属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国社会抚恤金 方向错误
1 | 奥古斯丁的母亲是法国雨格诺教派的信徒,其祖上在早期移民的年代就已迁入路易斯安那州。 | The mother of augustine was a Huguenot French lady, whose family had emigrate to Louisiana during the days of its early settlement | |
2 | 必须办妥某些手续方可移居他国. | Certain formalities have to be gone through before one can emigrate . | |
3 | 从欧洲移居美国. | emigrate from Europe to the United States | |
4 | 从英国移居到澳大利亚寻找工作. | Emigrate from Britain to Australia to find work | |
5 | 回去? 我宁可移居海外也不回去! | Go back there? I’d sooner emigrate ! | |
6 | 全家决定移居欧洲。 | The whole family decided to emigrate to Europe | |
7 | 如果你得不到这个工作,那除了移居国外就毫无门路了。 | If you fail to get this job,there’ll be nothing for it but to emigrate . | |
8 | 所以他决定移居国外。 | So he decided to emigrate . | |
9 | 他当然是亲戚,但也是我们的肉中刺。我但愿他也能移居到国外去。 | He’s a relative of course,but a thorn in our flesh.I wish he could emigrate . | |
10 | 他决定移居美国, 开始新的生活. | He’ s decided to emigrate and start a new life in america | |
11 | 他们全家决定离开故土,移居澳大利亚。 | The family decided to uproot themselves and emigrate to Australia. | |
12 | 他原来不大情愿移居国外,但他一转念,也就愿意了。 | He was not entirely wishful to emigrate , and yet when he thought of it he was wishful | |
13 | 汤姆自非洲移居美国。 | Tom emigrate form africa to the unite state. | |
14 | 我不赞成你移民加拿大的计划。 | I don’t like your plan to emigrate to Canada. | |
15 | 一印尼读者吐露想移民的心愿之后,便有数十封中国来信促同胞快快逃到中国大陆或者香港或者台湾。 | When a Chinese Indonesian expressed his wish to emigrate , a spate of messages came in, urging him to flee to the Mainland China or Hong Kong or Taiwan. | |
16 | 于是他决定移居他国。 | So he decided to emigrate . | |
17 | 这一家人决定愤然离开,移居澳大利亚。 | The family decided to shake the dust from their feet and emigrate to Australia. | |
18 | ||1:令人烦扰的不仅仅是这些措施的细节,还有改革者所发出的整体信号,汉堡国际经济研究所主任托马斯·斯特劳伯哈尔争论到。||2:德国的“三明治一代”在三四十岁是必须花费更多来照顾他们的老一辈,但在他们自己老了之后却只会得到的更少,这使他们感到气愤甚至会移民国外。||3:托马斯称,抚恤金计划只是“老人掌权”的见证,不无讽刺的是,这正如大联盟向其偏爱的少数选民提供政治好处一般。 | ||1:It is not only the details of the measures that are disturbing but also the overall signal they send, argues Thomas Straubhaar, director of the Hamburg Institute of International Economics.||2:Germany’s “sandwich generation”—those in their 30s and 40s who must pay ever more to support their elders and will get ever less in their own old age—will sulk and might even emigrate .||3:The pension package, he says, is testimony only to “the power of the grey hairs”, as the grand coalition cynically doles out political gifts to a few favoured groups of voters. | |
19 | ||1:这个国家正收到各种长期流行趋势的威胁。||2:巴基斯坦的18.5亿人口,2/3的人口都未满30岁。||3:只有也门的人口,因其流动性小,人口年轻化更严重。||4:通过对年轻人的民意调查,显示3/4的年轻人如果给予机会就会搬迁。||5:本书也引用这次调查结果。也有很多热衷于穆罕默德·齐亚·哈克政权持的年轻人被释放,他们持有极端宗教主义观念。 | ||1:The country is threatened by various long-term trends.||2:Of Pakistan’s 185m people, two-thirds are younger than 30 years old.||3:Only the population of Yemen—hardly a model of stability—is more youthful.||4:One poll taken among such youngsters and cited in the book suggests that three-quarters might emigrate if given the chance.||5:Also many of the young hold extreme religious views, unleashed by the zealous regime of Zia ul Haq in the 1980s. | |
20 | 但很少有人为在其投资收入上避税而移民—— | But few people are likely to emigrate to avoid taxes on their investment income— | |
21 | 流动性是个大问题。||在萨格勒布的一家餐厅里,一位红酒商人感谢餐厅老板购买了他的商品。他说:“您是唯一的一位。”这位约35岁的男人一年前还充满了希望。而现在,他说,他正计划移民到意大利。他并不是唯一的一个。医务人员和其他的有资质的专业人士也在渐渐离开。|| | Liquidity is a huge problem. In a restaurant in Zagreb a wine merchant thanks the owner for paying him. “You are the only one,” he says. A man in his mid-thirties, he was full of hope a year ago.|| Now, he says, he is planning to emigrate to Italy. He will not be alone. Medical staff and other qualified professionals are leaving.|| | |
22 | Leckie称,“我们从其他国家中了解到的情况是,在男性人口多的社会中,要麽出现移民,要麽出现对抗。” | "What we know from other societies that have been male-dominated is that they either emigrate or they fight, " Leckie said. | |
23 | 不过这位富有的企业家一点也不后悔两年前作出的移民北美的决定。 | But the wealthy entrepreneur has no regrets about her decision to emigrate to North America two years ago. | |
24 | 城市中外移产业的选择标准初探 | The Selective Criterion Study of Emigrate Industry in City | |
25 | 当他们最聪明的人才移居国外时,贫穷国家可以最终收益 | Poor countries can end up benefiting when their brightest citizens emigrate | |
26 | 过去5年间中国人通过投资移民前往美国的年复合增长率是73%。 | The compound growth rate of the Chinese who used investments to emigrate to the United States in the past five years is 73%. | |
27 | 很多研究发现,发展中国家受过良好教育的人们尤其可能移民。 | Lots of studies have found that well-educated people from developing countries are particularly likely to emigrate . | |
28 | 尽管我有几次机会移民,我却在阿尔巴尼亚最黑暗和最危险的时期呆在那里。 | Although I had had several opportunities to emigrate , I stayed in Albania throughout the darkest and most dangerous period. | |
29 | 可惜以色列无法迁居,只能严守其和埃及之前签订的和平边界。 | But Israel cannot emigrate , and it will have no choice but to hunker down and fortify its formerly peaceful border with Egypt. | |
30 | 可以肯定,在某种程度上认为古代罗马是帝国主义纽约的历史替身让他移民意大利。 | It was surely, in part, a sense that imperial New York’s historical double is ancient Rome that made him emigrate to Italy. |