属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-密码术 量子之慰
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-密码术 量子之慰
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-鸟类的磁性感知能力 禽类新发现
1 | 通过这种方式,艾莉斯和鲍伯能够共享一个在卫星上产生的,缠结光子对组成的密钥。 | In this way Alice and Bob can share a key made of entangled photon pairs generated on a satellite. | |
2 | 一个更复杂的卫星方法是运用混杂在一起的光子对。塞林格博士和林博士所领导的两个团队一直专攻于这个方向。 | An alternative, but more involved, satellite method is to use entangled photon pairs. Both Dr Zeilinger’s and Dr Ling’s teams have been trying this. | |
3 | 因为自由基中的那些不成对电子最初存在于分裂成为自由基分子之中,量子力学规定这些电子依然是绞缠的。 | Moreover, because the unpaired electrons in the free radicals were originally paired in the molecule that split to form the radicals, quantum mechanics dictates that these electrons remain entangled . | |
4 | B超诊断脐带绕颈的价值 | Evaluation of B-mode Ultrasound in Diagnosis of Entangled Neck of Fetal Umbilical Cord | |
5 | DiCarlo能让量位互扰一微秒,据他说这已经是最领先的水平了。 | DiCarlo was able to keep the qubits entangled for a microsecond, which is the state of the art, he says. | |
6 | GHZ类态原子体系与Fock态光场相互作用的动力学 | Dynamical of entangled atoms in GHZ states interacting with the Fock state field | |
7 | 白暨豚与渔民争夺食物,结果常常被困渔网之中。 | Baiji competed with fishermen for food, and were often entangled in nets. | |
8 | 不要和已婚男人搅在一起,不管他多么有魅力——不然会让你以泪洗面。 | Don’t get entangled with a married man no matter how attractive he is - it will end in your tears. | |
9 | 此外,资本流动越来越与中国盯住汇率制引发的全球紧张局势纠结在一起。 | Moreover, capital flows are increasingly entangled with global tensions over China’s exchange rate peg. | |
10 | 大鱼被我撒在湖里的网给网住了。 | The big fish was entangled in the nets I cast in the lake. |