1 | 后来,英帝国在1899年因遭到布尔人挑战而摇摇欲坠的时候,我主动前去声援,召集了一支志愿救护车队,参加了几次救援雷迪史密斯的行动。 | Consequently when the existence of the Empire was threatened in 1899 by the boer challenge, I offered my services to it, raised a volunteer ambulance corps and served at several actions that took place for the relief of Ladysmith | |
2 | 霍斯坦德国北部一个曾为公爵领地的地区,位于日德兰半岛的基地,在1474年成为神圣罗马帝国管辖之下的公爵领地,后来经常被丹麦控制 | A region and former duchy of northern Germany at the base of the Jutland Peninsula.It became a duchy under the suzerainty of the Holy Roman Empire in1474and was often controlled by Denmark in the years that followed. | |
3 | 接着帝国垮台了。 | Then the Empire collapsed. | |
4 | 结绳印加帝国的一种记录方式,由一系列色彩各异的绳子组成,它们连结在一基绳上,并打绳以编译信息,常用来记录最近发生的事 | A record-keeping device of the Inca empire consisting of a series of variously colored strings attached to a base rope and knotted so as to encode information,used especially for accounting purposes. | |
5 | 她创建庞大企业集团的活动包括收购几家比较小的公司。 | Her empire building activities have included the purchase of several smaller companies. | |
6 | 她和克利奥帕特拉同样出名,而且她确实攻克了埃及并将其并入自己的帝国。 | She was as famous as Cleopatra and indeed she conquered Egypt, which she added to her empire . | |
7 | 她曾经统治过一个版图辽阔的帝国。 | She once ruled over a vast empire . | |
8 | 仅在美国,三部曲的前三部电影的票房收入一直名列前10名,《星球大战》以四亿六千一百万美元的收入位居第2,《杰迪的归来》以三亿九百万美元名列第8,《帝国反击战》位于第10,票房二亿九千万美元。 | In the US alone, the first three films of the trilogy are in Top Ten box office earners of all time, Star Wars with $ 461 million at No 2, Return of the Jedi at No 8 with $ 309 million and The Empire Strikes Back at No 10 with 290 million | |
9 | 经过持久的专利战,贝克兰和他的对手签约合作,使他获得了一个真正的酚醛塑料大企业的领导权。 | Following drawn-out patent wars, Baekeland negotiated a merger with his rivals that put him at the helm of a veritable bakelite empire | |
10 | 旧德意志帝国于1918年灭亡。 | The old German Empire ceased to exist in 1918. | |
11 | 联邦和帝国的堡垒是攻不破的。 | The citadel of the Commonwealth and Empire could not be stormed | |
12 | 罗马帝国存在了好几个世纪。 | The Roman Empire existed for several centuries. | |
13 | 罗马帝国的兴起 | The rise of the Roman Empire | |
14 | 罗马帝国在那时已经衰亡。 | At that time, the Roman Empire had already decayed. | |
15 | 罗马帝国在全盛时期几乎占据了整个欧洲。 | At its zenith the Roman Empire covered almost the whole of Europe | |
16 | 罗马人在武器方面的优势对他们能够征服和开拓他们的大帝国起了不小的作用。 | The superiority of Roman weaponry played no small part in their ability to conquer and colonize their empire | |
17 | 罗马是西罗马帝国的首都。 | Rome was the capital of the Western Roman Empire . | |
18 | 每一任新政府都想“即刻表现”,可是正因为如此,肯尼迪误入猪湾,艾克[艾森豪威尔]批准“毁灭性报复”政策,约翰逊深陷越南,里根一开始就谴责苏联为“邪恶帝国。” | Every new administration wants"to hit the ground running"but this was what Kennedy did when he stumbled into the Bay of Pigs,what Ike did when he approved the doctrine of"massive retaliation"what Johnson did when he plunged deeper into Vietnam,and what Reagan did when he started off condemning the Soviet"evil empire " | |
19 | 那两个女人,每人握着伊伯拉罕姆一只手,这是个 | The two females, as they held each a hand of Ibrahim, formed a practical allegory; it was rational piety and unbridled fanaticism contending for the empire of a young heart | |
20 | 那时,罗马帝国已经衰败。 | At that time, the Roman Empire had already decayed. | |
21 | 那条溪流里多鳟鱼;充满帝王风格家具的房间 | A stream replete with trout; an apartment replete with Empire furniture. | |
22 | 然而,在《帝国》杂志评出的历史上最伟大的100位电影明星中,曾主演《壮志凌云》、《生逢七月四日》和《金钱本色》这样票房佳作的汤姆·克鲁斯名列第三。 | But Tom Cruise, star of top-grossing movies such as Top Gun, Born on the Fourth of July, and The Color of Money, was voted No. 3 in the Empire magazine list of 100 top movie stars of all time | |
23 | 人们通常把英国的没落说成是二次世界大战后帝国衰落的结果。 | Britain’s decline is popularly dated to its loss of empire after World War II | |
24 | 如同你看到,小小工厂,我们不愿被...帝国.. | So you see, since we’re a small operation,we don’t fall into the...uh...jurisdiction of the Empire | |
25 | 若是一国元首神经错乱,反映在一个庞大帝国的政策上,就得给予无情打击。 | and when you get it manifested in the head of the State, and it has become the policy of a great Empire , it is about time that it should be ruthlessly put away | |
26 | 神圣罗马帝国的属地 | The territories of the Holy Roman Empire . | |
27 | 神圣罗马帝国既费神圣、亦非罗马、更非帝国。 | The holy Roman empire is neither holy,nor Roman,nor an empire. | |
28 | 生性谦和、喜好幽静的屋大维尽心尽职地履行治国的职责,但如果形势需要,他也会大力炫耀自己作为罗马帝国统治者的至高无上的辉煌。 | A modest and retiring man by nature, he toiled conscientiously at the duties of government, but when occasion demanded he acted the role of magnificent ruler of his Empire with pomp and ceremony | |
29 | 岁月的流逝淡化了米老鼠的个性,它成为一个拥有几十亿美元资产的娱乐王国的企业形象。 | The years have dulled mickey’s personality, a result of him becoming the corporate face of a multibillion-dollar entertainment empire | |
30 | 他从一个小工厂创业起家,现在成了一个大工业企业的老板。 | He started off with one small factory, and now he’s the head of a huge industrial empire . |