1 | 受压容器蕴涵了巨大的储存能量。要求正确操作和使用钢瓶,以排除未受控制的释放的可能性。 | Pressurized containers contain a tremendous amount of stored energy. Proper handling and use of cylinders is required to eliminate the possibility of uncontrolled releases. | |
2 | 它也呼吁各方为“消除印尼刑事法典中的诽谤条款尽最大的努力。” | It also called the relevant parties to "make utmost efforts to eliminate the article concerning defamation in the Criminal Code of Indonesia." | |
3 | 通过分析每项劳务的成本,就能定出价格,使利润最大化,并排除无利可图的劳务。 | By analyzing the cost of each service, prices can be set to maximize profits and eliminate unprofitable services | |
4 | 通过重写覆盖或转写到次要存储器上来删除主存储器的一页或一段。 | To eliminate a page/segment from primary storage by overwriting it or by rolling it out to secondary storage | |
5 | 为防止返工,在纺织厂的操作中,往往使用大的安全系数。 | Very often a large margin of safety is used in textile mill operations to eliminate the need for reprocessing | |
6 | 为了消除可能存在的内部失调,“A标尺读数”要以四个读数为一组。 | To eliminate possible internal maladjustments, "A pattern readings" are made in sets of four | |
7 | 为排除这种可能性,我们决定去观察自然分泌的胰岛素的浓度是否也会有这种结果。 | To eliminate this possibility, we decided to see if naturally secreted levels of insulin would have the same effect | |
8 | 我决定给他极少量的吗啡,期望找到正确的剂量,能够缓解他的病痛而不损伤他可能尚存的意识。 | I decided I would give him a very small amount of morphine, hoping to find just the right dose to eliminate pain without wiping out any awareness he might have left | |
9 | 我们的目标是消灭贫困。 | Our goal is to eliminate poverty. | |
10 | 我们在预赛中淘汰多数的赛跑运动员;只有最好的一些参加决赛。 | We eliminate most of the runners in the heats; only the best run in the final. | |
11 | 吸鸦片烟,吃白面,世界上谁能消灭得了?国民党办不到,资本主义办不到。 | Who in this world has ever been able to eliminate the abuse of opium and heroin? Neither the Kuomintang nor the capitalist countries could have succeeded in doing this. | |
12 | 消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约区域间纪念讨论会 | Interregional Commemorative Seminar on the Convention to Eliminate all Forms of Discrimination against Women | |
13 | 消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕 | Eliminate polarization and ultimately achieve common prosperity | |
14 | 消除完全剔除;使化为乌有 | To eliminate completely;annihilate. | |
15 | 幸好,在系统中加入一高度计后这一困难实际上可以完全解除。 | Fortunately, it is possible to incorporate an altimeter in the system and practically eliminate this difficulty entirely | |
16 | 要发挥主观能动性,努力做到兴利除弊,力争实现全局上的利大于弊。 | We should give play to our subjective initiative, strive to promote advantages and eliminate disadvantages, and work hard for the advantage outdoing the disadvantage in the whole situation | |
17 | 要加强国际合作。标本兼治,防范和打击恐怖活动,努力消除产生恐怖主义的根源。 | It is imperative to strengthen international cooperation in this regard, address both the symptoms and root causes of terrorism, prevent and combat terrorist activities and work hard to eliminate terrorism at root. | |
18 | 业务经理和市场营销经理必须进行充分合作借以消除结果上的南辕北辙。 | Sufficient coordination between banking and marketing executives should be enough to eliminate divergence of results | |
19 | 用于氧设施的系统必须满足严格的清洁要求,排除任何不相容的污染物。 | Systems used in oxygen service must meet stringent cleaning requirements to eliminate any incompatible contaminants. | |
20 | 有些单位进行过肃反,但是肃而不清,必须在斗争中逐步肃清。 | Some units went through the campaign to eliminate counter-revolutionaries but the work was not thorough, and it is necessary to clear them all out gradually in the course of struggle | |
21 | 预防、打击、消除恐怖主义利马宣言 | Declaration of Lima to Prevent, Combat and Eliminate Terrorism | |
22 | 预防和消除国际恐怖主义合作协商会议 | Meeting of Consultation on Cooperation to Prevent and Eliminate International Terrorism | |
23 | 在减少空间和时间消耗、缩小频带宽度、压缩存储量和传输量、降低成本等方面采用的一系列技术。如消除重复、去掉无关项、使用特殊编码技术等。 | A series of techniques used for the reduction of space, bandwidth,cost,transmission,generating time,and the storage of data.These techniques are designed to eliminate repetition, remove irrelevances,and employ special coding techniques | |
24 | 增加人民的收入很不容易,短期内要摆脱贫困落后状态很不容易。 | This makes it very difficult for us to raise the people’s income and to eliminate poverty and backwardness in a short time. | |
25 | 照相排版和轮转印刷是两项更有深远意义的技术,它消除了金属铸字排版和减少了所需熟练工人数量。 | More far-reaching is the development of photo composition and web-offset printing, which eliminate hot metal typesetting and reduce the amount of skilled labour required. | |
26 | 这家党报被引述说,如同许多别的措施一样,干部聘任制的目的之一就是要废除干部终身制。 | The party newspaper was quoted as saying that the aims of the appointment system of cadres, among other things, are to eliminate the life-tenure system of officials. | |
27 | 这项科学研究是由一个17岁的高中生阿希莉·穆尔罗依完成的。她揭示出标准污水处理了并不能处理掉药物,但是用活性炭过滤就可以做到。 | The science project was conducted by 17-year-old high school senior Ashley Mulroy, who also showed that while typical wastewater treatment plants don’t eliminate the drugs, activated charcoal filtration does | |
28 | 这种技术经常被用来消除季节因素,对此,需要12个月的移动平均数。 | The technique is often used to eliminate seasonal components is from data, for which a 12-month moving average would be needed | |
29 | 这种情况所造成的影响,就在劳动人民中间也不容易很快消除。 | Even among the working people it is not easy to eliminate the resultant influences in a short time | |
30 | 这种外用药水,燥涩止痒。 | This kind of lotion for external use can eliminate dampness and relieve itching. |