1 | 他生活在一千八百年前,是古罗马的天才雄辩家,卓尔不群,前无古人。 | He was an old Roman, who lived eighteen hundred years ago, a man of great genius, and the most celebrated orator that ever was | |
2 | 他十八岁才开始交女朋友. | He was eighteen before he started going out with girls. | |
3 | 他在第十八洞时打了一杆入洞。 | He shot an ace on hole eighteen . | |
4 | 他在真空中生活了十八年,腻味了年轻人那一套典型的、独特的向往和追求。 | He has lived in a vacuum for eighteen years, cloyed by the representative and unique longings of any youth | |
5 | 未成年人或者十八周岁以下的人,所犯的罪行为轻罪通常在少年法庭接受审判。 | Juveniles, or people under the age of eighteen , are usually tried in a juvenile court for misdemeanor offenses. | |
6 | 我,×××,也就是在该法律文书上签字的人,具有法律上的适当资格,在此确认:我签署和执行这项律师权利;我大脑健全;我已满18周岁;我自愿签署该文书并没有受到强制或不当威压;我为了上述阐明的目的,以自由自愿的行为签署了该文书。 | I, ××××, whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument, having been duly qualified according to the law, do hereby acknowledge that I signed and executed this power of attorney; that I am of sound mind; that I am eighteen (18)years of age or older; that I signed it willingly and am under no constraint or undue influence; and that I signed it as my free and voluntary act for the purpose therein expressed. | |
7 | 我18岁时,我认为是离开家庭(独立生活)的时候了。 | When I was eighteen , I thought that it was time I cleared out | |
8 | 我从十八岁那年起一直研究军事,研究战术,都滚瓜烂熟了。 | Since I have been eighteen years old, I have been studying war. The art of war. At my fingertips | |
9 | 我的女儿十八岁了,已经长成为美丽的淑女 | My daughter is eighteen years old and has grown into a beautiful lady | |
10 | 我的同学十八岁。 | My classmate is eighteen . | |
11 | 我妹妹18岁。 | My sister is eighteen . | |
12 | 我们用来晾衣服,没有家具的那间客厅,有十五尺高,十八尺见方,天花板和梁上都画了仿古金花,正和府上一样。 | My drawing-room, which contains no furniture, and which we use for spreading out the linen after washing, is fifteen feet in height, eighteen square, with a ceiling which was formerly painted and gilded, and with beams, as in yours | |
13 | 我说,我已经十八岁了,无论去当学徒,或是去做律师的助手都太晚了。而且,我绝对相信,即使自己去当学徒或做助手,也必定不等满师就会从师傅那儿逃出来去航海了。 | That I was now eighteen years old, which was too late to go apprentice to a trade, or clerk to an attorney; that I was sure if I did, I should never serve out my time, and I should certainly run away from my master before my time was out, and go to sea | |
14 | 我向他们说,你们说的是有理由的,有根据的,积十八年之经验⑶,深知是这么一回事。 | I told them that what they said was justified and well-founded and that we were firmly convinced by eighteen years of experience [3] that this would be the case | |
15 | 我在那里十八年,只碰上一件新鲜事,就是柴屋着火。 | In all the eighteen years I was there I only had one adventure--when the woodshed burned | |
16 | 希尔达和康士丹斯婉妹俩,都曾在十八岁的时候初试爱情。那些热情地和她们交谈,欢快地和她们歌唱,自由自在地和她们在林中野宿的男子们,不用说都欲望勃勃地想更进一步。 | Both Hilda and Constance had had their tentative love-affairs by the time they were eighteen . The young men with whom they talked so passionately and sang so lustily and camped under the trees in such freedom wanted, of course, the love connexion. | |
17 | 现在,也许我能征得你们的许可,让我把这每一块假金币都印上那十八位先生的名字,他们--" | Now if I may have your permission to stamp upon the faces of each of these ostensible coins the names of the eighteen gentlemen who--" | |
18 | 现在敌人已经打到了大门口,纳粹领袖们才着了慌,连十五岁到十八岁的孩子和五十岁到六十岁的男子都被征召入伍。 | Now with the enemy at the gates, the Nazi leaders bestirred themselves. Boys between fifteen and eighteen and men between fifty and sixty were called to the colors | |
19 | 现在是十八点整(下午6点). | It’s eighteen hundred hours,ie 6 pm. | |
20 | 一百八十一万七千所有两个洞口,就是门和窗 | eighteen hundred and seventeen thousand hovels which have but two openings, the door and one window | |
21 | 一个28岁的女孩离家出走,结局不外两种。也许她会遇到好人相助,变得更好;也许她会很快接受大都市的道德标准,而变坏了--二者必具其一。 | When a girl leaves her home at eighteen , she does one of two things. Either she falls into saving hands and becomes better, or she rapidly assumes the cosmopolitan standard of virtue and becomes worse. | |
22 | 一个人到18岁即成年。 | A man comes of age at eighteen | |
23 | 一个十八岁的人通常是不会老惦着养老金的! | A pension is not usually one of the preoccupations of an eighteen year-old! | |
24 | 一九一三年暑假她们回家的时候,那时希尔达二十岁,康妮①十八岁,她们的父亲便看出这婉妹俩已有了爱的经验了。 | When the girls came home for the summer holidays of 1913, when Hilda was twenty and Connie eighteen , their father could see plainly that they had had the love experience. | |
25 | 一年级新生小于十八岁或大于十九岁是相当特殊的。 | It is quite unusual for a freshman to be younger than eighteen or older than nineteen | |
26 | 因为18岁以下是不允许的。 | Because under eighteen is not permitted. | |
27 | 有人数了数尸体,说共有18具,其中4具不明身份。然而,即便从我站的这个比较容易看清楚的位置来看,也难以从这堆模糊的血肉中点清究竟有多少具尸体。 | Some counts placed the total number of bodies at eighteen , but that left four unidentified, and even from my vantage point it was impossible to count accurately so tangled a mass of flesh | |
28 | 有十八个洞的高尔夫球场. | An,eighteen -hole `golf-course | |
29 | 有十八个刎。 | There are eighteen . | |
30 | 在过去一年半里,总统和史蒂文森一起工作是融洽的。 | The president and Stevenson had worked harmoniously over the last eighteen months |