属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国左派的胜利 图林根州的十一月革命
1 | 贝蒂为了弥补微薄的工资收入,搞起写作来。 | To eke out her meager pay,Betty turned to writing. | |
2 | 船员们开始节约使用储量不多的淡水。 | The crew started to eke out there scanty supply of fresh water. | |
3 | 她靠给别人洗衣服弥补薪水的不足. | She eke d out her small income by washing clothes for other people. | |
4 | 靠捕鱼勉强维持生活 | Eke out a scanty subsistence by fishing | |
5 | 流动劳工往家里汇款,以弥补低下的农村收入。 | Migrants send home cash that helps eke out low village incomes. | |
6 | 勉强糊口. | eke out one`s livelihood | |
7 | 请把钱俭省点儿用,尽可能维持到年底。 | Please try to eke the money out till the end or the year. | |
8 | 请设法用这点钱维持到本月底。 | Please try to eke the money out till the end of the month | |
9 | 他们不得不靠微薄收入勉强度日。 | They had to eke out a livinga tiny income. | |
10 | 他们靠他微薄的薪金勉强口. | They eke out a bare existence (ie They scarcely manage)on his low salary. | |
11 | 他问起目前情况,我把我所收集的一些材料尽量告诉了他。 | He asked about the present condition and I tried to eke out the little knowledge I had collected. | |
12 | 我们必须尽量节约用水。 | We must try to eke out our water supply. | |
13 | 我们不愿意增加我们多愁善感的悲哀,正如我们不愿意保留我们身体上的疼痛一样。 | We are no more inclined to eke out our sentimental sorrows than to cherish our bodily pains | |
14 | 在旧中国,工人农民连生活都难以维持,更谈不上送子女上学了。 | In old China workers and peasants could hardly eke out a living,let alone send their children to school. | |
15 | 在贫瘠的地区耕作以勉强度日 | eke a bare existence from farming in an arid area. | |
16 | ||1:但是在东德的州政府和地方政府中,左党变成了Ossis (东德人)的大本营,东德人似乎不关心政治,茫然失落。||2:他们以“东德情结”为由给左党投票。||3:在勃兰登堡,左党以“红红”联盟中社会民主党人(SPD)的新合伙人身份进行沉闷无趣的统治管理。||4:但是图林根提供了一个新的机遇。||5:在9月份的选举中,以德国总理安吉拉·默克尔为领袖的基民盟(CDU),以33%的选票位列第一。||6:左党来势汹汹,以28%的支持率暂居第二。||7:如果左党可以和其他两个左倾政党:社民党和绿党联合的话,就能以微小的优势成为多数党。 | ||1:In state and local governments in eastern Germany, however, The Left has become a home for many Ossis (Easterners), who tend to be apolitical and feel vaguely frustrated.||2:They vote Left partly for reasons of “Ostalgie”.||3:In Brandenburg The Left governs boringly as junior partner in a “red-red” coalition with the Social Democrats (SPD).||4:But Thuringia presents a new opportunity.||5:In its election in September the Christian Democrats (CDU), the party of Chancellor Angela Merkel, came first, with 33%.||6:But The Left came a strong second with 28%.||7:It could now eke out a tiny majority if it combined with the other two left-leaning parties: the SPD and the Greens. | |
17 | ||1:人们很容易会不考虑开展仓库业务。正如一位行业老总所言,投资者过去认为这是“四堵墙和一个你希望不会漏水的屋顶”——换句话说,高度商品化。||2:然而,穆加达姆表示,仓库令人着迷。||3:他说,第一项任务是去决定为供应链的哪一端服务。||4:他在全球范围内建立了大众消费市场,而不是为生产商服务,因为正如他所说,“消费者不会移动,工厂会”因此,他的仓库就坐落在土地稀缺的大城市附近。||5:这也需要耐心。||6:在美国,电子商务花了几十年时间才在零售支出中占据两位数的份额。||7:封锁措施这种转换加速。||8:在疫情之前,Prologis将自己大约五分之一的仓库建设用于电子商务,其余用于其他形式的物流。||9:穆加达姆表示,目前电子商务的份额高达40%。 | ||1:It is easy to dismiss the warehouse business. As one industry boss puts it, investors used to think of it as "four walls and a roof that you hope doesn’t leak"-in other words, highly commoditised.||2:Yet Mr Moghadam says it is enthralling.||3:The first task, he says, is to decide on which end of the supply chain to be.||4:He settled on mass consumer markets around the world rather than serving producers, because, as he puts it, "Consumers do not move, factories do." As a result, his warehouses sit close to huge urban areas where land is scarce.||5:It also requires patience.||6:In America it has taken decades for e-commerce to eke out a double-digit share of retail spending.||7:Lockdowns have turbocharged the shift.||8:Before the pandemic about a fifth of Prologis’s warehouse construction was for e-commerce, and the rest for other forms of logistics.||9:The e-commerce share is now as high as 40%, Mr Moghadam says. | |
18 | Loshipa先生和他的家庭在一片本来是沙漠的地方靠放牛努力维持生计。 | Mr. Loshipa and his family eke out living herding cows in what is essentially a desert. | |
19 | 但最终要花费大量金钱才能实现可以接受的性能。 | However, you end up spending a lot of money to try to eke out acceptable performance. | |
20 | 好像他小跑跟在我身后,他那海军蓝的上衣随风飘动,只是为了逼我把事实说出来。 | It would be like him to trot after me, his navy blazer flapping, just to eke the truth out of me. | |
21 | 很多生活在城市中的难民依靠非法或非正规的行业维持生计。 | Most city refugees must eke out an existence in illegal or informal sectors of the economy. | |
22 | 家庭靠种点能够种的食物和打渔为生。 | Families eke out a living by growing what food they can and by fishing. | |
23 | 她认为很多情况下,竭尽全力使病人多活区区几小时或几周不如将精力花在提高他们的生活质量上。 | It would often be better, she thinks, not to try so hard to eke out a few more hours or weeks but to concentrate on quality of life. | |
24 | 日本经济20年来不景气,只能在减速之间勉强维持低增长?好像betweenslowdowns理解有误,希望高手指教。 | Japan’s economy has been ailing for 20 years, barely managing to eke out weak growth between slowdowns. | |
25 | 他们做的是没有风险的生意,简而言之就是锁定买入价与卖出价,然后从中赚取少量却正常利润。 | Trading simply means naming a spread of buy and sell prices from which they can eke out tiny but regular profits, a business without risk. | |
26 | 他是一个合格的机械师,但他后来却搞起了国际贸易。 | He is a qualified mechanic, but he afterwards but eke out her the international trade. | |
27 | 他用一个手指头堵住大坝的漏洞,让一塌糊涂的汽车业再捱过几个月。 | He will put his finger in the dyke, and the fragile mess of an auto industry will eke through the next few months. | |
28 | 提出了一种基于改进的扩展卡尔曼滤波器(EKF)的永磁同步直接转矩控制方法。 | A direct torque control system for IPMSM based on advanced extended Kalman filter (EKE ) had been proposed. | |
29 | 土耳其称,有数量高达7万的非法亚美尼亚移民工,其中多为妇女,在伊斯坦布尔从事佣人或保姆等职业谋生。 | Turkey says that as many as 70, 000 illegal Armenian migrant workers, mostly women, eke out a living as servants and nannies in Istanbul. | |
30 | 微软相信这勉强能从收购中带来每年1亿美元的成本削减。 | Microsoft believes it can eke out $1 billion a year in cost savings from the combined operations. |