1 | 《联合国反腐败公约》第十八条与我国刑法的完善 | The Eighteenth Article of the United Nations Convention against Corruption and the Perfection of Criminal Law in China | |
2 | 《路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日》 | The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte;Der achtzehnte Brumaire des Louis Bonaparte | |
3 | 18、19世纪广州洋人家庭里的中国佣人 | Chinese Servants in Foreigners’ Families in Eighteenth -and Nineteenth-Century Guangzhou | |
4 | 18-19世纪的市场争夺:行帮、社会与国家―以巴县档案为中心的考察 | Market Competition in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: Trade Associations, Society, and the State in the Qing Dynasty: A Case Study Based on Baxian County Archives | |
5 | 18世纪,他们控制了远至帕米尔高原的中亚地区,并在西藏建立了摄政政权。 | In the eighteenth century they gained control of Central asia as far as the Pamir Mountains and established a protectorate over the area the Chinese call Xizang but commonly known in the West as Tibet. | |
6 | 18世纪发展了一种全新的小说。 | The eighteenth century developed a completely new kind of novel. | |
7 | 18世纪末,美国人奋起反抗统治他们的英国人。 | At the end of the eighteenth century, the Americans rebelled against their English rulers. | |
8 | 18世纪末叶,化学正处在生机勃勃,引人注目的黄金时代。 | At the end of the eighteenth century chemistry was in its golden age,when it was full of vitality and attracted a great deal of attention. | |
9 | 18世纪欧人眼里的清朝国家性质―从《中华帝国全志》对西南少数民族的描述谈起 | European Views of the Nature of Qing Government in the Eighteenth Century: Some Notes on Du Halde’s Descriptions of non-Han groups in Southwest China | |
10 | 18世纪是近代病理学和实验外科学发展的开端。 | The eighteenth century saw the development of modern pathology and experimental surgery | |
11 | 18世纪是英国雕刻家的黄金时代。 | The eighteenth century was the golden age of the English engravers. | |
12 | 18世纪哲学家伊曼纽尔·康德认为,道德客观性的关键在于人们的理性。 | The eighteenth -century philosopher Immanuel Kant believed that the key to moral objectivity lay in the rationality of humans | |
13 | 艾奇逊说:“中国人口在十八、十九两个世纪里增加了一倍,因此使土地受到不堪负担的压力。 | Acheson says: The population of China during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries doubled, thereby creating an unbearable pressure upon the land | |
14 | 从整个18世纪和19世纪直到现在这种新倾向一直是把住家安排在近郊,而将生产活动、商业贸易,政府机关和娱乐设施都集中在市中心。 | Up to the present time, throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, this new tendency placed the home in the immediate suburbs, but concentrated manufacturing activity, business relations, government, and pleasure in the centers of the cities. | |
15 | 但我们也可以想象,人类可能还保有足够的理性,即使不能全面停止战争,至少也会像我们十八世纪的祖宗们一样适可而止。 | But it is conceivable that we may have enough sense, if not stop fighting altogether, at least to behave as rationally as rationally as did our eighteenth century ancestors | |
16 | 诞生于十八世纪的偏微分方程这门学科,在十九世纪发展起来了。 | The subject of partial differential equations, which had its beginnings in the eighteenth century, burgeoned in the nineteenth | |
17 | 党的十八大报告 | Report to the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China | |
18 | 倒好像香港还是十八世纪,通行大元宝 | Anyone would think Hongkong was still living in the eighteenth century and using bulky silver ingots which Tang Yun-shan could only bring back to Shanghai in person! | |
19 | 到十八世纪末,美国已有一段可以引以自豪的历史,虽然短暂,却有着史诗般的英雄气派。 | By the end of the eighteenth century America boasted a history that, for its brevity, had an air of epic grandeur | |
20 | 第十八是哈拿尼。他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。 | The eighteenth Hanani, with his sons and his brothers, twelve; | |
21 | 第十七是希悉,第十八是哈辟悉, | The seventeenth Hezir, the eighteenth Happizzez, | |
22 | 怪得很,这动作会叫人想起个十八世纪的绅士,拿出他的鼻烟盒来款待你。 | It was a gesture which, if anyone had still thought in such terms, might have recalled an eighteenth -century nobleman offering his snuffbox | |
23 | 过渡体:十八世纪时,在英格兰开发的一类英文字体设计.它标记着从此古体的设计过渡到现代体的特色。 | Transitional: A group of type design developed in England in the eighteenth century which marked the transition from the traditional old face letter to the modern face letter. | |
24 | 教堂在18世纪早期得以修复。 | The cathedral was restored during the early eighteenth century. | |
25 | 九一八事变与东北关内移民 | The "September Eighteenth Incident" and the Immigration in the Northeast China | |
26 | 卡斯尔走过小康普顿大街拐角时看到一个老成的青年,披散着头发,象个十八世纪的神父,正在聚精会神地打扫夜总会的舞场。 | An old-young man with hair which dangled over his shoulders and the heaven-preoccupied gaze of some eighteenth -century abbe was sweeping out a discotheque at the corner of little Compton Street as Castle went by | |
27 | 可是只有少数人才知道他在《书札》中和在《十八世纪美国札记》中,曾对美国革命的激变表示惋惜。 | Far less familiar are the passages from the "Letters" and from Crevecoeur’s "Sketches of Eighteenth -Century America" in which he bewails the upheavals of the American Revolution | |
28 | 快到十八世纪末,英国就迅速地成为世界的工厂。 | By the end of the eighteenth century England was fast becoming the workshop of the world. | |
29 | 勒格贝是个褐色石筑的长而低的老屋。建筑于十八世纪中期,后来时加添补,直至成了一座无甚出色的大房屋 | Wragby was a long low old house in brown stone, begun about the middle of the eighteenth century, and added on to, till it was a warren of a place without much distinction. | |
30 | 玛丽在修女院呆了一年,直到她过了18岁的生日。 | Marie pinned in the convent for a year, until her eighteenth birthday was passed |