属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN VDE 0105-7-1987
1 | 第三十七条 发生碰撞事故的船舶、设施,应当互通名称、国籍和登记港,并尽一切可能救助遇难人员。在不严重危及自身安全的情况下,当事船舶不得擅自离开事故现场。 | Article 37. Vessels or installations involved in a collision shall exchange their names, nationalities and ports of registry and do their best to rescue personnel in distress. The vessels involved may not leave the scene of the accident without authorization, insofar as their own safety is not seriously endangered . | |
2 | 电力设备的运行.对爆炸危险区的补充规定 | Operation of power installations; supplementary requirements for atmospheres endangered by potentially explosive material | |
3 | 毒气喷出来,危及了几百人的生命。 | Poison gas blew off and endangered the lives of hundreds of persons | |
4 | 而施瓦辛格的情况就不同了,他是共和党温和派的代表,而这一派有时被形容为濒危物种。 | Not so in Schwarzenegger’s case: he’s an example of what is sometimes described as an endangered species, the moderate Republican | |
5 | 非法捕杀珍贵、濒危野生动物 | illegally capture or kill rare and endangered species of wild animals | |
6 | 非法捕杀珍贵、濒危野生动物罪 | crime of illegal capture or killing of rare and endangered species of wild animals; illegal capture or killing of rare and endangered species of wild animals | |
7 | 非法猎捕、杀害国家重点保护的珍贵、濒危野生动物的,或者非法收购、运输、出售国家重点保护的珍贵、濒危野生动物及其制品的 | Those who illegally hunt and kill rare and endangered wild animals which are under the state key production plan or illegally purchase, transport or sell those rare and endangered wild animals and their manufactured products | |
8 | 各级人民政府对具有代表性的各种类型的自然生态系统区域,珍稀、濒危的野生动植物自然分布区域,重要的水源涵养区域 | The people’s governments at various levels shall take measures to protect regions representing various types of natural ecological systems, regions with a natural distribution of rare and endangered wild animals and plants, regions where major sources of water are conserved | |
9 | 关于惩治捕杀国家重点保护的珍贵、濒危野生动物犯罪的补充规定 | Supplementary Provisions on Cracking Down on the Crime of Killing Rare and Endangered Wildlife That are Selectively Under the State’s Protection | |
10 | 关于惩治破坏金融秩序犯罪的决定 | Supplementary Provisions on Cracking Down on the Crime of Killing Rare and Endangered Wildlife That are Selectively Under the State’s Protection | |
11 | 黑猩猩是濒于灭种的动物 | The chimpanzee is an endangered species | |
12 | 黑猩猩是濒于灭种的动物. | The chimpanzee is an endangered species. | |
13 | 很多哺乳类动物、鸟类、爬虫类和两栖类都是稀有甚至频危的,而且都受法例保护,所以不应收集它们做样本。 | No mammal, bird, reptile and amphibian should be collected from the field, as many of them are rare or endangered or prohibited by law from collection. | |
14 | 火灾危及这旅馆的住客,但没有人丧失生命。 | Fire endangered the hotel’s guests, but no lives were lost. | |
15 | 及时通报可能受到污染危害的单位和居民,并向当地环境保护行政主管部门和有关部门报告,接受调查处理。 | Make the situation known to such units and inhabitants as are likely to be endangered by such hazards, report the case to the competent department of environmental protection administration of the locality and the departments concerned and accept their investigation and decision. | |
16 | 检疫性有害生物是指对受威胁的地区具有潜在经济重要性、但尚未在该地区发生,或虽已发生但分布不广并进行官方防治的有害生物。 | Quarantine pest means a pest of potential economic importance to the area endangered thereby and not yet present there, or present but not widely distributed and being officially controlled. | |
17 | 讲述数量比大熊猫还少的珍稀动物双峰野骆驼的故事,呼吁人们关注野生动物的命运,关注自然环境。 | The book tells the story of the critically endangered species and promotes public awareness of wildlife preservation and environment protection. | |
18 | 进出口的树木或者其制品、衍生物属于中国参加的国际公约限制进出口的濒危物种的,并必须向国家濒危物种进出口管理机构申请办理允许进出口证明书 | In case that the imported and/or exported trees or their products and derivatives fall into the category of endangered species, the import and export of which is restricted by the international covenants that China has acceded to, it shall be necessary to file an application with the national administrative authorities in charge of the import and export of endangered species for a certificate of import and export permission | |
19 | 精装的图书--那思想永驻的象征,那从一个时代向下一时代传留的智慧--可以做为我们即将绝灭的物种名单上的一项新的补充。 | The hardcover book--that symbol of the permanence of thought, the handing down of wisdom from one age to the next--may be a new addition to our list of endangered species | |
20 | 科学家们认为北极面临着被污染的危险。 | Scientists think that the Arctic is endangered by pollution. | |
21 | 狼是危险的种类 | The wolf is an endangered species. | |
22 | 类人猿智力甚高,较其它现存的灵长类动物更接近人类。由于栖息地被破坏和人类的捕猎,许多类人猿已濒临绝种。 | Highly intelligent animals, apes are more closely related to humans than are any other living primates. As a result of habitat destruction and hunting, all the apes are now regarded as endangered . | |
23 | 联合国环境计划署发表的报告指明了l万1千多种遭到危害的动植物种类,其中包括1千多种哺乳动物,约占全球哺乳动物总数的l/4。 | The United Nations Environment Programme report identifies more than eleven thousand endangered animal and plant species, including more than a thousand mammals, a quarter of the world’s total. | |
24 | 露丝体内已经有癌细胞扩散,生命岌岌可危。 | Ruth’s life was endangered by cancerous cells at large in her body | |
25 | 芦芽山等18处国家级自然保护区在我国生物多样性保护等方面具有代表性和典型性,建立国家级自然保护区,进一步加强保护和管理,对于保护我国濒危物种资源,维护生态平衡,改善生态环境具有重要意义。 | The Luyashan Mountain National Nature Reserve and 17 other national nature reserves are representative and typical in the protection of biodiversity in China . Establishment of national nature reserves and further strengthening of protection and administration are of great significance in the protection of resources of the endangered species in China , keeping the balance of the ecosystems and improving the ecological environment. | |
26 | 美国田纳西大学的Dan Simberloff说,"几乎一半的濒危物种岌岌可危的处境都可归咎于这些入侵者。" | "Half of all endangered species can blame their shaky status on invaders. "" said Dan Simberloff of the University of Tennessee, US. " | |
27 | 目前,西藏有野生植物9600多种,被列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)和国家重点保护的野生珍稀、濒危植物39种。 | At present, there are over 9,600 wild plants in Tibet, 39 of which are listed in the Convention on International Trade in endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and are under special State protection as rare and endangered species | |
28 | 那些敌军逼近的地区的大区长们,也和他们持同样的立场。 | Some of the Gauleiters in the endangered areas shard their views | |
29 | 农民认为它们是害兽。种的数量已减少,有些种有灭绝的危险。 | Farmers consider them pests. All species have declined, and some are now endangered | |
30 | 如果老挝失去了它中立立场的独立,整个东南亚的安全将受到威胁。 | The security of all of southeast Asia will be endangered if laos loses its neutral independence |