1 | 圣·克里斯托弗学校是一所鼓励发挥个人才干并培养学生对实现个人价值满怀信心、对学生关怀备至并富有创新精神的学校。 | St. Christopher School is a caring and creative community which encourages individual talents and makes children confident of their personal worth. | |
2 | 时尚引导妇女有时留短发,有时留长发,有时蓄弯发,有时蓄直发。 | Fashion encourages women to wear their hair short or long, curly or straight. | |
3 | 识别能使组织增值的产品实现过程;识别影响产品实现过程有效性和效率的支持过程;营造鼓励组织内人员参与和发展的环境 | Identifying the product realization processes that provide added value to the organization.creating an environment that encourages the involvement and development of people | |
4 | 是一种鼓励各个功能部门及各种业务间的团队精神、合作及分享最佳方法的通用电气公司的文化。 | A GE value that encourages teamwork, cooperation and sharing of best practices across functional areas and among GE businesses | |
5 | 随着改革开放政策的实施,中国制定了有关留学的规定,并且鼓励留学生学习期满后回国服务。 | With the carrying-out of the open-door policy, China has set up its regulations on study abroad, and encourages the oversea students to returned to China at the end of their scheduled period of study. | |
6 | 他总是鼓励我用功读书。 | He always encourages me in my studies. | |
7 | 它鼓励未来的美国诗人完全依靠发狂似的诗人的直觉。 | It encourages the would-be American poet to rely too exclusively on a rapt and bardic intuition | |
8 | 它鼓舞着员工积极地参与市场竞争,为社会提供创造性的和令人满意的产品和服务,带着一颗诚挚的心和勇敢的双手奋勇前进。 | Weizhi encourages its employees to Engage enthusiastically in competition in the marketplace, to provide creative and satisfying products and services tosociety, and to thrive with a sincere heart and diligent hands. | |
9 | 提出搞好新疆的粮棉生产基地建设,建设“三北”(东北、华北和西北)防护林以及防沙治沙工程 | The central government also encourages the construction of grain and cotton production bases in Xinjiang, the building of shelter-forests in northern, northeastern and northwestern China, and the construction of desertification control projects | |
10 | 体育活动有助于健康。 | Physical activity encourages good health. | |
11 | 统一企业目前在许多方面,仍有很大的发展空间,因此统一全体同仁都自许要当个“强者”,发挥团队力量、突破改进,戮力为消费者提供最佳的产品与服务,创造消费者与统一双赢的机会。 | Uni-President sees more opportunities ahead and encourages its employees to upgrade themselves to become stronger. The consolidation of their talents will unlock the full potentials of our products and brands, leading to a better quality of products and services, and creating win-win positions for both the consumers and Uni-President. | |
12 | 投机者相信价格会上涨而购买商品和股票,可以加速市场趋于平衡,因为上涨可吸引更多卖家较快地供应更多的货源。 | Buying a commodity or stock in the belief that prices will rise speeds market equilibration and encourages faster entry of more suppliers | |
13 | 为了保证这一目标的实现,除了政府开办的学校以外,国家还鼓励动员社会力量参加办学。目前依靠社会力量已经开办了1千多所小学,这有助于解决学校不足这一难题。 | To ensure the realization of the goal, the state encourages non-government sectors to open schools in addition to the existing schools run by the government. Social efforts to date have opened more than 1,000 primary schools to help solve the problem of insufficiency of schools. | |
14 | 我们必须创立一种有道德的文化,鼓励有道德的投资。 | We must create an ethical culture that encourages ethical investing. | |
15 | 我们欢迎外国资本参股中国的股份制商业银行。外资的比例在25%以内是可以的,如果超过25%就成了中外合资银行。 | The central bank encourages foreign shares in China’s shareholding commercial banks, with the rate of overseas investment not exceeding 25 percent. If the rate exceeds 25 percent, the bank will become a joint venture | |
16 | 我们尊重我们的员工--公平对待,开诚布公。这种组织结构能鼓励员工相互沟通及给予他们适当的职权,使其能够创造更佳的业绩。 | We respect our people-treating them with fairness & dignity and communicating frankly and openly with each other. This organizational structure encourages communication and empowers employees to achieve a high performance standard. | |
17 | 贤明的父亲鼓励儿女自作抉择。 | A judicious parent encourages his children to make their own decisions. | |
18 | 许多人认为私人办学可助长精英主义. | Many people believe that private education encourages elitism. | |
19 | 学校鼓励师生在艺术、 戏剧和文学创作上自由发挥. | The school encourages free expression in art,drama and creative writing. | |
20 | 演员一手托鼓腾空而起,另一手同时在空中击鼓,给人以振奋和激励。 | Performers have to jump up to the sky,with one hand carrying the drum and the other hand beating, which inspires and encourages people. | |
21 | 阳光有助于绿色植物的生长。 | Sunlight encourages the growth of green plants. | |
22 | 一所鼓励个人成材的学校 | A school which encourages individual fulfillment | |
23 | 医生们还曾尝试在学校推出关于安全性行为的讲座,但是学生家长认为这会纵容不负责的性行为。 | Doctors have tried to hold lectures on safe sex in schools but some parents say this encourages irresponsible behaviour. | |
24 | 因为商品涨了价,销售就会减少,涨价能使用户节约。 | As the price goes up, less of the commodity is purchased; a rise in price encourages users to economize | |
25 | 由于她常在公众场合露面,她丈夫鼓励她穿时髦衣服。 | As she is always in the public eye, her husband encourages her to put on stylish dresses | |
26 | 犹豫不决只会鼓励敌人顽固坚持,甚至下新的赌注。 | Hesitation encourages the adversary to persevere, may be even to raise the ante | |
27 | 有人因此而怀疑此书是否真实可靠。书本身也有漏洞,缺陷还相当多。 | This encourages doubt of the authenticity and validity of the book. The book also has some apparent loopholes. Defects as such are numerous. | |
28 | 于右任所以喜欢魏碑,是因为魏碑有"尚武"精神,有粗犷豪放之气。 | The reason that Yu developed a love for Northern Wei stone tablets is that the style encourages a valiant spirit through their bold and vigorous style. | |
29 | 在贫困地区的开发中,中国政府重视生态环境的保护,鼓励农民发展生态农业、环保农业。 | While developing the poor areas, the Chinese Government pays close attention to the protection of the ecological environment, and encourages peasants to develop ecologically-and environmentally-friendly agriculture | |
30 | 这个案例鼓励我们去理解一种文化的运转形式。 | This case encourages us to understand the workings of culture. |