属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-太空之旅 送我入太空
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国政治 新选项党的崛起
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-树木年代学 年轮不一定反映事实
1 | 他因为吵闹而被赶出戏院。 | He was ejected from the theater for noisiness. | |
2 | 星期一晚上,休斯顿太空队和主队蒙特利尔队之间的比赛与其说是一场棒球赛不如说是一场打斗赛,斗殴事件造成几位球员被逐出场。 | H was base-Brawl rather than baseball at the match between the Houston Astros and home side Montreal on Monday night. The incident resulted in several players being ejected from the game. | |
3 | 烟囱喷吐出浓烟。 | The chimney ejected smoke | |
4 | 因违反租约被驱逐的佃户 | tenants who were ejected for violations of their lease. | |
5 | 在很短的时间内,由火箭喷射气体的质量为dm. | In a short time interval, a mass dm of gas is ejected from the rocket | |
6 | 在这种情况下,抛射物质可能就成为一次超能量爆发中的观测对象。 | The ejected mass then probably becomes the observed material of a supernova outburst | |
7 | 这些年轻小伙子在饭店里喧嚷不堪,以致警察来将他们赶出去。 | The young men were making such a noise in the restaurant that the police a came and ejected them. | |
8 | 这种元素在恒星活动末期特有的爆炸中被抛向空间。 | Such elements are ejected into space during the explosions characteristic of the final stages of a star’s active life | |
9 | 蒸汽机中的热能没有全部利用,因为蒸汽从气缸中排出时没有充分膨胀。 | All the heat energy in the steam engine is not used because the steam has not fully expanded when it is ejected form the cylinder. | |
10 | ||1:神剑的庞大空间站需要更多的工作使其成为旅月航天器。||2:第一步将需要安装引擎。||3:公司计划使用例子推动器,这是一种高科技的推动系统其推动剂是一种电场。||4:这种发动机效率非常高,并且可以从空间站太阳能电极板得到能量。||5:但是他们进展缓慢,意思是神剑的使命可能至少推迟6个月,相比于空间探索公司仅仅需要6天就能加注的化学推动剂飞船。||6:事实上,神剑计划的低能量轨道将能把它的工作人员送到离地球比以前所有人都远的地方。 | ||1:Excalibur Almaz’s bulky space stations will need a lot more work to convert into lunar spacecraft.||2:The first step will be to attach engines.||3:The company plans to use ion thrusters, a high-tech propulsion system in which propellant is ejected using an electric field.||4:Such motors are extremely efficient, and can be powered from a station’s solar panels.||5:But they generate little thrust, meaning that Excalibur Almaz’s mission will take at least six months, compared with just six days for Space Adventures’ chemical-powered craft.||6:In fact, the low-energy trajectory planned by Excalibur Almaz will take its crew members farther from the Earth than any other humans have been. | |
11 | ||1:新政党的成功引起了德国政坛格局的转变,也加速了德国唯一一个自由党派—自由民主党的分裂。||2:自2011年起它已经相继被其他7个州议院与去年的联邦议会大选“除名”,而今年萨克森选举中,3.8%的得票率让自民党又一次在议院5%支持率的门槛前止步。||3:这也是自1946年以来自民党首次未能进入任何州立或联邦政府,这种情况对于基民党的盟友—自民党的消除也许是永久性的。 | ||1:The new party’s success is causing upheaval in the German political landscape, accelerating the implosion of its only liberal party, the Free Democrats (FDP).||2:With just 3.8% of votes in Saxony, the FDP failed to clear the 5% threshold to enter parliament and was ejected , as it has been from seven other state parliaments since 2011 and the Bundestag last year.||3:For the first time since 1946, the FDP does not participate in any state or federal government. This eliminates the liberals as the CDU’s coalition partner, perhaps permanently. | |
12 | ||1:自由民主党(FDP)沦落到在这种细枝末节上讨价还价,这很大程度上体现了这个曾今的伟大的自由政党的沦陷。||2:民意调查显示其在大选中得到的选票不会超过5%,而且可能会因此被驱逐出联邦议院。||3:如果一月份下萨克森州进行的大选证实了这个糟糕的调查结果,那么FDP的领导人,菲利普·罗斯勒(他还是经济部长),将不得不离职。||4:甚至有传言他们已经在密谋立刻驱逐他。 | ||1:That the FDP is reduced to horse-trading over such minutiae says a lot about the collapse of this once-grand liberal party.||2:The polls suggest it may get less than 5% of votes in the election, and would thus be ejected from the Bundestag.||3:If an election in Lower Saxony in January confirms such a poor showing, the FDP’s leader, Philipp Rosler (who is also economics minister), will surely have to go.||4:There are even rumours of a plot to oust him sooner. | |
13 | 火山喷发时经常会喷射出一种不怎么好的元素-汞。 | One unpleasant element often ejected in volcanic eruptions is mercury. | |
14 | GAB将打印出诊断信息并发送iofence信息到被驱逐的系统。 | GAB prints diagnostic messages and sends iofence messages to the system being ejected . | |
15 | 被抛射的巨大的恒星的数量正好符合真是观测到的OB速逃星数量。 | And the number of massive stars ejected this way matches up well with actual observations of OB runaways. | |
16 | 从他弹射出飞机到飞机着地起火之间的时间间隔,只有0.8秒! | The F-16 was on the ground and in flames just 0. 8 seconds after he was ejected from the aircraft. | |
17 | 但监督和管理他们的,是被排斥出美国、现又重新受宠的同胞。 | But they were being supervised and managed by newly empowered countrymen ejected from the US. | |
18 | 但是现在有两个研究者指出,有可能有地外生物生活在漂浮星系外的星球上,这个星球从它的诞生地开始在宇宙空间中一直流浪。 | But now a pair of researchers believe extraterrestrial life could exist on a rogue planet that has been ejected from its birthplace. | |
19 | 当两个集群合而为一时,VCS指定其中一个系统被驱逐。 | When two clusters join as one, VCS designates that one system be ejected . | |
20 | 当滤油器工作时,从喷油孔喷出的油一方面使转子转动,一方面冲洗滤网上的杂质异物。 | When the oil filter works, oil ejected from the oil injection hole makes the rotor rotate and flushed the impurity on a filter screen. | |
21 | 当你洗澡的时候,细菌便会随着水流从蓬蓬头里喷出来。 | When you run the shower, germs are ejected out of the showerhead in the spray. | |
22 | 地球与其邻近的行星都处于太阳风(从太阳上层大气层发射出的带电粒子流)的势力范围之内。 | The planet and its neighbours are bathed in the solar wind, a stream of charged particles ejected from the upper atmosphere of the sun. | |
23 | 多机并联空气幕引射风流及其应用研究 | Theory and Application of Air Flow Ejected from Air Curtain by Paralleled Fans in Mining Tunnels | |
24 | 飞行员跳伞了,但是弹出的太晚。 | The pilot had ejected , but too late to save himself. | |
25 | 飞行员跳伞逃生,但据报道由于伤势过重死亡。 | The pilot ejected , but was reported to have died from his injuries. | |
26 | 火山喷发带出了熔岩炸弹,惊现闪电——可能由于火山尘埃带有电荷。 | The volcano ejected lava bombs and created forks of lightning - possibly due to electrically charged ash | |
27 | 加压清洗单元,所述加压清洗单元将液体从喷嘴强制喷射进盖帽中; | The pressurized purge unit makes liquid forcibly ejected from the nozzles into the cap. | |
28 | 她还透露说,他们入住首相府时,她只带了夏天的衣服,以防菅直人很快被赶下台。 | She also revealed she’d packed only summer clothes when they moved into the prime minister’s residence in case he was rapidly ejected . | |
29 | 尽管乌兹别克斯坦赌气似地驱逐了美军基地,但仍旧接受了德国的基地,用以向德国驻阿富汗军队提供供需品。 | Though Uzbekistan ejected an American base in a fit of pique, it still hosts a German one, used to supply German troops in Afghanistan. | |
30 | 流道和注塑件一并顶出 | Runner is ejected with the plastic part |