属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-塞勒斯圆筒 外交漩涡
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-汇集于集市 Gathered in the marke
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-国会与总统 对峙
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-委内瑞拉进入经济紧急状态 奥巴马或越权
1 | 被束缚的受奴役的;被征服的 | Held in bondage;enslaved . | |
2 | 表演这类舞蹈的伎工被鄙视为杂户、贱民,而处于被奴役、受压迫的地位。 | The performers (called "Jigong")of such dances were regarded as the lower class and even enslaved by the upper class. | |
3 | 当地人民变成了侵略者的奴隶。 | The local people were enslaved to the foreign aggressors | |
4 | 帝国主义奴役中国人民的时代已经一去不复返了。 | Gone forever are the days when the imperialists enslaved the Chinese people | |
5 | 俘虏被武力监禁、制服或奴役的囚徒,如战俘 | One,such as a prisoner of war,that is forcibly confined,subjugated,or enslaved . | |
6 | 改不掉坏习惯 | be enslaved to a bad habit | |
7 | 跟着他反倒仿佛加倍警醒起来似的,象一个身受奴役而卑贱、形遭戕贼而短小的天神一样。 | He then seemed to be doubly awake, like an enslaved and dwarfed divinity | |
8 | 古英格兰的那些声名显赫的幽灵们,把这支没有防御能力,却宁死而不愿被奴役的队伍吸收到你们中间去吧。 | Illustrious shades of Old England, draw into your midst a defenceless army which chose to die rather than be enslaved | |
9 | 唤起"不愿作奴隶的人们"的爱国情感。 | These aroused a feeling of patriotism among the common people who did not want to be enslaved . | |
10 | 她的美貌倾倒了很多青年男子. | Her beauty enslaved many young men. | |
11 | 她是个摆脱不了坏习惯的女孩。 | She is the girl enslaved to bad habits | |
12 | 可是他对此却有一点冷漠,从来没有使她感觉到他在受自己外貌的奴役。 | And yet there was an aloofness about him, a way he had of making her feel he had never been enslaved by his beauty | |
13 | 囚禁(期)被监禁、限制或奴役的状态或时间 | The state or period of being imprisoned,confined,or enslaved . | |
14 | 人的灵魂永远不能被征服---除非自身变得脆弱;也永远不能得解放---除非自身充满决心和力量,以及不稍亏的目光和无以复加的努力! | The soul of man can never be enslaved Save by its own infirmities, nor freed Save by its very strength and own resolve And constant vision and supreme endeavor! | |
15 | 梭伦首先解除了债务奴隶,废除允许奴隶的法律;限制土地的吞并,允许来雅典经商的外国人成为雅典公民。 | First he freed enslaved debtors and abolished the law permitting their enslavement, restricted the accumulation of land, and promised citizenship to aliens who brought their trades to Athens | |
16 | 他沉湎于饮酒。 | Ha was enslaved to drink | |
17 | 他沉溺于酒。 | He was enslaved to drinking. | |
18 | 他成为迷信的奴隶。 | He was enslaved to superstition. | |
19 | 他们不甘心受奴役而起来斗争了。 | They refused to be enslaved and rose in straggle. | |
20 | 他们绝不甘心不经过斗争就被征服和沦为奴隶。 | They would not be conquered and enslaved without a struggle | |
21 | 他遭奴役和虐待。 | He was enslaved and ill treated. | |
22 | 在这场大战中,我们会有被希特勒式独裁者所奴役的欧洲和美洲人民、包括德国人民做我们的忠心盟友。 | In this great war we shall have loyal allies in the peoples of Europe and America, including German people who are enslaved by Hitlerite despots | |
23 | 自由的不受监禁或奴役的;自由的 | Not imprisoned or enslaved ;being at liberty. | |
24 | ||1:居鲁士大帝统治下的波斯帝国成为前所未见的大国,吞并了众多部落、语言和文化,幅员广阔。||2:这支塞勒斯圆筒一度躺在古代巴比伦(即现在的伊拉克)的建筑物脚下,叙述着皇帝谋求迅速向外扩张的雄心壮志:祖辈们俘获的奴隶们应该被允许回归故土,他们信奉的神祇挪回原位供信徒自由膜拜。||3:圣经上说,原先犹太人被流放后,在纪念锡安圣地的日子涉过巴比伦河,此时获准返回耶路撒冷,重建寺庙。 | ||1:Under Cyrus the Persian empire became the largest kingdom the world had ever seen, unifying many tribes, languages and cultures, and stretching across vast distances.||2:The cylinder, which had been placed at the base of a building in ancient Babylon (now modern Iraq) proclaimed Cyrus’s ambitions for his rapidly expanding domain: that those people who had been captured and enslaved by his predecessors should be allowed to go back to their homes and the statues of their different gods returned to their original shrines to be freely worshipped.||3:The exiled Jews, who wept by the waters of Babylon when they remembered Zion, the Bible says, could return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple. | |
25 | ||1:书中研究细致,叙述令人耳目一新,提供了大量供读者欣赏和思考的素材。||2:但是也存在一些有待斟酌之处。||3:本书作者略有偏袒如Atkins Hamerton船长一类的英国人,对阿拉伯探险者态度过于决绝,而对非洲奴隶表现出了明显的同情,对更远的探索也没什么兴趣可言。||4:奴隶们为何种民族?他们有着怎样的遭遇?史实文件也许不够详实,但是从遗传学、语言学和考古学的角度,更进一步的了解也许意义重大。 | ||1:There is much to enjoy and reflect upon in this carefully researched and briskly told account.||2:Some quibbles remain.||3:The author has a bias towards the stories of resolute Britons like Captain Atkins Hamerton over Arab adventurers.And while he clearly feels for the enslaved Africans, he shows little curiosity to explore further.||4:Which peoples were the slaves from? What became of them? The documentation may be insufficient, but whether through genetics, linguistics or archaeology it is important to know more. | |
26 | ||1:新的参议院将不得不审视总统的任期。||2:最压抑的地方就是新司法部长。||3:总统已经任命林奇联邦检察官接任艾瑞克·霍尔德。||4:林奇女士,拥有哈佛法学学位,完全能够胜任此职。||5:她家世值得称赞:她的曾曾曾祖父是一名自由黑人,和一名奴隶相爱,但因无法帮爱人赎身,就再次成为奴隶,最后共结连理。||6:林奇女士的祖父是一位牧师,曾帮助黑人逃脱组织性极强的黑人州。||7:这些都可视其为最佳人选,但是她的提名听证会极有可能会陷入移民争辩中。||8:总统一再强调利用自己的管理权限放缓对非法移民的驱逐行动——尽管他还没展现他的权利到底还有多大。||9:议员泰德·科鲁兹和犹他州的麦克·李已经许诺将逼迫他提名,不管这样的举动是否违法。 | ||1:The new Senate will have to vet the president’s appointments.||2:The most pressing of these is a new attorney-general.||3:The president has nominated Loretta Lynch, a federal prosecutor, to take over from Eric Holder.||4:Ms Lynch, who has a Harvard law degree, is well qualified for the job.||5:She also has a remarkable family story: her great-great-grandfather, a free black, fell in love with a slave and, unable to buy her freedom, became enslaved again so he could marry her.||6:Ms Lynch’s grandfather, a pastor, helped blacks escape from the organised racism of Jim Crow states.||7:These qualifications should see her confirmed, but her nomination hearing is likely to get caught up in a fight over immigration.||8:The president has repeated a threat to use his executive power to slow the deportation of illegal immigrants—though he has yet to reveal how exactly he will do this.||9:Senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah have promised to press his nominee on whether such a move would be legal. | |
27 | 但是,这一过程会占用很少的时间;央行不想似乎过于受制于市场。 | But the process would take a little time; central banks will not want to appear too enslaved to the markets. | |
28 | 联合国称伊斯兰国(Islamic State)在伊拉克挟持了3500人作为奴隶。他们当中大多数是来自雅兹迪(Yazidi)少数民族群体的妇女和儿童。美国国防部长阿什顿·卡特(Ashton Carter)于巴黎表示,美国与其他六国将加强对极端组织伊斯兰国在伊拉克和叙利亚地区的军事打击。 | The UN said that Islamic State has enslaved as many as 3,500 people in Iraq. Most of these are women and children from the minority Yazidi community. Speaking in Paris, America’s defence secretary, Ashton Carter, said America and six other countries were stepping up their military campaign against IS in Iraq and Syria. | |
29 | 6因为知道我们的旧人和他同钉十字架,使罪身灭绝,叫我们不再作罪的奴仆。 | 6 We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be destroyed, and we might no longer be enslaved to sin. | |
30 | 安鲁那奇人使人类着迷,因为他们存在于人类文化的记忆当中,现在仍然是具有魅力的东西----那些曾经奴役人类的巨人。 | The Annunaki have fascinated mankind, and are still a fascination as they are in human cultural memory - those giants who enslaved mankind. |