1 | 随着我国经济方面各项法律制度的进一步建立健全,国民在经济问题上的法律意识有了比较明显的提高 | With the further advancement and perfection of the overall legal system in the economic sector of our country, our people’ s legal sense of economic issues has obviously been enhanced . | |
2 | 他们试图把公民们现在享受到的更多的闲暇时间,都计算进去。 | They try to allow for enhanced leisure enjoyed by the citizenry | |
3 | 它们的口和鼻的尾端隆起,在鼻子下面形成一个巨大的门腔,这就意味着这种鳄鱼有着超强的嗅觉以及非同一般的叫声。 | The swollen end of the snout houses an enormous cavity under the nostrils, meaning this croc may have had an enhanced sense of smell and a most unusual call | |
4 | 提高高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)瓶在家庭应用和工业化学品应用中的耐应力开裂性能。 | Enhanced stress-crack resistance of high density polyethylene (HDPE)bottles used for household and industrial chemicals. | |
5 | 提高警惕的结果,使我们成功的瓦解了新加坡、欧洲和美国的一些恐怖组织细胞。 | This enhanced vigilance has yielded results, breaking up terrorist cells from Singapore to Europe to the United States | |
6 | 通关作业改革今年1月1日起在中国海关全面推广,不仅强化了通关各环节的监督制约,而且提高了通关效率。 | China Customs launched the nationwide clearance reform on January 1, 2001, which has not only reinforced the inter-conditioning between various segments of the clearance procedure, but also enhanced clearance efficacy | |
7 | 通过引入适合生物分析用的仪器,离子色谱的应用范围已从无机系统扩展到了氨基酸及其它生物系统,从而加强了离子色谱的普及。 | The popularity of IC has been enhanced through extending its applicability from inorganic systems to amino acids and other biological systems by the introduction of biocompatible instruments. | |
8 | 通过与微软、太阳计算机、网景、甲骨文、UGS、康柏及其它全球性的IT及咨询公司结成商业、技术和战略上的联盟,TCS提高了自己的实力,成为本行业最具活力的企业之一。 | TCS’ capabilities and offerings are enhanced by its business, technical and strategic alliances with various global IT and consulting companies who include Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Netscape, Oracle, Unigraphics and Compaq, among several others,is considered as one of the most dynamic companies in its sector | |
9 | 图11-12为平扫CT和强化后CT。常规CT和MR检查仅可见皮层下动脉硬化性脑病,CT灌注图像可见明显的脑局部血流缓慢。 | Pictures 11–12 are horizontal CT image and enhanced CT image. Routine CT and MR examinations can only detect infracortical cerebral arteriosclerosis, whereas CT perfusion mapping images can detect evident slowed down cerebral focal blood flow | |
10 | 未来学家伊恩·皮尔逊看到了智能计算机和生物技术之间的一个会聚点--计算机植人晶片和增强智能的技术的出现。 | futurist Ian Pearson sees a convergence between intelligent computers and biotechnology, the advent of implanted chips and enhanced intelligence | |
11 | 我们的隔膜可提供更高的设计灵活性和更佳的产品性能,以期为混合电动车锂离子电池提供更好的经济效益。 | Our separators offer broader design flexibility with enhanced performance target to capture cost benefits of LIB HEV. | |
12 | 我在镇上的名声自然提高了我在工作地方的名声,我的工作日也成了一长串杂技表演,都是设计出来不让我惹麻烦的。 | My reputation in town naturally enhanced my reputation at work and my working day became one long series of acrobatics designed to keep me out of trouble | |
13 | 武器装备管理能力明显增强。 | weaponry and equipment management capability has been notably enhanced | |
14 | 希腊雅典雅典的交通和基础设施的状况的确得到了改善。它所承担的奥运场馆的建设工程也使当地工人的劳动技能得到提高。 | Greece has certainly improved its transport infrastructure and facilities in Athens. And the complex construction projects it undertook for the Olympics have enhanced the sk ills of the local workforce. | |
15 | 新的电影制作方法,如宽银幕,彩色影片和改进的音响等,已加强了电影的真实感和娱乐效果。 | Modern methods of moviemaking, such as the wide screen, color film, and improved sound, have enhanced realism and audience enjoyment | |
16 | 新的连续换档和改进的减震器从最低的活塞速度范围开始协调,产生阻尼力,帮助体验顺畅换档,根据驾驶者的意愿迅速的作出反应。 | New sequential shifting and the enhanced shock absorbers which were tuned to generate damping force starting from an ultra-low piston speed range helps to realise a smooth shifting feeling, along with a driving response that is perfectly in sync with the | |
17 | 学术研究能力的增强将突出本市作为高科技产业中心的地位并确保其在创新与发展方面居于领先水平。 | Enhanced academic research capacity will augment the city’s prominence as a hub for the high-tech industry and ensure its role as a leader in innovation and progress. | |
18 | 亚洲及太平洋加强区域合作管制药物滥用东京宣 | Tokyo Declaration on Enhanced Regional Cooperation for Drug Abuse Control in Asia and the Pacific | |
19 | 一次重大的转变:书面文件提高了透明度和可靠性 | A Major Shift: Transparency and Accountability Enhanced by Written Statements | |
20 | 一方面,你的生活因为梦想和渴望而更加精彩。 | On one hand, your life is enhanced by your dreams and aspirations. | |
21 | 应该控制这里列出的有关加热的任何促进蒸气提取的方法,防止容器暴露于125°F以上的温度。 | Any enhanced vapor withdrawal method listed here that involves heating should be controlled to prevent exposure of the container to temperatures exceeding 125°F. | |
22 | 有着皇室血统的梭伦是个成功的商人,由于棱伦率军从麦加拉人手中收复了萨拉米斯岛,他很快便成为杰出人物。他的政治诗篇立场鲜明,维护穷人利益,从而使他I赢得了公众的普遍支持。 | Of royal descent and also a successful merchant, solon had recently distinguished himself by recapturing the island of Salamis from the Megarians, and his sharp political verse in defence of the poor had enhanced his popular appeal | |
23 | 月光使这景色更加美丽。 | The moonlight enhanced the beauty of the scene | |
24 | 在加入较高比例的条件下,Exxelor改性剂可以改进聚酰胺共混物的低温延展性(低至-40℃),同时保持良好的耐热性。 | At higher levels, Exxelor modifiers can provide enhanced ductility in polyamide blends at low temperatures (down to-40°C)while maintaining good heat resistance. | |
25 | 增强CT扫描中经静脉注入的对比剂,其药代动力学改变与示踪剂类似,因此这种方法也可用于动态CT的研究。 | The pharmacokinetic change of the contrast agent injected into a vein during the enhanced CT scanning is similar with that of the tracer agent, therefore this method can also be employed for the studies of dynamic CT. | |
26 | 这对加强中英人民的文化交流和友谊,推进科技和思想进步产生了积极的作用和影响。 | This has played a positive role in and exerted a sound influence on enhanced cultural exchanges and friendship between the Chinese and British people and progress in science and technology as well as in thinking. | |
27 | 这款轿车把动感设计、增强的舒适性以及创新技术集合在一起。 | A passion for dynamic design, enhanced comfort and innovative technology in equal measure. | |
28 | 这些特大的衣服给人一种容易穿着的感觉,采用轻薄面料更增强了这种感觉。 | These oversized garments had an easy-to-wear look and feel that was enhanced by new lightweight fabrics. | |
29 | 这些性质对生物补救和增加石油的回收(EOR)尤其重要。 | These properties are especially important in bioremediation, and enhanced oil recovery (EOR). | |
30 | 这种探测器有更高的敏感度,因而要求它用于背景辐射水平低的地区。 | The enhanced sensitivity of this detector requires that it be used in areas with low levels of background radiation. |