1 | (二)明确划分工人阶级和资产阶级的界限,肃清工会中的贪污现象和脱离群众的官僚主义现象,清除资产阶级在工会中的走狗。 | (2)Draw a clear line of distinction between the working class and the bourgeoisie, and in trade unions eliminate corruption and bureaucracy which alienates the masses and weed out the capitalists’ hirelings | |
2 | (十二)在七年内,基本上消灭若干种危害人民和牲畜最严重的疾病,例如血吸虫病、血丝虫病、鼠疫、脑炎、牛瘟、猪瘟等。 | Within seven years, basically eliminate a number of those diseases most harmful to human beings and livestock, such as schistosomiasis, filariasis, bubonic plague, encephalitis, cattle plague and hog cholera | |
3 | 2001年,中国还在全国开展了打击非法枪支专项治理活动,收缴并销毁了大量非法枪支。 | In 2001, China launched a nationwide campaign to eliminate illegal firearms, in the course of which large quantities of illegal firearms were confiscated and destroyed | |
4 | 84.(a)中国代表确认,中国将在加入后3年内取消贸易权的审批制。 | 84. (a)The representative of China reconfirmed that China would eliminate its system of examination and approval of trading rights within three years after accession | |
5 | 按照“精兵简政”的原则消除政府机构中重重叠叠的现象 | Follow the principle of “better troops and simpler administration” to eliminate duplication in the government structure | |
6 | 必须特别小心地清除火源,如电力设备的火花、静电火花、明火或任何很热的物体。 | Care should be taken to eliminate sources of ignition such as sparks from electrical equipment, static electricity sparks, open flames, or any extremely hot objects. | |
7 | 采用净化剂并不能排除设置排气风扇和空气洗涤器。 | Detergent use will not eliminate a possible need for exhaust fans and air scrubbers | |
8 | 充分通风有助于在氢泄漏的情况下减少可燃混合物形成的机会,同时还排除了潜在的窒息的危险。 | Adequate ventilation will help reduce the possible formation of flammable mixtures in the event of a hydrogen leak and will also eliminate the potential hazard of asphyxiation. | |
9 | 从理论上说这样可以消除疾病传播的可能性,无论是来自牛血红蛋白的疯牛病活人血中感染的新型肝炎病。 | In theory, that should eliminate the possibility of disease transmission, whether of madcow disease from bovine hemoglobin or a suspected new strain of hepatitis from human products | |
10 | 但是反过来,如果认为应当对私人资本限制得太大太死,或者认为简直可以很快地消灭私人资本,这也是完全错误的,这就是“左”倾机会主义或冒险主义的观点。 | But the opposite view, which advocates too much or too rigid restriction of private capital or holds that we can simply eliminate private capital very quickly, is also entirely wrong; this is a "Left" opportunist or adventurist view | |
11 | 但这也只是在一定程度上减少了,而不是消除了危险性。 | But they can only marginally reduce, not eliminate the hazards | |
12 | 当归美容霜,祛斑美容有特效。 | Danggui (angelica)vanishing cream is a superb product which can eliminate your freckles and beautify your face. | |
13 | 当国会改正错误时,没有勇气取消已经给予1912年至1916年出生的退休人员的意外好处。 | When Congress corrected the mistake,it didn’t have the nerve to eliminate the windfall already granted to retirees born in1912through1916. | |
14 | 当含有电感的电路突然断开时,电容器可用以消除火花。 | A capacitor is used to eliminate sparking when a circuit containing inductance is suddenly opened | |
15 | 杜绝学术腐败,除了道德自律外,建立一个良好的学术机制应该更为重要 | It’s far from enough to depend only on moral self-discipline to eliminate academic corruption; what is more important is to establish a favorable academic mechanism | |
16 | 多吃些蔬菜,多喝水,有助于将体内排泄物排出。 | Eating more vegetables and drinking more water help to eliminate waste matter from the body | |
17 | 而且因为只有社会主义才能消除资本主义和其他剥削制度所必然产生的种种贪婪、腐败和不公正现象。 | But also because only socialism can eliminate the greed, corruption and injustice that are inherent in capitalism and other systems of exploitation. | |
18 | 发生污染损害事故,不向监督拆船污染的海事管理机构报告也不采取消除或控制污染措施的 | In the event of pollution accident, neither reporting to the maritime administrative agency that supervises the pollution caused by vessel dismantling, nor taking measures to eliminate or control the pollution | |
19 | 发生污染损害事故,虽采取消除或控制污染措施,但不向监督拆船污染的海事管理机构报告的 | In the event of pollution accident, failing to report to the maritime administrative agency supervising the pollution caused by vessel dismantling, though having taken measures to eliminate or control the pollution; or | |
20 | 芳香温通;香苏祛寒 | Eliminate cold-phlegm for resuscitation by means of aromatics | |
21 | 废除干部终身制 | Eliminate the life-tenure system of officials | |
22 | 负责受审区域的管理者,应确保及时采取措施消除已发现的不合格及其产生的原因. | The management responsible for the area being audited shall ensure that actions are taken without undue delay to eliminate detected nonconformities and their causes. | |
23 | 该到了消除网络独裁的时候了。 | Time to eliminate Internet monopoly. | |
24 | 高纯度调整器设计和制造得能够提供扩散阻力和容易净化。金属隔膜和高纯度座和密封将漏气和内部扩散减到了最小或彻底消除。 | High-purity regulators are designed and constructed to provide diffusion resistance and easy cleanup. Metal diaphragms and high purity seats and seals minimize or eliminate outgassing and inboard diffusion. | |
25 | 换句话说,嘌呤环上第8位碳被氮所取代并不丧失活性。 | In other words, replacement of the number 8 carbon by nitrogen in the purine ring does not eliminate activity | |
26 | 减轻、减少和最终消灭贫穷 | alleviate, reduce and eventually eliminate poverty | |
27 | 减少或消除数据中的急剧波动。 | To decrease or eliminate rapid fluctuations in data | |
28 | 检测、跟踪、并排除计算机程序或其它软件中的错误。同checkout。 | To detect,to trace,and to eliminate mistakes in computer programs or in other software | |
29 | 建立公正、合理的国际新秩序,实现国际关系的普遍改善,才是消除威胁的根本途径。 | Establishing a fair and rational new international order and realizing the universal improvement of international relations are the fundamental way to eliminate the threat of WMD | |
30 | 她把誊本从头至尾认真地看了一遍,以消除其中的错误之处。 | She went through the transcript carefully,to eliminate all errors from it. |