属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-模拟海啸 岛国的危险
1 | 但是太阳依然不饶人地迟落早起侵占去大部分的夜。 | but as always the sun mercilessly rose early and set late, encroaching upon the better part of the night | |
2 | 第二十三条 有下列侵犯公私财物行为之一,尚不够刑事处罚的,处十五日以下拘留或者警告,可以单处或者并处二百元以下罚款: | Article 23. Whoever commits one of the following acts encroaching upon public or private property, but not serious enough for criminal punishment, shall be detained for a maximum of fifteen days, given a warning or fined simply or concurrently a maximum of two hundred yuan: | |
3 | 对侵犯未成人合法权益的行为,任何组织和个人都有权予以劝阻、制止或者向有关部门提出检举或者控告。 | Any organization or individual shall have the right to dissuade or stop any act encroaching upon the lawful rights and interests of minors, or report to or complain before a department concerned thereagainst. | |
4 | 对我说来,她是一张蜘蛛网,一团令人窒息的气体,一个叫我逃不出去的梦。 | She has become to me a web, a fatal emanation, an encroaching dream | |
5 | 海水渐渐浸蚀了陆地. | The sea is gradually encroaching (on the land),ie washing the land away. | |
6 | 海水浸蚀着陆地. | The sea is encroaching upon the land. | |
7 | 海水侵蚀了土地。 | The sea is encroaching upon the land. | |
8 | 海水沿着整个海岸侵蚀着土地。 | The sea was encroaching upon the land all along the coast. | |
9 | 嘉莉正站在这东西的顶端。她们四下张望,现在这东西开始往下沉,敏妮可以听到水漫上来的低低的声音。 | They looked about, and now the thing was sinking, and Minnie heard the low sip of the encroaching water. | |
10 | 论第三人侵害债权制度的构成要件 | On Composition Condition of the Third Person’s Encroaching System of Creditor’s Rights | |
11 | 侵害民警执法权益的特点及应对之策―以北京市为例的分析 | The Characteristic and the Treatment of Encroaching on the Police Enforcing the Law Interests | |
12 | 侵害消费者人格尊严或者侵犯消费者人身自由的 | Infringing on consumers’ personal dignity or encroaching on their personal freedom | |
13 | 请你放心,我决不会说得过分,你有权利把四海之内的人一视同仁,我也不会干涉你。 | Do not be afraid of my running into any excess of my encroaching on your privilege of universal good-will | |
14 | 沙漠侵蚀着草地. | Desert encroaching upon grassland. | |
15 | 虽然在美国的历史长河中没有一个时期、没有一个地方能比西部更具荒诞的浪漫色彩,但是神话和现实至少在某一竞技场中并存,也就是并存于个人与渐渐闯入的文明两者冲突之中。 | And although no period or place in American history has been more absurdly romanticized, myth and reality did join hands in at least one arena, the conflict between the individual and encroaching civilization. | |
16 | 我不喜爱占便宜的人,杰克逊这家人非常爱占便宜--他们完全是见东西就拿的那种人。 | I hate such encroaching people. The Jacksons are very encroaching-just the sort of people to get all they can. | |
17 | 因生命健康权受到侵害所致反射损害研究-兼评我国民法草案的相关规定 | On Ricochet New aerial Caused by Encroaching on Others Life or Health | |
18 | 尤其是西北地区沙漠逐渐扩展,荒漠化日益严重,沙尘暴频繁发生。 | The deserts in northwest China are gradually encroaching , the desertification problem is becoming increasingly serious, and sandstorms frequently occur | |
19 | 在这个地表上,侵入的马斯恺格海发育了一个碳酸盐滩,其边缘有海岸萨勃哈石膏质沉积形成。 | On this surface the encroaching Muskeg Sea developed a carbonate bank fringed by coastal sabkhas in which gypsiferous deposits were formed | |
20 | ||1:《纽约时报》总结了这种蔓延的悲观情绪。||2:报告中写道,“悲观情绪”已经取代了“科学革命和工业革命必然带来进步的观点”。||3:除了这些词来自1979年发表的一篇文章。||4:当时,《纽约时报》担心,这种焦虑“源于人们越来越怀疑社会是否有能力控制看似失控的科技力量”。 | ||1:The New York Times sums up the encroaching gloom.||2:“A mood of pessimism”, it writes, has displaced “the idea of inevitable progress born in the scientific and industrial revolutions.”||3:Except those words are from an article published in 1979.||4:Back then the paper fretted that the anxiety was “fed by growing doubts about society’s ability to rein in the seemingly runaway forces of technology”. | |
21 | ||1:Viadeo同样也面临着来自竞争者的威胁。||2:目前处于盈利状态的Xing,已经摆脱了对外国风投的依赖,而且其2012年上任的新老板正在准备进行新一轮企业招聘。||3:而另一边,领英正在对法国和中国这两个市场进行入侵,而且自信自己一定能够成功。||4:领英表示,尽管它在法国的的会员数量不如VIadeo,但是流量更大;而且自从今年2月份中文版网站开启后,它已重振旗鼓,会员数量也在不断增长。 | ||1:Viadeo is also under threat from its rivals.||2:Profitable Xing, which had pulled back from foreign ventures, got a new boss in 2012, who is going after business recruitment.||3:LinkedIn, meanwhile, is encroaching on two markets that Viadeo hoped it had sewn up.||4:In France it has fewer members, but more traffic, it claims.And in China it has picked up steam and members since launching a Chinese-language site in February. | |
22 | 他们将岛屿、海床、沙滩的外围的倾斜度,岛屿和沙滩的距离,海啸的波长做了200种组合来实验观察。 | They then looked at 200 combinations of gradients for the sides of the island, the seabed and the beach; the distance between the island and the beach; and the wavelength of the encroaching tsunami. | |
23 | 他们开始再次往下移居,更临近河流并慢慢侵占洪水风险区域。 | they started creeping downhill again, closer to the river, and encroaching on the zone of flood risk. | |
24 | 惩罚性赔偿在我国侵权法领域的适用 | Application of punitive compensation in our country’s law-encroaching upon field | |
25 | 村村相连的水泥房和被海水侵蚀的农田; | encroaching farms and concrete houses from this village and others; | |
26 | 但是迄今为止,还没有任何两人对战的协议达成,而且年龄也是横亘于两人中间的障碍。 | But so far, no deal has been reached to get the two men to fight, and age is encroaching on both. | |
27 | 但又存在其他公司,通过开发了新的产品和服务,又渐渐侵入您的商业领域。 | Other companies, meanwhile, may have rolled out new products and services and begun encroaching on your territory. | |
28 | 对当事人涉嫌侵犯奥林匹克标志专有权活动的场所实施现场检查; | to the place that party is suspected of encroaching activity of Olympic mark patent rights executive spot checks; | |
29 | 对中心城区侵财类刑事案件的思考 | Consideration about the Criminal Case of Encroaching on Property in Midtown | |
30 | 环境侵权及其救济的法益分析 | An Analysis of Law Benefit on Environment Encroaching Right and Its Relieving |