1 | ( 三)有中国旗、国徽、国歌标志、国歌音响的; | (3)That involves designs of the national flag, national emblem or national anthem or the music of the national anthem of the PRC ; | |
2 | ( 一)使用中华人民共和国国旗、国徽、国歌; | 1. National flag, national emblem and national anthem of the PRC ; | |
3 | (四)国务院办公厅规定不得使用国徽及其图案的其他场合。 | (4)Other circumstances where the National Emblem and the design thereof may not be used, as prescribed by the General Office of the State Council. | |
4 | (用作某家族、城市、大学等的标志的)盾形徽章. | Coat of arms(also arms);design on a shield used as an emblem by a family,city,university,etc | |
5 | 奥运标志"舞动的北京"具有丰富的文化内涵,充分展示了2OO8北京奥运会的主题。 | "The emblem of the 2008 Olympics, rich in culture and dubbed ""Dancing beijing,"" fully reflects the theme of the Olympic Games to be held in 2008 in beijing." | |
6 | 澳门特别行政区的区徽,中间是五星、莲花、大桥、海水,周围写有"中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区"和葡文"澳门"。 | The regional emblem of the Macao Special Administrative Region is composed of five stars, lotus flower, bridge and sea water encircled by the words "Macao Special Administrative Region of the PRC " in Chinese and " MACAO " in Portuguese. | |
7 | 白袍是纯洁的象征 | A white robe is an emblem of purity. | |
8 | 北京29届奥运会的标志也是北京奥申委的正式标志,它是北京奥林匹克形象的核心部分,将成为奥运史上最有活力的形象标识之一。 | The emblem of the XXIX Olympiad, which is also the official emblem for BOCOG and a core element of beijing’ s Olympic image and look, is expected to become one of the most powerful graphic identities in the history of the Olympic Games. | |
9 | 波塞冬用自己的三叉戟猛击地面,击出了一匹马;而雅典娜供上的却是一棵橄榄树--和平和富庶的象征。 | Poseidon struck the ground with his trident and produced a horse, whereas Athena had an olive tree to present, an emblem of peace and plenty | |
10 | 不论画幅是否改变,对他来说都成了良心的可辨识的标志。 | The picture, changed or unchanged, would be to him the visible emblem of conscience | |
11 | 长条旗,燕尾旗一种与船只上的三角旗类似的旗帜或标志 | A flag or an emblem similar in shape to a ship’s pennant. | |
12 | 吃的东西又不会说话,黄油也不算是有失女性端庄的象征啊。 | There was no language of edibles, and butter was no emblem of unmaidenly forwardness | |
13 | 持权标者,司仪在学术、法律或宗教的要人前的队列中持权杖或其它权力象征的人 | One who carries the verge or other emblem of authority before a scholastic,legal,or religious dignitary in a procession. | |
14 | 船尾部饰有盾纹图案。 | The escutcheon was emblazoned with an emblem | |
15 | 刺绣纺织纹章,有可见底布 | emblem ,textile,not knitted or crocheted | |
16 | 带有公司标志的大货车;空军的徽章 | Trucks marked with the company emblem ;the emblem of the air force. | |
17 | 党徽被放到了国家盾形纹章之上。 | The party emblem was superimposed on the state coat of arms. | |
18 | 第八条 外事活动和国家驻外使馆、领馆以及其他外交代表机构对外使用国徽图案的办法,由外交部规定,报国务院批准后施行。 | Article 8 Measures for the use of the design of the National Emblem in activities of foreign affairs and by the country’s embassies, consulates and other diplomatic missions stationed in other countries shall be prescribed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and submitted to the State Council for approval before implementation. | |
19 | 第二条 中华人民共和国国徽,中间是五星照耀下的天安门,周围是谷穗和齿轮。 | Article 2 The National Emblem of the PRC shall comprise the design of Tian’ anmen in its centre illuminated by five stars and encircled by ears of grain and a cogwheel. | |
20 | 第九条 在本法规定的范围以外需要悬挂国微或者使用国徽图案的,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会办公厅或者国务院办公厅会同有关主管部门规定。 | Article 9 Where the hanging of the National Emblem or the use of the design of the National Emblem is necessitated outside the scope specified in this Law, it shall be prescribed by the General Office of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress or the General Office of the State Council, in conjunction with the departments concerned. | |
21 | 第六条 下列机构的印章应当刻有国徽图案: | Article 6 The seals of the following organs shall include the design of the National Emblem : | |
22 | 第七条 下列文书、出版物等应当印有国徽图案: | Article 7 There shall be printed on the following documents and publications the design of the National Emblem : | |
23 | 第三条 中华人民共和国国徽是中华人民共和国的象征和标志。 | Article 3 The National Emblem of the PRC is the symbol and hallmark of the PRC . | |
24 | 第十二条 悬挂的国徽由国家指定的企业统一制作,其直径的通用尺度为下列三种: | Article 12 The National Emblem to be hung shall be uniformly made by enterprises designated by the State and the diameters of its usual dimensions shall be as follows: | |
25 | 第十条 国徽及其图案不得用于: | Article 10 The National Emblem and the design thereof shall not be used in: | |
26 | 第十条澳门特别行政区除悬挂和使用中华人民共和国国旗和国徽外,还可悬挂和使用澳门特别行政区区旗和区徽。 | Article 10 Apart from displaying the national flag and national emblem of the PRC , the Macao Special Administrative Region may also use a regional flag and regional emblem. | |
27 | 第十一条 不得悬挂破损、污损或者不合规格的国徽。 | Article 11 No damaged, defiled, or substandard National Emblem shall be hung. | |
28 | 第四条 下列机构应当悬挂国徽: | Article 4 The following organs shall hang the National Emblem : | |
29 | 第五条 下列场所应当悬挂国徽: | Article 5 The National Emblem shall be hung in the following places: | |
30 | 第一条 为了维护国徽的尊严,正确使用国徽,根据宪法,制定本法。 | Article 1 This Law is enacted, in accordance with the Constitution, with a view to upholding the dignity of the National Emblem and ensuring the correct use of the National Emblem. |