1 | “好了,阁下,我是在罗马读的书,我的老师是一个苦命的神甫,他后来突然失踪了。 | Well, sir, I was educated at home by a poor devil of an abb, who disappeared suddenly | |
2 | “某男,25岁,体面可靠,工资四位数,欲求修长、迷人、受过教育之旁遮普籍女性为侣,”第三则征婚广告这样写道。 | "Solid 25-year-old, salary four figures, wants tall, charming, educated punjabi," says a third | |
3 | “你知道意大利中产阶级的妇女所受的教育是多么欠缺吗?” | You know how imperfectly the women of the mezzo cito [1] are educated in Italy? | |
4 | “皮肤浅色、教会学校毕业之少女欲寻一位素食男子为友(医生、工程师职业者更佳)。”另一则征婚广告如是说。 | vegetarian man (doctor, engineer preferred)for church-educated girl with light complexion,says another | |
5 | 按照革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化方针 | in accordance with the principle of bringing up more revolutionary, younger, better educated and more professionally competent cadres | |
6 | 彬彬有礼而热情真挚的,具有一副训练有素的甜蜜嗓音(bH.W.克罗克III) | polite and cordial,with a mellifluous,well-educated voice(bH.W.Crocker III) | |
7 | 彬彬有礼而热情真挚的,具有一副训练有素的甜蜜嗓音(H.W.克罗克III) | polite and cordial,with a mellifluous,well-educated voice(H.W.Crocker III) | |
8 | 不少男性出于传统观念和社会偏见,把满腹经纶与窈窕淑女对立起来 | Many men, influenced by their traditional conception and social prejudice, think that educated girls conflict with graceful girls. | |
9 | 不受教育的人,因为不识字,上人的当,受教育的人,因为识了字,上印刷品的当,像你们的报纸宣传品、训练干部的讲义之类。” | The uneducated are fooled by others because they’re illiterate.The educated are taken in by printed matter like your newspaper propaganda and lecture notes on training cadres because they are literate." | |
10 | 长期处在英文主导的工作和生活环境中,我的华文教育背景甚至往往被同事同行有意无意地"轻视",一些人戏称我为"Chinaman"(中国佬)。 | Having been working and living in an environment dominated by the English language, my chinese-educated background is often "belittled" either consciously or subconsciously by colleagues or people in the same profession | |
11 | 城市大龄女未婚女青年大多数是所谓"才女",即受过高等教育的女子 | "Those elder unmarried girls in cities are mostly the so-called "gifted girls", referring to those females who have been more highly educated ." | |
12 | 从他身上你可以看到受过教育的人的特点。 | You can see in him the marks of an educated man. | |
13 | 但其国民平均外语水平低得可怜,这与其高度文明、教育发达的社会极不相称。 | Yet the average standard of language learning is abysmally low, particularly for such a highly literate and educated society | |
14 | 但是在那些时候,有一些立志改革的人,他们无所畏惧,他们在各种困难的条件下面,出版书报,教育人民,组织人民,进行不屈不挠的斗争。 | Nevertheless there were determined reformers who were dauntless and published books and newspapers, educated and organized the people and waged indomitable struggles under every kind of difficulty | |
15 | 当今很多人把考试及格与受过教育等同起来。 | Nowadays,many people equate passing examinations with being educated . | |
16 | 当时,全国有数百万城市知青插队落户 | At that time, millions of the city-bred educated youths across China settled in the countryside and merged into the peasants to farm for a living. | |
17 | 第一、建国40年后,新加坡已经是一个双语社会,2000年的人口普查第一次显示大部分新加坡人口,特别是受过较高教育和较年轻者,认识两种或多种语言(从1990的45%增加到2000年的56%)。 | The 2000 census showed for the first time that a majority of the Singapore population is now literate in two or more languages (56% in 2000 compared to 45% in 1990)and this is especially so for the better educated , and for the young | |
18 | 对于那些犯了错误但是还可以教育的、同那些不可救药的分子有区别的党员和干部,不论其出身如何,都应当加以教育,而不是抛弃他们。 | Those Party members and cadres who have made mistakes but can still be educated and are different from the incorrigibles should all be educated and not abandoned, whatever their class origin | |
19 | 对于有文化的女性来说,她们不是把家庭当作依赖,她们寻找的是知音,是在精神上可以信任和理解的人 | To those educated woman, families are not what depend on, what they seek for is a bosom friend, a person who is spiritually trustworthy and one she can really understand | |
20 | 父母会参与投票,选举对学校体制进行监督的校董会;文化程度较高的父母还会让孩子所在的学校听到自己的声音。 | Parents vote for the boards that oversee the school system, and more educated parents also make their voice heard inside their child’s school | |
21 | 干部队伍革命化,知识化,专业化 | To make the ranks of cadres more revolutionary, younger in average age, better educated and professionally more competent | |
22 | 干部队伍革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化 | make the ranks of cadres more revolutionary, younger in average age, better educated and professionally more competent | |
23 | 干部队伍应该革命化、知识化、专业化、年轻化。 | The contingent of cadres should become more revolutionary, better-educated , more professional, more competent and younger | |
24 | 干部队伍应该更加革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化,这是社会主义现代化建设不断取得成功的关键。 | The ranks of cadres should be more revolutionary, younger, better educated and more professionally competent , for that is the key to ensuring successive victories for the socialist modernization drive. | |
25 | 割风从前当过乡吏,是一个粗通文墨的农民,马德兰初到那里时,他的生意正开始走上逆运。 | When madeleine arrived in the neighborhood, Fauchelevent, an ex-notary and a peasant who was almost educated , had a business which was beginning to be in a bad way | |
26 | 革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化〞 | revolutionary, young, well educated and professionally competent. | |
27 | 革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化的标准,选拔德才兼备的人进领导班子 | Select and promote to positions of leadership persons who have both ability and political integrity, in accordance with the principle that they should be revolutionary, young, well educated and professionally competent | |
28 | 公众应受到怎样更有效地利用能源的教育。 | The public should be educated in how to use energy more effectively. | |
29 | 国有企业下岗职工多为年龄相对较大、文化素质较低和职业技能单一的人员,实现再就业比较困难。 | Most of the laid-offs from state-owned enterprises are relatively older, poorly educated and skilled in few jobs. Therefore, it is rather difficult for them to find reemployment | |
30 | 过去我因为会讲华语和读华校的背景,时常被银行的同事或者大学的同行"看不起" | Because of my Chinese-educated background and ability to speak Mandarin, I used to be "looked down on" by colleagues at the bank or fellow economists at the university |