1 | "视觉仿生"公司的首席信息官David McComb说他们已经成功地将这种微芯片植入6位患者的视网膜中,这次临床试验得到美国食品和药物管理局的批准。 | Right now, most CNN chips are just too big-about 1 or 2 square inches ; and require too much power to be embedded in an eye | |
2 | (受精卵)着床附着或进入子宫壁,用于描述受精卵 | To become attached to and embedded in the uterine lining.Used of a fertilized egg. | |
3 | Windows CE(1996)是给掌上计算机和其它手持设备的嵌入式操作系统。 | Windows CE (1996)is an embedded operating system for palm PCs and other handheld devices. | |
4 | 暗玢岩嵌有长石晶体的黑色火成斑岩 | A dark igneous porphyry embedded with feldspar crystals. | |
5 | 巴勒摩另一突出方面是黑手党植根于西西里文化的程度。 | Another distinguishing aspect of Palermo is the extent to which the Mafia is embedded in Sicilian culture. | |
6 | 把柱子嵌在水泥中;牢牢嵌在页岩中的化石 | embed a post in concrete;fossils embedded in shale. | |
7 | 斑晶嵌在斑状火成岩中的一种显眼的、通常很大的晶体 | A conspicuous,usually large,crystal embedded in porphyritic igneous rock. | |
8 | 包容放射性废物的水凝粘合剂的小气孔和气体渗透性的测定 | Determination of gas porosity and gas permeability of hydraulic binders containing embedded radioactive waste | |
9 | 扁桃体圆形团状的小淋巴细胞组织,特别指连结于口与喉开口联接处后壁上的两个这样的组织,其作用尚未完全确定,但一般认为能防止上呼吸道感染 | A small oral mass of lymphoid tissue,especially either of two such masses embedded in the lateral walls of the opening between the mouth and the pharynx,of uncertain function,but believed to help protect the body from respiratory infections. | |
10 | 不过他们从来没有碰到鲸鱼被钓线扎得这么深的情况,也没有试过在海上将钓线从一向以凶猛著称的露脊鲸身上取下来,因为一但露脊鲸被惹怒,它们将是会非常危险的动物。 | But they have never seen something so deeply embedded or tried to remove a line at sea from the notoriously powerful Right whale which can be dangerous when angry. | |
11 | 测试结通常埋在待测温度的物质中。 | The test junction is usually embedded in the material whose temperature is to be measured | |
12 | 超低压型400MHz英特尔赛扬处理器可支持嵌入式应用,包括入门级网络连接存储(NAS)系统。 | The Ultra Low Voltage Intel Celeron processor at 400 MHz can be used in embedded applications, including entry-level network-attached storage (NAS)systems. | |
13 | 超链接作为一个特殊的字符串,嵌在文献中,它可以告诉如何转移到另一文件或者是转移到同一文献的另一个地方。 | A link is a special text string embedded within a document .It tells how to jump to another document or to a different place in the current document . | |
14 | 船搁浅了,舵陷入淤泥之中。 | The boat lay with its rudder embedded in mud. | |
15 | 此外,如果多次嵌入某个文件,则必须更改该嵌入式文件的每个实例。 | Also, if you embed a file more than once, you must change each instance of the embedded file. | |
16 | 从美学逻辑上升华了这些神话传说所包含的深层意识,反映了先民们在精神活动中追求与自然界协调、和谐的意愿。 | This is an aesthetic distillation of the innermost meaning embedded in these myths, and reflected the primitive people’s wish to be in harmony with the nature world. | |
17 | 单击加号可展开嵌入的子数据表。 | Clicking the plus sign expands an embedded subdatasheet. | |
18 | 但绝不能用砂布,因为金刚砂会嵌入,使触点迅速烧蚀。 | Emery cloth must never be used, since particles of emery may become embedded and cause rapid burning away of the points. | |
19 | 当浏览器有请求时,就在servlet引擎中运行嵌入式程序代码由该引擎解释JSP标记和scriptlets,并将结果按HTML页面发送给浏览器。 | When the browser makes a requestthe embedded code runs in a servlet enginewhich interprets the JSP tags and scriptlets and sends the results back as an HTML page to the browser | |
20 | 当种皮及胚充分吸胀时,种子就失去典型的椭圆形。 | By the time the seed coat and embryo have become fully embedded , the seed has lost its typical oval shape | |
21 | 地衣的地衣的或与之有关的,它的叶状体薄而脆地紧密依附在或嵌入其生长的表面 | Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is thin,crusty,and closely adherent to or embedded in the surface on which it grows. | |
22 | 电源是一台可持续工作6天的液氢微型涡轮发电机和一组藏在头盔内衬里或装在武器箱中可供电3小时的可充电电池片。 | A power supply that uses a microturbine fueled by a six-day supply of liquid hydrogen, backed up by rechargeable 3-hour battery patches embedded in the helmet liner or attached to the weapons pod | |
23 | 动力室的曲线和镶嵌在保险杠里的车头灯和雾灯的精细轮廓亦体现运动型车辆的自信、儒雅和力度。 | The curve of the powerdome, the subtle outline of the headlights and the foglights embedded in the air dam announce that the vehicle combines self-assured elegance and the power of a Sports Activity Vehicle. | |
24 | 对于掩埋在较低折射率的均匀介质中的距形截面芯子的波导曾作过数值计算。 | Numerical calculations have been made for wave-guides with a core of rectangular cross-section embedded in a uniform surround of lower refractive index | |
25 | 对于硬件系统设计以及嵌入式系统设计经验丰富 | Strongly experienced in hardware system design and embedded system design. | |
26 | 多种尺寸和形状的岩石都埋藏在冰川的底部。 | Rocks of assorted sizes and shapes are embedded in the bottom of a glacier | |
27 | 复合材料的力量来自包埋于树脂中的玻璃纤维和碳纤维,广泛运用于国防和航天事业。 | Composites, which derive their strength from the lengths of glass or carbon fibre embedded in the resin, are widely used in the defence and aerospace industries. | |
28 | 副甲状腺:内分泌腺,甲状腺背面每侧有2~8个副甲状腺,能分泌副甲状腺激素,以调节血液内钙的浓度和磷的含量。 | Parathyroid gland: Endocrine gland, two to eight of which are embedded in each side of the thyroid gland. It secretes parathyroid hormone, which regulates blood calcium and phosphorus levels. | |
29 | 工人们把这些粗桩子埋置在水泥中。 | The workers embedded the big posts in concrete. | |
30 | 公司的西利格先生相信绝对芯片还可以作为一种能够防盗、防伪的身份证明,就像把驾驶执照植入到了你的皮下一样。 | Seelig believes VeriChip could function as a theftproof, counterfeitproof ID, like having a driver’s license embedded under your skin |