属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯人权问题 悲惨的同志
1 | '家'是远比'住屋'更能激起感情的字眼。 | ’Home’is a much more emotive word than’house’. | |
2 | 她过分地表达感情,而他听得越少,她变得越难受越是要情感用事(玛吉·斯卡夫) | The more she emotes,the less he listens,and the less he listens,the more strident and emotive she becomes(Maggie Scarf) | |
3 | 卡鲁索,恩里科1873-1921意大利歌剧男高音歌唱家,以其有力、纯净和富有感情的声音而被认为是最伟大的歌唱家之一 | Italian operatic tenor who with his powerful,pure,emotive voice is considered one of the greatest singers ever. | |
4 | 理情教育课程对国中学生理性思考、情绪稳定与自我尊重之影响 | The Effects of Rational-Emotive Education on Rational Thinking, Emotional Stability and Self-Esteem of Junior High School Students | |
5 | 理情教育团体对大学生理性思考、社会焦虑与自我接纳效果之研究 | The Effects of a Rational-Emotive Group on Rational Thinking, Social Anxiety and Self-Acceptance of College Students | |
6 | 理情治疗生活技巧量表 | Rational-Emotive Therapy Skill Rating Form | |
7 | 理性情绪行为治疗于恐慌症伴随忧郁症个案之应用 | Application of Rational-emotive Behavior Therapy in a Patient with Panic and Depressive Disordor | |
8 | 能动的话语是关于意向的交换,如观点,态度;语言的情感功能是关于对他人情感状态的影响,从而促使他人采取某种行为 | Dynamic discourse concerns the transaction of disposition such as opinions and attitudes; the emotive employment of language involves the evocation of feeling states in others in order to impel them to action | |
9 | 普通伤害眼外伤患者的心理情绪特征分析 | Analysis of Mental and Emotive Characteristic of Patients with Eye Injury Due to Common Injury | |
10 | 审美的认同与感情的共鸣―鲁迅对冯至诗歌的评价 | Aesthetic Identity and Emotive Sympathy-About Lu Xun’s Remarks on Feng Zhi’s Poems | |
11 | 一位感情用事的审判律师;消除核武器的事件令人兴奋 | An emotive trial lawyer;the emotive issue of nuclear disarmament. | |
12 | 应否有死刑是个容易引起感情用事的问题. | Capital punishment is an emotive issue. | |
13 | 语言被以几种标准归类。一种观点以信息的、能动的、情感的和审美的四种功能给语言归类。信息传播主要是关于语义的叙述方面 | Language has been classified on the basis of several criteria. One scheme established four categories on the basis of informative, dynamic, emotive , and aesthetic functions, informative communication deals largely with narrative aspects of meaning; | |
14 | 再论指向生活意义的情感教育 | A Second Discussion of the Emotive Education Oriented to the Meanings of Life | |
15 | ||1:尽管其他州都在推动允许同性婚姻的进程——2月8日,华盛顿州众议院投票通过允许同性婚姻的提案,当然决议的最终批准还需公民投票表决——但现在看来,此案(8号提案违宪一案)一定会上诉至美国最高法院。||2:婚姻,是与情感高度相关之事,远不同于养老金,银行账户等一般俗务。||3:就像第九巡回上诉法院在宣布其裁决时所指出的那样:“如果玛丽莲梦露的电影叫《如何与百万富翁签订一纸家庭伴侣关系》(而不叫《如何嫁个百万富翁》),意思就大相径庭了。” | ||1: The case now seems certain to be appealed to the United States Supreme Court, though other states are simply pushing ahead with allowing gay marriage: on February 8th Washington’s state legislature voted to allow it, though the decision could yet require approval at a referendum. ||2: Marriage, far beyond such mundane matters aspensions and bank accounts, is of course a hugely emotive subject. ||3: As the Ninth Circuit noted in handing down its judgment, “Had Marilyn Monroe’s film been called ‘How to Register a Domestic Partnership with a Millionaire’, it would not have conveyed the same meaning.” | |
16 | ||1:如今,新法通过将同性恋和恋童癖联系起来,给这种潜在的偏见加上令人敏感的污点。||2:这种共鸣是源于对童真的偶像式崇拜风气。||3:超过四分之三的被调查者说她们支持禁止在未成年人中宣传同性恋的法律。||4:一个名为“出柜”的宣传团队成员波莉娜说,原则上,立法似乎是为了限制同志在公共场合辩护的权利,而实际上则是制造了一个被不公平对待的群体。 | ||1:Now the new law adds an emotive slur to latent prejudice, by linking homosexuality and paedophilia.||2:That resonates with a cultural idolisation of childhood purity.||3:More than three-quarters of Russians polled say that they support the ban on gay “propaganda” to minors.||4:In principle, the law appears to prevent any public defence of the rights of gays and lesbians—in effect, says Polina Andrianova of Coming Out, a campaign group, creating a “socially unequal” caste. | |
17 | 在弹劾战中,情绪化的语言呈现出一种墨守成规的风格 | Emotive language takes on the legalistic kind in the impeachment battle | |
18 | “安全”这个词带有感情色彩,令人想起德国潜艇造成的战时食品短缺。 | The term "security" is an emotive one, conjuring up images of wartime food shortages caused by German U-boats. | |
19 | “尽管父亲不是一个情感外露的人,但是他有一种很强烈的历史感和家族荣誉感”Brent解释说。 | "While my father is not outwardly emotive , he does have a deep sense of history and family pride, " Brent explained. | |
20 | “泡沫”是一个非常容易令人情绪激动的词汇,但奥迪可以做出合理解释。 | The word "bubble" is highly emotive but Mr Odey could justify it. | |
21 | “这绝对没有亲眼看到海鸟身上沾满了从埃克森瓦尔迪兹号油轮泄漏出来的石油那样直观和震撼”他说。 | "It does not have the direct visual or emotive impact of seeing seabirds covered in oil from the Exxon Valdez oil spill, " he said. | |
22 | 艾里斯认知技术在心理情绪调整中的运用 | Application of rational-emotive therapy in psychological emotional adjustment | |
23 | 本书主张实行更为自由的移民政策。这是政治和商业领域最感性的主题之一。 | Immigrants, by Philippe Legrain, which argues for freer migration, one of the most emotive topics in the political and business world. | |
24 | 不过,薪酬是个容易引起情绪激动的问题,因此,千万不要低估处理不当对企业声誉造成的影响。 | However, pay is an emotive issue so don’t underestimate the reputational effect if handled badly. | |
25 | 但慈善组织仍在使用与当年如出一辙的感人照片来呼吁捐款。 | But charities are using the same emotive photos they used then to pitch for money. | |
26 | 但对中国船长的拘留(其它船员于9月13日释放),中国国内对此次冲突义愤填膺。 | But the detention of the fishing boat’s captain (the rest of the crew was released on September 13th) makes this clash emotive in China. | |
27 | 但随着美国即将迎来中期选举,“贪婪”重新引发了激烈的争论。 | But as America prepares to vote in the midterm elections, "greed" has become newly emotive . | |
28 | 当然,这个(新发现的)公式和其背后的那些普遍规律并不包含研究者的政治态度。 | The discovery of this formula and of the general principles upon which it is based has, of course, no emotive value. | |
29 | 俄语原生感叹词的发音与情感意义 | Articulation and Emotive Colors of the Russian Nonderivative Interjections | |
30 | 而且,它们还会解析围绕着财富的一些心理与感情问题。 | And they talk through some of the psychological and emotive issues surrounding wealth. |