1 | 还认识到最不发达国家成员在国内实施法律和法规方面特别需要最 | Recognzing also the special needs of the least-developed country Members in respect of maximum flexibility in the domestic implementation of laws and regulations in order to enable them to create a sound and viable technological base | |
2 | 激活计算机的调制解调器;激活一个核弹头 | enabled the computer’s modem;enable a nuclear warhead. | |
3 | 建设新学校的资金 | funds that will enable construction of new schools. | |
4 | 她装作聋子是一个计谋以使她能了解他们的计划。 | Her pretended deafness was a ruse to enable her to learn their plans. | |
5 | 金融界(银行、保险公司等)将从放松管制中得益,以使普 | The financial sector (banking, insurance etc.)would benefit from deregulation to enable a decent return on small savings for the common person | |
6 | 尽快使尚未脱贫的农村人口解决温饱问题,并逐步过上小康生活。 | We should strive to accomplish the task of providing adequate food and clothing for the impoverished rural population and gradually enable them to lead a well-off life. | |
7 | 两岸同胞共同继承和弘扬中华文化的优秀传统,将使中华文化在新的时代焕发新的光彩。 | The joint efforts made by the compatriots on both sides of the Straits to inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of the Chinese culture will enable the Chinese culture to shine new splendor in the new era | |
8 | 领导干部跟班劳动的主要目的在于使他们联系群众,更好地了解工人。 | The main purpose for leading cadres to work on shifts with workers is to enable them to link with the masses and know more about the workers. | |
9 | 卢森堡和都柏林的吸引力在于它们有一套完整的管制系统,允许投资基金与它们的金融监管机构注册。 | What both Luxembourg and Dublin offer, and thus the central issue for their appeal, is a well-developed set of regulations to enable the registration of investment funds with their financial regulator | |
10 | 麦克唐纳很有才干,他深知向一位无论在才能上和经验上,都已经是欧洲独一无二的侦探求援,并不有辱身分。 | Mac Donald had talent enough for his profession to enable him to perceive that there was no humiliation in seeking the assistance of one who already stood alone in Europe, both in his gifts and in his experience | |
11 | 摩托罗拉中国研究院将促使我们成为通信和半导体工业领域的领导者。跨部门的研发联盟使摩托罗拉从芯片设计到系统集成和服务都能够提供持续的解决问题的方法。 | Motorola China R&D Institute is helping us become the leader in telecommunication and semiconductor industries. Cross-sector R&D alliances enable Motorola China to provide end-to-end solutions from chip set design to system integration and services. | |
12 | 那时父亲一周的工作时间比现在的多十到十五小时,而剩下一天的休息时间,以保证他在另外的六天之内工作得更出色。 | The work week was ten or fifteen hours longer than it is now for father, and his day off each week was a restorative to enable him to do a better job on the other six days | |
13 | 那种微光,足使室内的人行走,由于行云的作用,屋内也乍明乍暗,仿佛是人在地下室里,见风窗外面不时有人来往一样,因而室内黯淡的光也忽强忽弱。 | This twilight, sufficient to enable a person to see his way, intermittent on account of the clouds, resembled the sort of livid light which falls through an air-hole in a cellar, before which the passersby come and go | |
14 | 能使我增加外汇收入。 | Which will enable us to increase our foreign exchange earnings. | |
15 | 你们是否认为废除上议院,解散教会能帮助那些失业工人得到工作呢? | Do you think that abolishing the House of Lords, or disestablishing the Church, will enable the workers who are displaced to obtain employment? | |
16 | 培训将使你找到工作。 | Training will enable you to find work. | |
17 | 启发,阐释智力上或精神上进行启蒙;使别人懂某事 | To enlighten intellectually or spiritually;enable to understand. | |
18 | 然而,在企业用户中对目录还存在着巨大需求,以便能够依据商业政策自行配置网络。 | Nonetheless, there ’s still a huge demand among enterprise users for directories to enable self-configuring networks based on business policy | |
19 | 然后,IT基础设施就能相应地配置自己,以便实现或不让实现访问。 | Then the IT infrastructure would configure itself accordingly to enable or disable that an access | |
20 | 让竞争机制发挥应有的作用 | Enable competition mechanisms to play their due role | |
21 | 让群众参与讲座和决定基层公共事务和公益事业,对干部实行民主监督 | Enable the masses to take a direct part in the discussion and decision-making concerning public affairs and welfare undertakings at the grass roots level and exercise (democratic)supervision over the cadres | |
22 | 如此也可避免不愉快的争执 | and enable us to avoid any unpleasant confrontation | |
23 | 如收到请求,各成员应鼓励其领土内加入或参与国际或区域合格评定体系的机构向其他成员、特别是发展中国家成员提供建议,并就建立机构以使其领土内的有关机构能够履行因加入或参与而承担义务的问题,考虑它们提出的关于提供技术援助的请求。 | Members shall, if so requested, encourage bodies within their territories which are members or participants of international or regional systems for conformity assessment to advise other Members, especially the developing country Members, and should consider requests for technical assistance from them regarding the establishment of the institutions which would enable the relevant bodies within their territories to fulfill the obligations of membership or participation. | |
24 | 如收到请求,加入或参与国际或区域合格评定体系的成员应向其他成员、特别是发展中国家成员提供建议,并就建立机构和法律体制以便能够履行因加入或参与此类体系而承担义务的问题,按双方同意的条款和条件给予它们技术援助。 | Members which are members or participants of international or regional systems for conformity assessment shall, if requested, advise other Members, especially the developing country Members, and shall grant them technical assistance on mutually agreed terms and conditions regarding the establishment of the institutions and legal framework which would enable them to fulfill the obligations of membership or participation in such systems. | |
25 | 设有特别兴趣小组(SIGs),使具有共同兴趣的教师能通过新闻简报、专题研讨会以及在英国和海外的其他活动开展思想交流和进行广泛接触。 | Special Interest Groups (SIGs)which enable teachers with similar interests to share ideas and make contacts worldwide through newsletters, symposia, and other activities in Britain and abroad. | |
26 | 使经得起考验使能经受住身体的或精神上的困苦 | To enable to withstand physical or mental hardship. | |
27 | 他的雄才大略足以统率千军万马。 | His rare gifts and bold strategy can enable him to command an army. | |
28 | 他对我详细说明如何去他家。 | He gave me full directions to enable me to find his house. | |
29 | 他们通过移植腱使跛足的人能行走。 | They transplant tendons to enable the crippled to walk | |
30 | 探索让干部经常受教育、使农民长期得实惠的有效途径。 | We should explore effective ways that will enable cadres to receive education regularly and farmers to get long-term tangible benefits. |