在经济学家所预言的泡沫里面。 | Still, some analysts see excessive exuberance not in stock and property markets, but among the economists predicting bubbles. | |
28 | 但是一些当地经济学家表示,总的来说,中方在津的投资数额难以保证。 | But local economists say, overall, Chinese investments in Zimbabwe are difficult to quantify. | |
29 | 但在过去几周,越来越多的经济学家站出来反对这计划,声称此计划不会提升就业率。 | But in the past few weeks, more and more economists have been coming out against the plan saying it won’t boost employment. | |
30 | 东京的经济学家不情愿地承认,日元必须要升值,很可能是以每年一个5%增值。 | Tokyo economists reluctantly concede that the yen must be revalued upward; there is likely to be a 5% revaluation within a year. |