1 | …她眼睛瞪得圆圆的,并且还不知不觉地冲着他嫣然一笑。 | …her eyes enlarged , and she involuntarily smiled in his face. | |
2 | 1996年10月16日因低热2周在门诊检查颈淋巴结不大。心肺未见异常,腹软肝脾未及。 | On October 16, 1996 he had low grade fever for two weeks, after examination, no enlarged lymph nodes. Heart and lungs were normal. Liver and spleen were not palpable. | |
3 | 被放大的东西;放大的艺术作品、图像或者是模型 | Something that has been magnified; an enlarged representation, image, or model. | |
4 | 本彩扩图片社,影印清晰,交货迅速,收费低廉,敬请光临。 | Pictures or photographs developed, printed and enlarged in our studio are very clear, and we make prompt delivery and charge low fees. Your patronage is always welcome. | |
5 | 壁画式照片,(装饰性)大幅照片挂在墙上、特别是用来装饰的一张放大照片或一系列照片 | A greatly enlarged photograph or series of photographs placed on a wall especially as decoration. | |
6 | 并发症包括:脓疮、肾炎和风湿热。扁桃腺可形成慢性炎症及肥大,需手术切除(扁桃腺切除)。 | Complications may include abscess, nephritis, and rheumatic fever. Tonsils that become chronically inflamed and enlarged require surgical removal (tonsillectomy). | |
7 | 病例C:病人嗜睡并且肝脏变大。肝脏活组织检测显示有大量的过剩肝糖原。同时她的血糖浓度偏低。为什么该病人的血糖偏低? | Case C The patient is lethargic and her liver is enlarged . A liver biopsy shows large amounts of excess glycogen. She also has lower than normal blood glucose. Why does the patient have low blood glucose? | |
8 | 勃朗的技术被美国发明家伊利?惠特尼和其它人改进及扩大,他们在为美国陆军大量生产军火时使用模具和夹具。 | Blanc’s techniques were adopted and enlarged in the U.S. by Eli Whitney and others, who used templates (tool-guiding patterns)and fixtures-the antecedents of today’s tools and dies-to mass-produce firearms for the U.S. Army. | |
9 | 勃起的身体某一器官或部位由于周围勃起组织充血而变硬、膨胀的状态,特别指阴茎或阴蒂的这种状态 | The firm and enlarged condition of a body organ or part when the erectile tissue surrounding it becomes filled with blood,especially such a condition of the penis or clitoris. | |
10 | 采用自制TPABr为模板剂,硅溶胶为硅源,TBOT为钛源,正丁胺为碱源,合成了钛硅分子筛TS-1,制备重复性良好,并实现了逐步放大。 | The synthesis of titanium silicalite TS-1 using self-made TPABr as the template, silica colloidal as the silica source, n-Butylamine as the base, TBOT as the titanium source was enlarged step by step. | |
11 | 长有很多小花的扩大的地方,如在菊科植物的花头中,例如雏菊. | The enlarged area bearing numerous tiny flowers, as in the flower head of composite plants, such as the daisy. | |
12 | 成功的投资增加了他的个人财产。 | The successful investment enlarged his personal fortune | |
13 | 唇瓣通常增大了的兰花花瓣 | The often enlarged petal of an orchid flower. | |
14 | 大头羽裂的具有一扩大的末端裂片和较小侧裂片的羽状分叶 | Having a pinnately divided leaf with an enlarged terminal lobe and smaller lateral lobes. | |
15 | 德意志国王奥托一世在位时,大为扩张帝国版图,继而掌控他的盟友,所以有时被视为神圣罗马帝国的开端时期。 | The reign of the German Otto I (the Great), who greatly enlarged the empire and revived the imperial title after Carolingian decline, is sometimes regarded as the beginning of the empire. | |
16 | 独特的燃烧室设计和汽缸工作容量的增大,以及OHV发动机优良的燃油消耗率性能,使新型GM系列发动机比同类型OHV发动机具有更大的输出功率. | The uniquely designed combustion chamber, enlarged cylinder working capacity, and excellent fuel consumption rate have contributed to a larger power output of GM series compared with OHV motors . | |
17 | 发生水肿可以引起身体的某些部位如腿或手臂变得粗大,这种症状称作象皮病。 | The resulting edema may cause portions of the body, such as the legs or arms, to become grossly enlarged , a condition known as elephantiasis | |
18 | 凡是能够以长远的眼光看待新宪法的人都看得出,不采纳新宪法,联邦便会四分五裂,这是再清楚不过的了。 | For nothing can be more evident to those who are able to take an enlarged view of the subject than the alternative of an adoption of the new Constitution or a dismemberment of the Union. | |
19 | 方案和协调扩大委员会闭会期间工作组 | Inter-Sessional Working Group of the Enlarged Committee for Programme and Coordination | |
20 | 肥厚多汁的叶子,迅速扩大成为畸形叶。 | The thick, fleshy leaves are greatly enlarged and malformed | |
21 | 该报将于9月1日起扩版,由目前的16版增至24版 | The newspaper will be enlarged to 24 pages from the present 16 as of September 1 st | |
22 | 肝下缘在右肋缘下2厘米可触及,脾未触及,肠鸣音正常 | The liver was enlarged with its lower edge2cm below the right costal margin. The spleen was not felt. The peristaltic sound was normal. | |
23 | 肝下缘在右肋缘下2厘米可触及。脾未触及。肠鸣音正。 | The liver was enlarged with its lower edge 2cm below the right costal margin. The spleen was not felt. The peristaltic sound was normal. | |
24 | 公元前54年克拉苏掠夺圣殿宝物。犹太国王希律重修并扩建了圣殿,耗时四十六年之久。 | In 54 BC Marcus Licinius Crassus plundered the Temple. It was rebuilt and enlarged by Herod the Great; construction lasted 46 years. | |
25 | 国王们想把自己提升到神那样的位置上,于是一代一代的国王不断地扩建,所以它就越建越大。 | And the kings wanted to elevate themselves to a godlike status and progressive kings enlarged upon it. | |
26 | 后来,转出大别山,以后到了豫西,成立扩大的中原局和中原军区。 | Later we moved out of the Dabie Mountains and reached western Henan, where we established the enlarged Central Plains Bureau and the Central Plains Military Command. | |
27 | 家养动物有些构造因常用而加强和增大了。 | Use in our domestic animals has strengthened and enlarged certain parts. | |
28 | 甲状腺组织的功能正常,但其体积亦增大,原因未明。此外,另有一个类型的甲状腺肿,可产生过量的甲状腺激素。 | The cause of sporadic goitre, which occurs in areas where iodine intake is more than adequate, remains a mystery. An enlarged thyroid may have normally functioning tissue or may produce too much hormone (hyperthyroidism). | |
29 | 将(螺钉或螺栓)旋入埋头孔中. | Insert(a screw or bolt)into such an enlarged hole | |
30 | 教授就这个题目详述自己的见解。 | The professor enlarged on (or upon)this subject. |