属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 苹果在中国商标权诉讼中败诉 法国一员工因为工
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: KFC将推出“肯德基手机”
1 | Sanrio公司每年收入10亿美元,其中一半来自这只头戴粉色蝴蝶结的可爱的白色猫咪。她的形象被印在2万多种商品上,从烤面包机、手提包到成人玩具,遍布四十多个国家。 | The cute white cat with the pink bow on her ear accounts for half of Sanrio’s annual revenues of $1 billion, and is emblazoned on over 20,000 goods-everything from toasters and handbags to adult toys in some 40 countries.. | |
2 | 船尾部饰有盾纹图案。 | The escutcheon was emblazoned with an emblem | |
3 | 看,我校的运动员进场来了!他们穿着印有我校校名字样的运动衫,看上去个个精力充沛。 | Look, our athletes are marching into the arena! They all look full of vigour in sweat-shirts emblazoned with the name of our school. | |
4 | 甚至《铁臂阿童木》也回来了,出现在银屏上,出现在孩子们的午餐盒图案中。 | Even Astro Boy is back, in film revivals and emblazoned on children’s lunchboxes | |
5 | 饰有龙纹的盾牌. | A shield emblazoned with dragons | |
6 | 现在,这个标志每年为委员会赚取成百上千万美元,它的图案出现在纪念帽、衬衫、杯子以及其他一些小装饰品上。 | The sign now earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for the chamberwith its image emblazoned on souvenir hatsshirtsmugs and other bric-a-brac | |
7 | 信中要求他交回写着“无神论者”几个字的车牌,其原因是这几个字“招人烦”。 | Instructing him to return his vehicle’s license plate, emblazoned with the word "atheist", on the grounds that it was "objectionable" | |
8 | 中国共产党的党旗上饰有醒目的锤子和镰刀图案。 | The flag of the Chinese Communist party is emblazoned with a hammer and sickle. | |
9 | ||1:世界上最具经济价值的苹果公司在中国一起不同寻常的商标权诉讼案件中败诉。||2:北京一法院裁决支持皮革制品销售商新通天地公司在其商品上使用IPHONE商标,因为苹果公司不能证明2007年新通天地申请注册该商标时,苹果产品已经在中国热销。 | ||1:The world’s most valuable company, Apple, lost an unusual trademark case in China when a court in Beijing found in favour of Xintong Tiandi, a seller of leather goods with the name “IPHONE” emblazoned on them.||2:The court ruled that Apple had failed to prove that the iPhone was well-known in China before Xintong Tiandi filed its trademark application in 2007. | |
10 | ||1:这一切的开始要从她丈夫被捕说起,埃克托·马赛达·古铁雷斯因“妨碍国家领土完整”罪名被捕,和他同时被逮捕还有74人,该事件被称为2003年黑色之春,这些人平均被判20年徒刑。||2:普兰女士相信她的丈夫是清白的。||3:她穿着印有他照片的T恤衫:一个温和而面带微笑的男人,工程师,用绳子挂着眼镜,套在脖子上。||4:他喜欢在报纸上圈圈划划,或做一些剪报,分成“政治”和“环境”二个类别。||5:她猜想他是想指出政府某些自相矛盾的方面。||6:他俩从不谈论这个,她也不参加他和他的被禁止的自由民主党朋友的小聚会。||7:每到此时她会跑到厨房里去准备咖啡,不大理会男人们的高谈阔论。 | ||1: What had started all this was the arrest of her husband, Héctor Maseda Gutiérrez, for “acting against the territorial integrity of the state”. Seventy-four others were arrested with him in that Black Spring of 2003, and given average prison sentences of 20 years. ||2: Ms Pollan knew he had done nothing. ||3: The picture of him she wore emblazoned on her T-shirt showed a mild, smiling man, an engineer, who kept his glasses on a cord round his neck. ||4: He liked to underline phrases in the newspapers and clip pieces out, organising them under “Politics” or “Environment”. ||5: She supposed he was just trying to point out contradictions in the government line. ||6: They didn’t discuss it, any more than she took part when his friends from the banned Liberal Democratic Party came round to talk. ||7: She would disappear to the kitchen then, making coffee, and leave the men alone. | |
11 | 在手机的背面印有KFC的logo以及刻有KFC最终进入中国市场的年份——1987。 | and emblazoned with a photo of the kernel on the back as well as the year 1987 when KFC finally made it to China. | |
12 | “我们的梦想是一个没有贫困的世界”这个崇高的目标在世界银行华盛顿总部用鲜艳的颜色标示着。 | "OUR dream is a world free of poverty. " That lofty aspiration is emblazoned in the World Bank’s Washington headquarters. | |
13 | 3个年轻的女士穿着自己手工做的衣袖上装饰有这个系列故事里她们喜欢的宗族的章纹。 | Three young women wore handmade T-shirts emblazoned with the coats of arms of their favorite clans from the series. | |
14 | Kuwaiti开着一辆白色的SUV,车备胎盖上装饰着白色犀牛形象。 | Kuwaiti drove a white S. U. V. whose spare-tire cover was emblazoned with an image of a white rhino. | |
15 | 贝利电力厂的红砖双烟囱上雕刻着“RJRTOBCO”,隐隐约约出现在洲际大路的旁边。 | The Bailey Power Plant’s twin redbrick chimneys emblazoned with "RJR TOB CO" loom over the interstate. | |
16 | 并且,在展室出口处的墙上,安吉拉•;卡特的名言“我们生活在哥特式时代”也赫然在目。 | And at the exit, Angela Carter’s words, "We live in gothic times" , are emblazoned on the wall. | |
17 | 不出所料,如果他们的队最近正好有赢比赛,学生就更有可能穿校服,因为校服上有印有学校名称的纹章。 | Sure enough students were more likely to wear apparel emblazoned with their university’s name if their team had recently won a game. | |
18 | 顶上标着“你还以为说我bitch是骂人哪?”的T恤就是这种态度的典型体现。 | The shirt at the top emblazoned with the phrase "you say I’m a bitch like it’s a bad thing" epitomises this attitude. | |
19 | 儿子惨死的血腥场面印在了他脑海里,现在他的肾上腺素起了作用。 | With the bloodcurdling vision of his son’s death emblazoned in his mind, his adrenaline took over. | |
20 | 而且,任何旁边饰有赞助商德州仪器的商标的车子都很可能成为极客们的梦想坐骑。 | Plus, any vehicle emblazoned with sponsor Texas Instruments’ logo on the side is likely to be a geek’s dream ride. | |
21 | 格兰仕的人员都戴着饰有“格兰仕欢迎你”字样的红黄彩带,但几乎找不到可以欢迎的新员工。 | All were wearing red and yellow sashes emblazoned with the message that "Galanz welcomes you" . But there were few new recruits to welcome. | |
22 | 工人们穿着胸前印有汉字“富士康”的Polo衫走过街道。 | Workers wearing polo shirts emblazoned with "Foxconn" in Chinese characters over their hearts walk along the streets. | |
23 | 她最受欢迎的设计之一是一件T恤,上面印着一句话“宁愿坐在宝马里哭,也不愿坐在桑塔纳里笑。” | One of her most popular designs is a T-shirt emblazoned with a phrase: "Rather cry in a BMW than laugh in a Santana. " | |
24 | 今时今日的商店装满了登基庆典蛋糕,一次性的装饰品和印着国旗的彩球,消费者可以直接盒装购买爱国主义。 | Today’s shops heave with Jubilee cakes, disposable decorations and flag-emblazoned baubles, letting consumers buy patriotism out of a box. | |
25 | 两位新婚女性穿了一模一样的T恤上面印着同一个词“老婆”。 | Two newly married women wore matching T-shirts emblazoned with the single word "Wifey" . | |
26 | 盘子中间是一块金质圆版,上刻有小袋鼠和跳羚的标志。 | The centre of the plate is a gold disc emblazoned with both a Springbok and a Wallaby. | |
27 | 认同卡上通常印有该机构吉祥物或标志。 | The cards often are emblazoned with the mascot or logo of the organization. | |
28 | 它们只是一种商品,虽然在塑料外壳上印着各式的商标,但机箱内的部件基本都是相同的。 | They are commodities: regardless of the brand emblazoned on the plastic shell, the innards are essentially the same. | |
29 | 我的更衣箱里放有一瓶水,一套涤纶睡衣和一双拖鞋,上面都印有“9小时”的店标。 | My locker held a bottle of water, black polyester sleepwear and slippers, all emblazoned with a small "9h" logo. | |
30 | 拥护者们买来印有阿萨德头像的旗帜、棒球帽和T恤。 | Loyalists buy flags, baseball caps and T-shirts emblazoned with the president’s face. |