1 | 请别把你的意愿强加给这孩子。 | Don’t enforce your will on the child, please. | |
2 | 人民法院认定执行该裁决违背社会公共利益的,裁定不予执行。 | A people’s court shall decide not to enforce an arbitration ruling which it deems contrary to social and public interests. | |
3 | 任何违法行为将不会因为此协议而免除责任,除非双方另有书面协议。 | Any failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver thereof or of any other provision except as set forth herein. | |
4 | 任何希望行使其可能享有的补偿权的受影响成员必须参加仲裁。 | Any affected Member that wishes to enforce a right that it may have to compensation must participate in the arbitration | |
5 | 如果公司仍然不愿关注健康问题,我们就应该采取惩罚性措施。 | If a company still fails to pay attention to health hazards, governments must enforce punitive procedures. | |
6 | 如汇票付款与第三者或按其指示付款而经发票人支付者,发票人可要求承兑人执行责任支付该汇票,但不可再发行该汇票 | where a bill payable to, or to the order of, a third party is paid by the drawer, the drawer may enforce payment thereof against the acceptor, but may not reissue the bill; | |
7 | 若本保险单项下负责的损失涉及其他责任方时,不论本公司是否已赔偿被保险人,被保险人应立即采取一切必要的措施行使或保留向该责任方索赔的权利。 | Where a third party shall be held responsible for the loss or damage covered under this Policy, the Insured shall, whether being indemnified by the Company or not, take all necessary measures to enforce or reserve the right of recovery against such third party | |
8 | 生产经营单位必须执行依法制定的保障安全生产的国家标准或者行业标准。 | The production and business operation entities must enforce the national standards and industrial standards that have been lawfully formulated for guaranteeing production safety. | |
9 | 是指债务人不履行其对债权人的到期债务,又不以诉讼方式或者仲裁方式向其债务人主张其享有的具有金钱给付内容的到期债权, | The obligor fails to render performance which is due to the obligee, and further, it has failed to enforce a creditor’s right which is due to it and which involves the payment of money against an obligor either through a suit in court or through arbitration, | |
10 | 说到这里我们必须记住,法律不单是一套行为规则,它也是明确责任和力促社会正义的手段。 | In this connection we must bear in mind that law is not simply a set of rules of conduct. It is also the means to impose responsibility and to enforce social justice. | |
11 | 他们带着城市观点去处理农村,主观地作出许多不适当的计划,强制施行,常常碰了壁。 | They approach rural affairs from an urban viewpoint and often run their heads against a brick wall because they draw up many inappropriate plans subjectively and enforce them arbitrarily | |
12 | 他们企图迫使人们同意他们的计划。 | They tried to enforce agreement with their plans. | |
13 | 他试图强行恢复罗马的土地和城市 | He attempted to enforce the restitution of the Roman lands and cities | |
14 | 他试图强行恢复罗马的土地和城市(乔治·P.R.詹姆士)。 | He attempted to enforce the restitution of the Roman lands and cities(George P.R.James. | |
15 | 它控制着周围环境,并且能够将道德义务强加于那些容易忽视它们的人。 | It manipulates the environment, and it is able to enforce moral duties on those who are inclined to disregard them. | |
16 | 它们之中的任何一方及所有各方均有权作为其代表援引该条款与条件并对您执行该条款与条件。 | Any and all of which will be entitled to invoke such terms and conditions on their behalf and enforce such terms and conditions against you. | |
17 | 通常我们总心不在焉,毫无目的地去看书:要求小说情节真实,要求诗歌内容虚构,要求传记阿谀奉承,要求历史能加深自己的偏见。 | Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. | |
18 | 威尼斯得以繁荣,是因为它利用海上势力来推行海上航行的自由。 | Venice prospered because it used its maritime power to enforce freedom of navigation. | |
19 | 为担保债务的支付而取得并保有担保物,以及就该担保物进行交换、强制执行、弃权和免除。 | Take and hold security for the payment of the Obligations guaranteed hereby, and exchange, enforce , waive and release any such security | |
20 | 卫生检疫官员在海港、空港和陆路口岸执行中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法和国际卫生条例的相关条款 | The health quarantine officials enforce relevant provisions of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of P. R. C, as well as the International Health Regulations at the seaport, airport and borders of China | |
21 | 我们都希望买卖双方愉快地履行合同,但是实际生活中,买卖双方也可能发生冲突。解决冲突的方法有四种:双方协商、由第三方调节、促裁和诉讼。 | We hope that the buyer and seller will enforce the contract joyfully, but in reality, conflicts might arise between them. There are four solutions: consultation between the two parties, mediation by a third party, arbitration and lawsuit. | |
22 | 新警长决定严厉执法。 | The new sheriff decided to enforce the law with rigour | |
23 | 新老师根本无法施行任何纪律。 | The new teacher totally failed to enforce any sort of discipline. | |
24 | 要清理和禁止多头开户,对有偷逃税行为的业户,各金融单位要按照国家法律规定积极协助税务机关检查其存款帐户,提供有关情况,并依法及时采取税收保全措施和强制执行措施。 | they should clear up and prohibit multiple opening of accounts. With respect to the business households that commit acts of tax evasion, all financial units should, pursuant to the provisions of the state laws, actively assist tax organs in the inspection of their deposit accounts, provide relevant information and take timely measures to secure the taxation and enforce measures of forcible execution according to law. | |
25 | 一个明智的政府明白如何通过调和来加强或以威严来安抚 | A wise government knows how to enforce with temper or to conciliate with dignity | |
26 | 一个绶带军官在外执行命令已不再是一个人,而变成了冷酷无情的法律的化身。 | He saw before him an officer delegated to enforce the law, and perfectly well knew that it would be as unavailing to seek pity from a magistrate decked with his official scarf, as to address a petition to some cold marble effigy | |
27 | 因为不尊重他人权利而强行一己之言论自由的本身即系粗暴而专断之行为 | To enforce freedom of speech in disregard of the rights of others would be harsh and arbitrary in itself. | |
28 | 因为衡平法可以直接作用于人,它能够以罚金和监禁的惩罚迫使受托人履行自己的信托义务,同时,能够承认受托人的合法的所有权。 | Since equity acted upon the person, it was able to enforce the trustee’s fiduciary duties by its sanctions of fine and imprisonment while at the same time recognizing the legal ownership of the trustee. | |
29 | 有警方管执法。 | The police are there to enforce the law. | |
30 | 在公约中有很多条款责成缔约国成员采取适当的措施贯彻执行公约的规定,包括防止和惩罚违反公约的行为的措施。 | A number of articles in the Convention oblige Parties to take appropriate measures to implement and enforce its provisions, including measures to prevent and punish conduct in contravention of the Convention. |