属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-政界金权 任君捐
属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-联邦调查局证实调查俄罗斯潜在干预美国大选
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-查理曼大帝 一个民主化的梦魇
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-美国总统竞选首场辩论聚焦经济问题
1 | (一)改选或者补选理事会、董事会或者联合管理委员会组成人员; | (1)electing or by-electing the members on the board of trustees, the board of directors or of the joint managerial committee; | |
2 | “党管干部”与“民选干部”的统一 | The Unity of Supervising Cadres by the Party and Electing Cadres by the Masses | |
3 | 代表会议代表的名额和产生办法,由召集代表会议的委员会决定。 | The number of delegates to a representative conference and the method of election of delegates to a representative conference and the method of electing them shall be decided by the committee which convenes the conference. | |
4 | 二、议员的具体选举办法,由澳门特别行政区政府提出并经立法会通过的选举法加以规定。 | II. The method for electing members of the Legislative Council shall be specified by an electoral law introduced by the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region and passed by the Legislative Council. | |
5 | 关于完善领导干部选拔考核制度的几点探索 | To Perfect the System of Electing and Checking Cadres | |
6 | 控股股东不得对股东大会人事选举决议和董事会人事聘任决议履行任何批准手续 | The resolutions made by the shareholders meetings electing personnel or the board of director’s resolutions appointing personnel shall not be subjected to approval procedures by the controlling shareholders. | |
7 | 上述分区直接选举的选区划分、投票办法,各个功能界别和法定团体的划分、议员名额的分配、选举办法及选举委员会选举议员的办法,由香港特别行政区政府提出并经立法会通过的选举法加以规定。 | The division of geographical constituencies and the voting method for direct elections therein; the delimitation of functional sectors and corporate bodies, their seat allocation and election methods;and the method for electing members of the Legislative Council by the Election Committee shall be specified by an electoral law introduced by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and passed by the Legislative Council. | |
8 | 他当了10年议员,但在上次选举中,选民们选了他的对手,使他伤透了心。 | He had been a member of Parliament for ten years, but at the last election, the voters kicked him in the teeth by electing his opponent | |
9 | 他们正致力于革命[议长选举]。 | They were in the throes of revolution [of electing a chairman]. | |
10 | 台湾省全国人大代表选举方式由全国人大的有关决议作出专门规定。 | The method of electing NPC deputies from among Taiwan compatriots is decided specially according to related resolutions of the NPC. | |
11 | 未来特区行政长官和立法会的产生方法,必须有利于巩固行政主导体制,有利于社会各阶层的均衡参与。 | The future methods for electing Hong Kong’s chief executive and Legco members must be beneficial to consolidating the executive-led political system and the even participation by different sectors in Hong Kong. | |
12 | 县级以上的地方各级人大在选举上一级人大代表时,提名、酝酿代表候选人的时间不得少于2天。 | The time for nomination and deliberation for candidates when electing , at the people’s congresses at and above the county level, deputies to the people’s congresses at the next higher level shall not be less than two days. | |
13 | 香港大学民意研究计划的民意调查显示,百分之八十一的市民支持于二零零七年普选行政长官。 | The poll, conducted by the University of Hong Kong’s public opinion programme, found 81 per cent of respondents support electing the chief executive through universal suffrage in 2007. | |
14 | 香港特别行政区行政长官普选问题 | electing the Hong Kong chief executive | |
15 | 协议的当事人同意,如果他们对其股份的处置会导致"公司"按1954年国内税收法典规定而终结作为小型商业公司的纳税义务,他们将不会进行这样的处置。 | The parties hereto agree that they will not dispose of their shares of stock in such a way as to cause the termination of the Corporation’s ability to be taxed as an electing Small Business Corporation under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. | |
16 | 研究特首及立法会产生办法的问题时必须听取中央的意见 | must listen to the views of the central government when studying ways of electing its chief executive and the Legislative Council | |
17 | 张家界红色旅游产品开发的SWOT分析及其战略选择 | The SWOT Analysis of Zhangjiajie Red Traveling Development and the Strategic Electing | |
18 | 这就是许多不学无术之徒也登堂入室,当选议员的原因。 | This is one sure way of electing ignorant and incompetent men as senators. | |
19 | 指定/选定中国的国际申请 | international application designating/electing China | |
20 | ||1:“我国民主政治中最基本的一项权利,”首席法官约翰·罗伯茨在法庭多数意见书中写道,“就是参与政治领导人选举。”||2:第一修正案中的言论自由权规定了“为候选人竞选捐款。||3:因此,尽管“政界金权有时会引起某些人的反感,”但这一权利有着“有力”保障。||4:罗伯茨还写道,“为了提升某些人的相对影响力而限制其他人的政治参与”不合宪法规定。 | ||1:“There is no right more basic in our democracy,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the court’s plurality opinion, “than the right to participate in electing our political leaders.”||2:The First Amendment’s freedom-of-speech guarantee includes the right to “contribute to a candidate’s campaign.”||3:So although “money in politics may at times seem repugnant to some,” it is entitled to “vigorous” protection.||4:It is unconstitutional, Mr Roberts wrote, to “restrict the political participation of some in order to enhance the relative influence of others.” | |
21 | 美国国家安全局局长罗杰斯也在周一的听证会上作证。他说,他支持美国情报机构早些时候的结论,俄罗斯确实试图影响美国2016年总统大选,目标是让川普当选。 | U.S. National Security Agency Director Michael Rogers also testified during Monday’s hearing. He said he stands by an earlier conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia did attempt to influence the 2016 election with the goal of electing Trump. | |
22 | 太过放权又不能赢得公民的忠诚,他们可能会认为他们所选的欧洲主席实际上只是个软弱的秘书长而已。 | too powerless to win the loyalty of citizens who may think they are electing the president of Europe but would get only a weak secretary-general. | |
23 | 选举新老板 | Electing the boss | |
24 | 最后,奥巴马表示,他希望依赖自己入主白宫四年的优势。罗姆尼表示,再次选举奥巴马为总统会伤害中产阶级。他承诺更换美国的新医保方案,并创造数百万新岗位。 | In closing, Mr. Obama said he wants to build on the strengths of his first four years in the White House. Mr. Romney said re-electing the president would hurt the middle class. He promised to replace the country’s new health care program and to create millions of new jobs. | |
25 | 2008年,美国又跨越另一障碍,选举了一位年轻有魅力的总统巴拉克·奥巴马。 | In 2008 America broke another barrier by electing a young, charismatic president, but the differences were enormous. | |
26 | 并且在选举国会议员时,本地问题比国家经济经常显得更为突出。 | And local issues often loom larger than the national economy when it comes to electing a congressman. | |
27 | 朝鲜中央社说,这次会议是“为了选举(党的)最高领导机构”。 | The meeting is "for electing (the party’s) highest leading body, " the North Korean Central News Agency said. | |
28 | 村民依法选举与依法护权的辩证关系 | Dialectical Relations of Electing by Law and Defending Legal Rights by Law | |
29 | 村委会选举中几个争议问题的分析与思考 | Analysis and Thought on some Controversial Issues when Electing Villagers’Committee | |
30 | 工业氨基乙酸含量测定指示剂选择的探讨 | Study on electing indicator of determining content of lndustril Glycine |