1 | 这会引起纱线上的毛羽与邻近纱线上的毛羽相互纠缠,导致经纱的断头;也会使几根纱线并合,按一根纱线交织,造成织物疵点。 | This encourages the "hairs"on one yarn to tangle with the hairs on its neigh-bors. This tangling can either lead to the tangling of the yarns themselves resulting in warp breakage, or can cause the yarns to weave as one, causing a fabric defect. | |
2 | 正因为态度鲜明了,给积极分子鼓了气,中间群众才能站过来。 | The fact that the leading cadres take an unequivocal stand encourages those who are firmly opposed to disturbances and helps to persuade those who are undecided on the matter. | |
3 | 政府大力鼓励的活动,如每年农历新年的春到河畔,端午节的赛龙舟,以及"世界华文书展"等,的确得到许多国人,尤其是年轻人的支持及参与。 | "Activities that the government encourages , such as the "Singapore River Hong Bao", "Dragon Boat Race" and "World Chinese Book Fair" have attracted the support and participation of Singaporeans, especially the younger generation." | |
4 | 政府鼓励支持一切组织和个人对不正当竞争的行为进行社会监督。 | The government encourages , supports and protects all organizations and individuals to take supervision over unethical competitive behavior. | |
5 | 质量管理体系方法鼓励组织分析顾客要求,规定相关的过程,并使其持续受控,以实现顾客能接受的产品。 | The quality management system approach encourages organizations to analyse customer requirements, define the processes that contribute to the achievement of a product which is acceptable to the customer, and keep these processes under control. | |
6 | 中国政府鼓励和支持中国企业界在平等互利的基础上 | The Chinese government encourages and supports China’s enterprise circles in participating in kirghizia’s economic construction on the basis of equality and mutual benefit." | |
7 | 中国政府鼓励新闻媒体在帮助公民享受言论自由、发挥舆论监督等方面的积极作用,支持新闻出版事业的发展。 | The Chinese government encourages the positive role played by the news media in facilitating the citizens’ enjoyment of freedom of speech and in exercising supervision and supports the development of the press and publishing undertakings. | |
8 | 主席鼓励大家参与讨论. | The chairman encourages everyone to contribute to the discussion. | |
9 | 助长形形色色的个人主义思想泛滥,助长一部分人当中怀疑以至否定社会主义和党的领导的思潮。 | It encourages the spread of all kinds of individualism and causes people to doubt or even to reject socialism and the Party’s leadership. | |
10 | 庄稼长势良好,使农民觉得丰收在望。 | The nice growth of crops encourages the farmers to hope for a good harvest. |