1 | 服务器上的 SQL Server 数据库还使用了全新的安全功能,这些功能可以帮助防止未经授权的用户直接访问数据库文件,相反,要求他们必须先访问服务器。 | A SQL Server database on a server also employs innovative security features to help prevent unauthorized users from getting to the database file directly, but rather they must access the server first. | |
2 | 服务器上的 SQL Server 数据库还使用了全新的安全功能,这些功能可以帮助防止未经授权的用户直接访问数据库文件,相反,要求他们必须先访问服务器。 | A SQL Server database on a server also employs innovative security features, which helps prevent unauthorized users from getting to the database file directly, but rather they must access the server first. | |
3 | 工厂雇用了两百人。 | The factory employs two hundred people. | |
4 | 公司目前主要生产和销售各类水产饲料,拥有数条先进的自动化生产线,业已形成了粉状、颗粒、膨化饲料相结合的多元化产品结构体系 | The company employs several state-of-the art auto lines for producing aquatic feeds in powder, particle and inflated feeds. | |
5 | 公司违反前款规定选举、委派董事、监事或者聘任经理的,该选举、委派或者聘任无效。 | Where a company elects, nominates or appoints any director or supervisor or employs a manager contrary to the provisions of the preceding clause, such election, appointment or employment is ineffective. | |
6 | 雇主风暴有限公司雇用雇员杰米执行下述任务,考虑及时,雇主将每月付给雇员美元三千元 | Brainstorming Company Limited, the employer, hereby employs Jim the employee, to perform duties as stipulated below, in consideration for which the employer shall pay the employee at the rate of US $ 3,000 per month | |
7 | 合气道日本的一种自卫拳术,运用搂抱和不抵抗的原则来削弱对方的力量 | A Japanese art of self-defense that employs holds and locks and that uses the principles of nonresistance in order to debilitate the strength of the opponent. | |
8 | 和一般的顶置装料器不同,本机配备可编程操控的电动机与搅拌器直接相连 | Unlike a typical top-loader, this machine employs a programmable motor connected directly to the agitator | |
9 | 华纳兄弟公司一向把网络盗版看成是对电影事业的严重威胁,势必运用一切法律手段来打击网络盗版。 | Warner Bros. takes the threat of Internet piracy very seriously and employs all legal means to contain the unauthorized copying and distribution of our films on the Internet. | |
10 | 激光印字机:高速,无撞击力的印字装置。它采用干影印原理,用激光作光源,在一个光敏鼓或带上形成静电潜影。 | Laser printer: A high-speed non-impact printing device which employs laser as a light source and xerographic technology to sensitize selected areas of a photo-sensitive belt or drum with static electricity to form the latent images. | |
11 | 截止到2005年11月底,沃尔玛在华总投资额已达17亿元人民币,创造了2.7万个就业机会,累计纳税额超过15亿元人民币。 | By the end of November, 2005, Wal-Mart employs more than 27,000 associates in China with a total investment of RMB1.7 billion. Wal-Mart has also paid taxes of over RMB1.5 billion. | |
12 | 截至到2005年底,沃尔玛在华的总投资额已达17亿元人民币,创造了约3万2千个就业机会 | By the end of 2005, Wal-Mart employs near 32,000 associates in China with a total investment of RMB1.7 billion. | |
13 | 她把闲暇时间花在缝纫上。 | She employs her free time in sewing | |
14 | 她利用所有的空余时间缝纫。 | She employs /use all her free time in sewing | |
15 | 她善于利用时间。 | She employs her time wisely. | |
16 | 她运用玩世不恭的幽默使她的评论更加有趣。 | She employs an irreverent humor to salt her observation | |
17 | 她运用玩世不恭的幽默使她的评论更为有趣。 | She employs an irreverent humor to salt her observations. | |
18 | 壳牌公司聘请了世界上最优秀的润滑油产品专家,以保证我们的产品能够达到我们所承诺的性能标准。 | Shell employs world leading experts in oil formulation chemistry to ensure our products deliver the performance promised. | |
19 | 乐曲的主题音调采用切分节奏,富有极强的推动性,顿挫有致。 | This work employs a syncopated rhythm with a strong driving force. | |
20 | 美国目前是使用观众调查方法最多的国家。 | The U.S. employs by far the greatest variety of methods for measuring television audiences, | |
21 | 模糊电脑:采用模糊逻辑的电脑;它是特别设计,用模拟电路和并行处理的体系结构。模糊电脑是为了应用人工智能而设计。 | Fuzzy computer: A specially designed computer that employs fuzzy logic.Using such architectural components as analog circuits and parallel processing.Fuzzy computers are designed for artificial intelligence applications. | |
22 | 目前,沃尔玛在全球16个国家共开设了6,600多家商场,员工总数180多万人。 | The company employs over 1.8 million associates worldwide and operates more than 6,600 units in 16 countries. | |
23 | 目前,沃尔玛在全球16个国家和地区开设了超过6000家商场,员工总数160多万人,每周光临沃尔玛的顾客近1.4亿人次。 | Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million associates worldwide, operates over 6000 stores and receives nearly 140 million customers per week. | |
24 | 目前我为坎培克公司工作。 | At the moment Cambex Company employs me. | |
25 | 目前沃尔玛在全球十个国家开设了超过4900家商场,员工总数150多万,分布在10个国家。每周光临沃尔玛的顾客近1.4亿人次。 | The company employs more than 1.5 million associates worldwide and operates more than 5,000 units in 10 countries. Worldwide, about 140 million customers visit Wal-Mart stores weekly. | |
26 | 那位建筑师经常选用玻璃砖。 | That architect frequently employs glass brick | |
27 | 那位农场主雇佣很多农场工人 | That farmer employs many farm laborers | |
28 | 那些熟悉并且能够欣赏和享受两种快乐的人明显地喜欢那种可运用其高等官能的生活方式,这已是一个不容置疑的事实。 | Now it is an unquestionable fact that those who are acquainted with and equally capable of appreciating and enjoying both do give a most marked preference to the manner of existence which employs their higher faculties | |
29 | 欧盟(EU)也采用HACCP体系管理所有涉及食品加工的欧盟公司。 | The EU also employs the HACCP system to regulate all EU companies involved in handling foodstuffs. | |
30 | 前独立双叉式悬架则采用了适合长途旅行的扭力杆弹簧。 | Double wishbone independent front suspension employs torsion bar springs for long wheel travel. |