1 | 蓝牙是一个频率为2.45GHz的通用无线电通信接口,它通过一个特殊的网络可以在各种便携设备之间建立起无线连接并进行短程通信。 | Bluetooth is a universal radio interface in the 2.45GHz frequency band that enables portable electronic devices to connect and communicate wirelessly via short-range, ad hoc networks | |
2 | 例如,你记录了一个音乐序列并将它设置到第五声道上,并且只有一种乐器在第五声道上回放这个音序,其效果使midi网听起来很像乐队。 | If you record a sequence and assign it to channel 5, for example, only an instrument set to listen on channel 5 plays back the sequence, this feature enables midi networks to sound like orchestras | |
3 | 连续可变斜率增量调制的语音编码可以在高误码率的情况下正常工作。 | CVSD (Continuous Variable Slope Delta Modulation)voice coding enables operation at high bit-error rates | |
4 | 每日一块巧克力,使您工作满意,娱乐惬意。 | One bar of chocolate a day enables you to work satisfactorily and play happily. | |
5 | 耐火系统S在正式检测站和火灾现场都留下了长久的记录,其性能已在长期使用中得到证实。你尽可以百分之百的信任它,将其列入指定产品。 | Nullifire System S has a long track record in both official test stations and in real fire situations. its proven performance in long term use enables you to specify with total confidence. | |
6 | 能多次曝光拍摄,当快门按钮按下时,胶卷不会卷动,可实现在同一底片上多次曝光。 | Enables multi exposure shooting. The film does not advance when the shutter button is pressed to allow taking several exposures on the same frame | |
7 | 能进行自拍。 | Enables self-timer shooting. | |
8 | 能自动将曝光补偿分类,此时将拍摄3张底片,一张是曝光不足(-0.5EV),一张是正常曝光(0EV),另一张是过量曝光(+0.5EV)。 | Enables auto bracketing exposure compensation.There frames will be shot: an underexposed(-0.5 EV), a correctly exposed (0EV),and an overexposed (+0.5EV)frame | |
9 | 逆时针旋转静噪旋钮直到发出"嘀"的一声就启用了自动静噪,使你不必手动静噪。 | Turning the squelch control CCW until it clicks enables the auto squelch, eliminating the need to manually adjust the squelch. | |
10 | 浓缩异国精晶,弥漫异国情调,置身本度假村中,让您享受异域的浪漫。 | Possessing superb foreign facilities and being permeated with oversea romance, this holiday centre enables you to enjoy the exotic romance. | |
11 | 然而,通常仔细研究,能够做出区别。 | Careful study usually, however, enables differentiation | |
12 | 然而本国际标准使组织能够将自身的质量管理体系与相关的管理体系要求结合或一体化. | However, this International Standard enables an organization to align or integrate its own quality management system with related management system requirements. | |
13 | 热力学的研究使我们能够预示哪些过程或反应可以自发地进行。 | The study of thermodynamics enables us to predict which processes or reactions might occur spontaneously | |
14 | 容许我们以低价惠及我们的客户。 | Enables us to offer you the most competitive prices. | |
15 | 如果安装了一个外接PA扬声器,按下这个开关即选用了PA模式,电台的正常发射功能被禁用,但接收到的声音会通过PA扬声器传出。 | Pressing this switch enables the PA mode, if an external PA speaker is installed. When in PA mode, the normal functions of the radio are disabled, but the receive audio is routed through the PA speaker. | |
16 | 如今的缝纫线由各种材料制成,这样使得任何质地的面料都有合适的线相配。 | Threads are now made from a wide variety of materials; this enables an appropriate thread to be available for fabrics of any construction, whether made from synthetic or natural fibers. | |
17 | 设计和开发的输出,应以能够针对设计和开发输入,进行验证的方式提出,并应在放行前得到批准. | The outputs of design and development shall be provided in a form that enables verification against the design and development input and shall be approved prior to release. | |
18 | 社会主义最大的优越性就是共同富裕,这是体现社会主义本质的一个东西。 | The greatest superiority of socialism is that it enables all the people to prosper, and common prosperity is the essence of socialism. | |
19 | 使用户实体能够注册(例如标识用户本身、注册目的以及进入时间)的一种装置,并能和相应的数据一起注销,以便配合操作系统办理适当的记帐手续。 | A device that enables a user entity to log in, for example, to identify itself, its purpose and the time of entry; and to log out with the corresponding data so that the appropriate accounting procedures may be carried out in accordance with the operating system. | |
20 | 市场调查准确,才能使产品产销两旺。 | Only correct market research enables both production and marketing to thrive. | |
21 | 数字钱包是一种能使用户在web网上支付货款的软件。 | A digital wallet is software that enables users to pay for goods on the web | |
22 | 所以本公司的茶叶皆是从斯里兰卡直接进口,以维持着价廉物美的服务。 | For this very reason, THS blends teas originating from Sri Lanka only. By direct import, it enables us to supply our customers with teas of the best quality and the most competitive price. | |
23 | 它可以用来估计包括闪锌矿在内的储量。 | It enables an estimate to be made of the reserves, including sphalerite | |
24 | 它们在水中的溶解使它们能在体液中迅速地传送。 | Their solubility in water enables them to be transported readily in body fluids | |
25 | 它使得种群在其增长的时候得以扩展它的分布区域并移居到新的场所。 | It permits a population to spread as the population increases, and it enables the colonization of new sites | |
26 | 通风屋盖可在竖直面上采光,也可在屋顶的坡面上采光,还可同时提供良好的通风条件。 | A monitor roof enables the lights to be either vertical or on the roof slope and also provides excellent ventilation. | |
27 | 通过马可尼无线电报与其后电话系统的发明,我们得以跨越千里空间通话并输送信息。 | Marconi, with his wireless system of telegraphy and now of telephony, enables us to speak and send messages for thousands of miles through space | |
28 | 为此,审议机制可以对各成员的全部贸易政策和做法及其对多边贸易体制运行的影响进行定期的集体评价和评估。 | accordingly, the review mechanism enables the regular collective appreciation and evaluation of the full range of individual Members’ trade policies and practices and their impact on the functioning of the multilateral trading system | |
29 | 文本编辑程序是指能让用户以多种方式修改和拷贝程序和文本文件的一种程序。 | Text editor is a program that enables a user to modify and copy programs and text files in a versatile manner . | |
30 | 我颇有一点智慧,并且还相当敏感,这总可以使我把一般人生活里所能找到的优点全部纳入到我自己的生活里,--象猴子打碎胡桃壳吃其中的肉一样。 | I possess a share of wit, and a certain relative sensibility, which enables me to draw from life in general, for the support of mine, all I meet with that is good, like the monkey who cracks the nut to get at its contents |